
Rosario + Vampire: Hidden Beast

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

The Festival Continues!

"I actually have three siblings." Moka explained after Tsukune asked about her family and he was relieved to hear that before they noticed that Eli seemed to be spaced out, "Are you okay Eli? You've been acting strange after the fight yesterday."

"I'm fine." Eli told her as he snapped back to reality but he knew they weren't going to buy that and he sighed while rubbing the back of his head, "I've just been thinking about what Eliam said. If he wasn't by father then who is and why haven't I heard anything from him? I have faint memories of my mother but nothing on him other than the fact that his strength terrified me."

"Well what do you remember about her?" Tsukune asked as another crowd of people passed by them and Eli just looked at the sky with a slight smile.

"I don't really remember enough to fully describe her but I do know she was kind. I can't even remember what she looks like to be completely honest. I think it goes without saying that she was a vampire as well." Eli told them with a sad look in his eyes and Tsukune and Moka looked at each other before she opened her mouth to say something but they were interrupted by a girl running up to them.

"There you are Tsukki!" She yelled as she tried to catch her breath and Tsukune's blood ran cold as he processed who the only person who called him that was, "I've been trying to find you for the longest time."

"Kyou! How'd you get here?!" Tsukune asked with a slightly panicked look and the other two's eyes widened in surprise that another human had gotten into the school. She explained that she had been searching for the school for a long time and that she finally found a way in when a strange woman gave her an envelope to deliver to someone here.

'This isn't good.' Inner Eli told him as the two began to talk and Eli gave Moka a worried look, 'This is a really bad situation.'

"I want to walk around today and check this place out." Kyou told Tsukune while examining the other students and Eli wasn't sure what to do about the plan, "If anything suspicious then I'm taking responsibility and taking you out of here!"

"Do you mind if we tag along?" Moka asked with a smile and Tsukune immediately agreed to the idea. Everything seemed to be going smoothly as they walked through the halls of the school before Kurumu suddenly hugged Eli from behind and they turned around to see her in a maids outfit.

"My class is doing a Maid Cafe for the festival! The human world has those right?!" Kurumu explained with an excited voice and he quickly pulled her close when she spun around with her tail out to show off the outfit, "Already liking it this much?"

"That girl next to Tsukune is his cousin." He whispered with a serious look and her face turned pale until he let her go, "Go ahead and let Mizore know before she does anything similar."

"Alright." Kurumu told him before she quickly left to find Mizore and they continued their exploration of the school. Enventably they ended up outside and everyone watched as Tsukune and Kyou got into an argument over the fact that the school was too strange to be normal.

"There you are!" A man with tattoos on his face yelled as he charged towards them and Eli noticed the scared look on Tsukune's face, "I'll kill you for last night!"

"Tsukune get out off here." Eli told him as Kurumu and Mizore came out of the bushes, surprising them and he nodded before picking up Kyou and sprinting out of the area at high speed, "I don't know what Tsukune did but you're better off leaving him alone."

"Is that right?!" Thr man asked as he shot Eli in the chest with a handgun and the girls watched in horror as he hit the ground, "This little toy doesn't mean much to me but it'll send you to heaven no matter what monster you are! Now bring Tsukune Aono back here or I kill another one of you!"

"You called?" Tsukune asked as he suddenly kicked the man in his back and he picked up the man's gun as Kyou ran back to them, "Wait this isn't mine Kyou! It belongs to this man!"

"Forget that! What about your friend?!" Kyou asked as she pointed at Eli before he jumped to his feet as if nothing had happened and they saw him pull the bullet out of his shirt, "Oh you were wearing a bullet proof vest?"

"Something like that." Eli told her with a chuckle as he dropped the bullet, "I figured if I got back up then he'd definitely would have shot one of us again. Anyways didn't you have an envelope to give to someone?"

"I completely forgot about this!" Kyou exclaimed as she looked at the envelope and the others sighed in relief at the change in subject Eli pulled off, "Someone was supposed to get it from me when I got here but they never showed up."

"That's strange." Tsukune said as he took the envelope from her and examined it before a frog-like monster burst from the trees, surprising all of them, "Run!"

'Dammit!' Eli thought as he slid to a stop and motioned for the others to keep going when they turned around. They continued their escape and leaving Eli to deal with the monster on his own.

"We should be safe here." Moka said when they stopped at one of the school's incinerators and Kyou told everyone that she knew the reason for the monsters were to prank her, causing the others to go into shock. The frog monster suddenly charged into the area and Kyou ran away before anyone could say anything.

"Did it beat Eli?! Why is it attacking us anyways?!" Tsukune asked as it lumbered over them and they got ready to fight until they realized it wasn't moving, "What's going on?"

"Who said it was after you?" The bus driver asked as the monster stood on all fours and they saw him and Eli standing on its back, "Sorry for scaring you kids. I was using this guy because its sense of smell is pretty good and I was trying to find the Ririru Mirror but to think it had a reaction to you kids."

"Ririsu Mirror?" Mizore asked as she put a hand on her chin, "Didn't Kyou have a strange envelope that she was told to bring here?"

"If she has the mirror then she's in danger." Eli said as he hopped off of the frog and the bus driver chuckled as he watched them sprint in the direction she ran.