
Rosario + Vampire: Hidden Beast

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

The Festival And Family Ties

"I want you to know that my mother is coming and I want you to meet her." Mizore said as she snuck up behind Eli and he nearly dropped his drink out of surprise, "I told her you were my fiance."

"Why?" Eli asked with calm tone as they walked through the crowded campus and he prayed Kurumu didn't see them when she grabbed his arm but he didn't have it in him to push her away, "You shouldn't do things like that without asking me."

"It just kind of came out when she asked me about you." Mizore explained with a sigh before she suddenly gasped as she gripped his arm tighter and he gave her a confused look, "Someone just touched my butt."

"Did you see who?" Eli asked as he looked behind them with a glare but with the crowd he knew they wouldn't be able to find them, "If it happens again let me know immediately."

"Ok." Mizore said as they continued their walk until they found a table in a quieter area and after sitting down Eli began to see his breath, "Oh my mom's here."

"So you're Eli?" Mizore's mother asked as she seemed to come out of nowhere and he looked over his shoulder at her, "I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

"Not at all. We were just talking." Eli said as he politely pulled a seat out for her next to Mizore before getting them cold drinks from the nearby vending machine and when he sat down her mother began to talk about their marriage, "I think we're too young to think about getting married right now."

"Is that so?" She asked as sharp shards of ice came out of her can before Kurumu ran up to them with her mother and they gave each other confused looks, "Who is this?"

"Oh no..." Eli muttered as fear filled his eyes while considering running from the situation until he felt a familiar demonic energy appear behind him and he immediately lept out of his chair while turning around, "Why are you here?"

"What's wrong with wanting to visit my son?" Eli's father asked as his crimson eyes examined the other four and gave them a polite smile, "Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Eliam Yoichi and I am Elijah's father."

"My name is Kurumu Kurono and I'm Eli's gi-" Kurumu stopped when Eli put his arm up to stop her with a serious look on his face and the four of them took a few steps back as the tension grew between the father and son.

"I simply want to take you from this place and bring you back home." Eliam sighed as he rubbed the back of his head and Eli felt his anger rise because he already knew what his next words would be, "You have no need in dealing with the lower species this school holds. Now why don't we go home where you belong?"

"Get the hell out of here." Eli told him with a glare and his father chuckled before he walked away with a wave, "Bastard."

"Are you alright?" Kurumu asked as he returned to normal and gave them all an apologetic look, "He's a jerk."

"You have no idea." Eli said as he sat down in one of the chairs and it was obvious to all of them that his father's arrival had disturbed him greatly, "I haven't talked to him since I was a child and now he all of a sudden shows up. I couldn't stand his personality and what he tried to force me to be so I escaped with the help of a friends that I'm sure isn't around anymore."

"You and Moka can just kick his ass if he causes problems!" Kurumu told him with a smile but Eli just silently stared at the sky before shaking his head with a serious look, "He's that strong?!"

"We wouldn't stand a chance." Eli sighed as he stood up and began to walk away, "I need to warn Tsukune and Moka."

"Hey Eli!" Moka yelled happily when she and Tsukune saw him before they noticed the look on his face, "Is something wrong?"

"Can she hear me?" Eli asked as he pointed at Moka's rosary and she gave him a concerned nod, "My father somewhere in the school and I'm afraid he's going to try to force me to go back home with him so I wanted to let you guys know ahead of time."

"Has he already met the others?" Tsukune asked in a worried tone and Eli gave him a nod, "Let's go ahead and group up with them then."

"Um. My other half said you're a fool." Moka told Eli with a nervous look and he immediately knew what she meant as he sprinted towards where he had last seen them with Moka and Tsukune close behind him. He had been so caught up in the fact that his father had come to the school that him leaving them alone was a mistake.

"Oh no..." Tsukune said when they saw Kurumu and Mizore's mothers barely staying on their feet and Eli just stood there with wide eyes as he tried to process what he was looking at, "Are you guys okay?!"

"He said you know where to go." Mizore's mother told Eli as they helped them sit down before Moka went to get the medics for them and both mothers saw the look on Eli's face, "This is not your fault."

"Now go kick his ass and get them back." Kurumu's mother told him with a thumbs up and Eli gave them a nod as he and Tsukune walked away with anger burning in their eyes. He stopped in front of the Headmaster's building when several men in black suits stood in front of him and he watched as the Headmaster came out of the building with his usual smile. His face turned serious after Eli explained the situation and he gave them three passes to leave the campus for a short time. They met up with Moka before making their way to the bus stop and waited patiently for it to arrive.