
Light of hope

"I wake up within a world of light where you can see ... was only white or light, I don't know why I end up here, I sat up in fetal position, bracing my knees in depression. I ... feel sad, and empty but my heart ... sob ... it's hurt. I know that I must not feel this way because of... I ... I don't have the right to feel angry ... but I couldn't help too ... so my tuition was right that I'm not his real son.

I already started to doubt him like when I asked him "where's mother, father?" and he just avoided it, At that time I thought he just don't want to talk about it but when I started to read books after books.

I just realized that maybe I was just an orphan because I don't have Oril power or it's just coincidence so I started to doubt myself, myself existence, though there is no big deal being orphan, it still hurts to hear it from others, I couldn't help too.

So that was the reason why some generals look at me with a glint of angry and some are with contempt, I thought that time they are just serious person but now I know. Is it my fault? why they have to look down on me, though I didn't mind it.

But why I feel angry? Is it because of Melisa? that I feel betrayed or being tricked that she truly not love me, I love her like my mother, more than that I feel she was my inspiration to become stronger, I want to protect her but now, what am I supposed to feel?.

I don't have a real father, I don't have a real mother, so what is the reason to keep fight, to keep stronger ... I feel like I lost my passion, and my fire has been extinguished." Rosa braces his knees tightly while crying.

He was only a child, helpless without someone consoles him, no one can help him but only himself.

Weeks ... months ... or even year, I don't know anymore how long did I stay within this place, am I dead already? I can't just figure out what hell is this place. I can't feel hungry, I can't feel anything anymore, I feel empty, or hollow.

Seems I can't get out of this place so I just keep practicing my sword style without a sword, I just keep imagining that I have my light sword here then suddenly there a sword. I keep practicing and practicing because I can't feel the hunger and at the same time I can't feel tired.

But one thing I'm sure my light sword style seems to keep growing thought no stat saying I gained a level in light sword mastery, I ... I just feel it so I keep practicing, practicing ... practicing ... swinging ... and ... I feel I regained my passion ... with my sword, I will transcend everything.

When the time that I can't feel anymore ... I can't feel anymore that I getting something with my sword ... I feel I reach the so-called "bottleneck". I sat up and thought "Is this the end?" while looking at the sky or but only white I can see.

Suddenly, there is a voice I heard at my back.


I look back and saw a curl up light.

"Who are you?" I immediately asked, like a caveman's first time seeing a fire.

"I am you, and you are me," The ball of light said.

"What do you mean?" Rosa asked with a confused expression.

"I am your past" The ball of light replied.

"My past?" Rosa asked.

"Ya, your past and be your guide for now in this world" The ball of light replied.

"What do you mean this world?" Rosa asked.

"This world is you, what you become is the world become, like me, you created me because you wish to remove your past existence that why I am here," The ball of light explained.

"So you mean If I imagine there is a beast here, there will be?" Rosa asked and shut his eye to focus on imagining.

Suddenly there is an accumulating dark sphere but it explodes.

"What happened?" Rosa asked with a bewildered expression.

"You don't have sufficient spirit power" The ball of light replied.

"So what can I do here?" Rosa asked.

"You can browse books there" the ball of light forms a direction arrow pointing to the left then when I look at directions, suddenly a library was built.

"Ow! amazing!" I walk up to it and read some titles of books 'Art of war, Special items, so on ...' so that day I started reading, I learned ... I digested it... I read and I learned. The continuous process goes on, sometimes when I'm bored I practiced sword style or talking to the ball of light.

"I learned to the ball of light that this world was my spirit world, because of my unique body or so-called world psyche body. Many so-called unique bodies, according to some books I read there were Demonic Body, Phoenix Body, Immortal Body, and many more. They are called the gifted, they have overwhelming advantages of course have some weakness to like Demonic body they lose good conscience that harms the balance of his soul that makes it easier to be corrupted.

As for my world body, books have not many records for such things. And about these books that started to appear, I asked that ball of light and he replied with the confusing expression "Eh? you don't know? This is your spirit." After that, he started to ignore me when I'm asking about my spirit as if he was forbidden to say anything.

Time goes on or maybe not, because on this world as if they don't have a concept of time but based on my calculation 100 years I am here or more? I don't know anymore.

The books here seem unlimited they keep appearing layer of the bookshelf is appearing in the horizon. I don't know how many books I have read but I keep doing it. Leaving this world?, I don't find yet the answer to it, I asked the ball of light but he just ignoring me, so I continue the search in books, I kept reading books and books and books until I suddenly gained inspiration that since this is my world so why not ... "

I created a door based on the design I saw in the books I read.

"The door of Spirit" I designed it as I'm the only one can go out and in, that even God entity can't go in"

"Looks like you already found the way" The ball of light suddenly forms a person that looks like me.

"But the last thing you must do was to kill me" Rosa the light smile brightly.

"Why do I have to kill you, you ... you are the only person I have ... " Rosa said.

"There is always end for everything and you must erase me to forget the past" Rosa the light said.

"No" Rosa suddenly turns his back.

"Why?" Rosa the light asked.

Rosa turned to face him and said: "Past is my scar to bear, so I must Embrace you"

"As you wish" Rosa the light smile and form a ball of light and pierce to rosa chest.

Rosa hold his chest and said: "Now the old Rosa has gone, The new Rosa has been born"

Rosa rose his feet and begin walking to the door.



Mystery 10 - Books

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