
Rosario + Vampire: Hidden Beast

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Short Lived Visit And A Vampire's Pride

" I can't believe you two." Eli told Kurumu and Mizore and they looked down in shame, "You both knew better then to get in a fight in the human world and now we're being forced to go back to the school."

"Sorry..." They said in unison as they climbed into the bus with Moka behind them and they gave Tsukune a wave before they were taken back to Yokai. Tsukune chuckled as the bus disappeared into the distance and thought about everything they had gone through the past year and a half as he walked back inside. Eli looked up at the night sky through the window of the bus and couldn't help but smile when he heard Kurumu and Mizore apologizing to each other. Part way through the trip the four began to talk about and what to expect once everyone was back at school. Time seemed to fly by as they chatted and before they knew it they were at the bus stop.

"Your life may end up changing quite a bit in the future boy." The bus driver told Eli once the others had gotten off and he gave him a strange look, "That isn't necessarily a bad thing but you should prepare yourself."

"What do you mean?" Eli asked in a confused tone but the bus driver simply laughed as he closed the door and Eli stood there while deep in thought until Moka tugged on his sleeve.

"Are you ok?" Moka asked him with a concerned face and Eli smiled with a nod before they all walked to the campus. After a few weeks the school finally reopened and their lives went back to their version of normal until a student walked into the club room.

"Who are you?" Moka asked as the student leaned against the doorframe and he gave her a small grin that Eli immediately didn't like.

"You're a brave one who defying the 'Rules' Moka Akashiya." He said as he looked at Tsukune with slight disgust, "Do not turn rogue. Do not drink the blood of the dead and the rule that demands a vampire to choose their companion carefully. No matter how much you like Moka you can never be with her."

"Don't tell me you're a vampire." Moka asked with a surprised look and he explained that he was a second year at Yokai and also another Vampire. Kurumu noticed the look on Eli's face and put a hand on his shoulder to prevent him from doing anything yet.

"There's no way that guy is a real vampire." Eli told Kurumu and Mizore after everyone left the club room and they gave him a confused look, "Vampires are rare to find and it's already a miracle that both me and Moka attend here. Not to mention that he would have come to us much sooner if he was one."

"Are you saying Moka could be in danger?" Mizore asked as they walked through the campus courtyard and they saw Eli deep in thought, "What monster would be brave enough to tell someone they were a vampire?"

"I'm honestly not sure whether he is or not but it just seems to much of a coincidence that another vampire would just appear out of nowhere and he said he was a second year student." Eli explained with a sigh as he rubbed the back of his head and they both found it strange as well, "Where did Tsukune get off to?"

"He said he was going to follow them." Kurumu said as the dorms came into view and Eli stopped with his blood running cold, "Don't worry Eli. If anything happens he can take off Moka's rosary."

"If that guy is a real vampire then he won't get the chance!" Eli yelled with his voice changing as he switched places with Inner Eli and sprinted towards the graveyard Moka normally liked to walk through with the hopes that she was today. Eli hadn't even made it part way there before he felt a strange demonic energy appear and he felt anger build up inside of him as he increased his speed.

"Tsukune!" Moka yelled as the student swung a deformed fist at him and she watched as the attack kicked up dust, blocking her vision for a few moments. When the dust cleared she saw Eli holding the student's fist back with ease before he looked at Tsukune over his shoulder.

"Go take Moka's rosary off." Inner Eli told him in a calm voice and he quickly did as he was told as the student tried to break of Eli's grip, "We need to decide what to do about this imposter."

"I knew something was off about him!" Tsukune said as he pulled her rosary off and Eli let the student go before walking up to her, "I knew he wasn't a Vampire after he hit me the first time!"

"To impersonate a Vampire im front of us was a bad call." Inner Moka told the student with a glare and he charged straight for them with anger burning in his eyes, "Now what should your punishment be?"

"How can you say I'm not a Vampire with this brute force!" The student yelled as he punched Eli in the side of his head, "What?!"

"I think you deserve to beat him to a pulp since he played the other you for a fool." Eli told Moka as if the student hadn't even touched him, "Though he did disrespect both of us with that facade."

"He's mine." She said with a smirk as she kicked the student in his face in the blink of an eye and he stumbled back as his brain was rattled, "A vampire's power isn't brute force but the ability to turn our demonic energy into strength."

"Now learn your place!" Eli yelled as he flipped backwards and kicked the student on the top of his head, forcing him face first into the ground, "Sorry but I just couldn't let you beat him without me getting a blow in."

"Tsukune allow me to tell you about the Vampire Rules. They're ancient and no vampire actually follows them anymore." Moka explained as she put her rosary back on and Eli chuckled as he switched places again.