
Rosario + Vampire: Hidden Beast

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

The Strength Of Vampires

"She must have been taken here." Inne Eli said to himself as he examined the massive building in the city of the town from a nearby roof top and he was about to get closer when his sensitive ears picked up a trembling voice far above him.

"Somebody help me!" He heard Mizore scream and a level of anger he had never felt before filled him as he launched off of the roof with enough force to destroy it. Mizore saw a small pair of crimson dots becoming bigger as they quickly closed in on the window and time seemed to slow for her and Miyabi as Eli burst through the glass until he planted both of his feet on Miyabi's face, sending him crashing through the wall. Her eyes widened when she saw the dark electricity sparking wildly around his holy lock before he suddenly lept through the hole in the wall and Miyabi managed to catch Eli's fist at the last second. He instantly grabbed Eli's leg when he tried to spinkick him and threw him into the floor before stomping his chest, causing it to cave in.

"What was that?!" Tsukune asked when they felt the ground shake as they were trying to force the ceremony to stop and moments later Inner Eli and Miyabi broke through the wall next to them, "What's going on?!"

"This boy has quite the attitude doesn't he?" Miyabi asked as he slammed Eli's head into the ground and started to walk towards the group before Eli slowly got to his feet with a shadow over his eyes, "You're a tough one. I was certain I crushed your skull just now."

"I'll kill you..." Eli told him as his demonic energy became terrifyingly dark and Miyabi began to laugh until Eli slammed his fist into his jaw, sending him flying through the wall and into the ceremony room. Eli vaulted over the hole in the wall but Miyabi was nowhere to be seen and he yelled in frustration.

"Brother?" Eli heard as he calmed down and looked to his left to see Cocoa, Ruby and Moka staring at him with wide eyes but knew it wasn't them he heard, "It's been such a long time!"

"Karua?" Eli asked after he processed who he was seeing and she gave him a smile before she suddenly hugged him, "Why are you here?"

"I'm acting as the 'Organization's' Goodwill Ambassador! Would you mind cooperating with us?!" Kahlua asked happily as she let him go and he gave her a confused look, "Look our negotiation partner is here to! Please come in Snow Priestess!"

"Snow Priestess?" Ruby asked as the doors opened and their eyes widened when the saw her restrained I'm a wheelchair, "What have you done to her?!"

"Did you have something to do with her taking Mizore?" Eli asked in a cold tone and Kahlua nodded happily until his demonic energy washed over her. They were both caught off guard when Kurumu and Mizore broke though the stained glass above them and began to attack the men in black suits that had brought in the Snow Priestess. Kahlua immediately shoved her hand through Eli's stomach and he coughed up blood as he gasped. She gave him a kind smile until he suddenly grabbed her by the throat and she felt her lungs begin to burn from the lack of oxygen as he squeezed tighter before she forcefully pulled her arm out of him, making him let go and he stumbled back a few steps.

"Back off!" Inner Moka yelled as she kicked Kahlua in the face, sending her tumbling along the floor and she quickly caught Eli as his knees gave out on him, "You've done enough Brother so just rest here."

"Since when do you call me Brother?" Eli chuckled before he winced in pain and Moka shook her head with a small smile as she laid him on his back.

"This is amazing! Sister has reawakened and Brother is back. Even Father will be happy! Should I end this fight and allow you to escape?" Kahlua asked herself before her eyes seemed to darken, "No that is different than my job. I must kill you all."

"All of you get away from here!" Moka yelled as Kahlua removed the rosary on her ear and they all watched as her arm became several wing-like blades. Kahlua swung them at high speed but only managed to hit Moka's after image and while they were fighting Eli motioned for Kurumu to come to him.

"Coming!" Kurumu said as she quickly sprinted to his side and when she saw the look in Eli's eyes she immediately knew what he wanted. She bit cut palm with claws and clenched her fist over Eli's mouth, giving him more than enough to regain some of his strength and restore his healing ability.

"Moka!" Tsukune screamed as several of Kahlua's blades went through her body and, in the blink of an eye, Eli kicked her in the chest, making her get away from Moka.

"Together?" Eli asked her as Kahlua gave them a blank stare and Moka nodded with a small smile before they both dashed towards her. Everyone watched in awe when Kahlua was forced on the defensive as Eli and Moka mirrored each other perfectly with nonstop attacks until Kahlua suddenly swung the blades at them. They narrowly dodged the attack before slamming their palms into Kahlua's stomach in unison and everyone heard the sound of her organs being torn open. She ignored the attack and instantly swung at them again with a sadness in her eyes. Their eyes widened when attack was suddenly stopped by someone's arm and they looked up to see that Miyabi had prevented her from hitting them.

"That's enough Kahlua." Miyabi told her in a calm voice and Eli glared at him but knew he didn't have the strength to fight him anymore, "I didn't give you an order to kill them so you can stand down. As for you two just know I didn't save you. I simply kept Kahlua from getting any further in order to prevent her from being killed when she calmed down."

"This isn't over between us." Eli told him in a cold tone and Miyabi grinned at him until a helicopter hovered next to a nearby balcony. They watched as they flew away before Eli began to fall backwards as his lack of stamina finally kicked in and Moka quickly caught him as he returned to normal.