
Rosario + Vampire: Hidden Beast

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

The Public Safety Committee

"I guess when you have two of the most popular girls in school handing out the papers they go pretty fast huh?" Eli said as he watched the stack of newspapers dwindle and Tsukune laughed at how excited the girls seemed before a group dressed in black uniforms began to walk towards them, "Well that doesn't seem good."

"Hello. I am Kuyou and I'm the president of the public security committee. I'm pleased to make your acquaintance." Kuyou explained as he gave a them a strange smile that neither of them liked and when Moka tried to return the greeting both Gin and Eli stepped im front of her, "So your the newspaper club? Your work is good but who gave you permission to hand these out?"

"What are you doing?!" Eli yelled as he tried to stopp Kuyou from kicking the table over but his arm was suddenly wrapped in a web-like substance, "The hell is this sticky stuff?!"

"I see the newspaper club is still filled with lowlifes." A girl with black hair said as she got in Eli's face and smiled wickedly, "You even have an untamed beast now."

"Keep in mind that if you ever do this again then you won't get off so easily." Kuyou said as they walked away and Eli immediately tore the webbing off of his wrist. They gathered up as many of the newspapers as the could and left the area with a bad mood washing over them.

"What's with those guys?!" Kurumu asked as they sat at one of the many tables the school had around the campus and Eli leaned against the nearby tree with a glare on his face, "How can they just come in and do something like that?!"

"The public safety committee has become corrupt and they act more like a Yakuza group now." Gin explained as a sad look filled his eyes, "There's nothing we can do but give in and burn the papers."

"How can we just burn the papers that took us forever to make and we already handed out half of them!" Tsukune yelled as he slammed his hands on the table and Eli clenched his jaw so he wouldn't say anything he would regret, "How can you say something like that?!"

"I'll just pass them out myself then!" Kurumu said as Gin left and she snatched the box of newspapers off of the table, "I refuse to burn these after everything we went through!"

"Kurumu please calm down." Moka told her in a calm tone and she just huffed before dragging Tsukune away to help her. Eli watched them leave before he hit the tree, causing a hole in its side but was otherwise silent.

"I have a bad feeling for some reason." Eli said after a few minutes and they quickly went to find Kurumu and Tsukune. Moka and Yukari had learned that Eli was normally right about things like this and knew that if he thought something was going on then there probably was.

"Prepare yourself to be drained of-" Keito told Tsukune before she saw a foot coming towards her face and Eli kicked her off of him with enough force to cause her to roll along the dirt, "Who the hell are you?!"

"Eli!" Moka yelled as she dove in front of him and a web tightly wrapped around her wrist. Keito charged towards them with one of her legs raised and swung it at Moke but Tsukune dove in front of her, causing her to slash his back and free him from the web, "No!"

"Kurumu!" Eli yelled as he held his arm out and she quickly snatched the white cross off as Inner Mkka was set free. Neither of them said a word as they delivered fierce kicks to Keito's face and making her stumble back.

"How dare you do that to Tsukune!" Both of them said in angered filled voices and Keito began to back away from them in fear. She opened her mouth to say something but Eli immediately punched her head into the dirt, knocking her unconscious instantly. After they got their things together they quickly got to the club room only to be scolded by Gin for starting a fight with the committee before the door was suddenly shoved open and several members of the committee, including Kuyou, marched in.

"Moka Akashiya and Eli Yoichi you are to come with us under the charges of assaulting a committee member!" Kuyou demanded as they surrounded the two and when Tsukune protested they surrounded him as well, "You're coming to Tsukune Aono under the charges of being a human!"

"A human?!" Gin and Kurumu asked as the light in Eli, Moka and Tsukune's eyes disappeared in shock and they were dragged out of the room by force.