
Root And Branch: Mukai's Ambition - Teacher System in Naruto

Mukai must choose: succumb to Danzo's dark vision or defy him and protect his students, even if it means facing insurmountable odds. Will he uphold the Will of Fire or forge his own path to survival in a world shrouded in shadows and deceit? Yūsei Mukai, a fresh graduate with a complicated history with teaching, finds himself abruptly transported to the world of Naruto. Not just as any civilian, but as a Root operative assigned to the Ninja Academy. Armed with the "Teacher System," he's tasked with guiding young ninjas, earning rewards based on their progress. However, the looming threat of war with Kumo and Danzo's sinister plans for child soldiers throw his peaceful teaching aspirations intMukai must choose: succumb to Danzo's dark vision or defy him and protect his students, even if it means facing insurmountable odds. Will he uphold the Will of Fire or forge his own path to survival in a world shrouded in shadows and deceit? What to Expect: Naruto World with a Twist: Experience familiar characters like Shisui Uchiha, Might Guy, and Obito Uchiha through the eyes of a unique protagonist navigating the complex political landscape of Konoha and the hidden agendas of Root. Teacher System & Power Growth: Witness Mukai evolve from a capable chunin to a formidable force, utilizing the "Teacher System" to gain powerful jutsu, chakra control, and unique abilities like "Teacher's Insight" that aid both his students and his own combat prowess. Intense Training & Character Development: Follow Mukai's journey as he balances his duty to Root with his desire to protect his students, forging strong bonds and witnessing their growth as they grapple with the harsh realities of the ninja world. Strategic Battles & Moral Dilemmas: Experience thrilling encounters as Mukai and his students face off against enemy ninjas, utilizing clever tactics and newly acquired skills while navigating the moral complexities of war and Danzo's manipulative schemes. Mysteries & Hidden Agendas: Unravel the secrets behind Danzo's true motives, the identity of the masked Root operative, and the potential involvement of other villages in the escalating conflict. Updates 3x A Week READ AHEAD ON P@TREON: https://www.p@treon.com/lorelinguist (a=@)

DoaistPumperSnickl · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Chapter 17

Chapter 17: Answers Needed

Mukai stood in the clearing, his eyes still fixated on the three genin on the ground before him. In the several weeks he had been here, he could feel his mind and his personality merging with the memories of the body he had inhabited. The Mukai that had earned the name night would not flinch at such carnage.

But now, as he looked down at the dead genin, a flicker of doubt crossed his mind. Was this really the path he wanted to continue down? Mukai's frown deepened, feeling the weight of his actions pressing down on him like a heavy cloak.

Taking a deep breath, Mukai closed his eyes and let the cool breeze of the forest wash over him. The rustling of leaves and the distant call of a bird filled his ears, momentarily distracting him from the scene at his feet. But as he opened his eyes again, the sight of the fallen genin brought back the searing memory of their malicious intent towards his students.

His resolve hardened like steel as he remembered the image of his students, bruised and scared. It flashed in his mind, fueling a fire within him. They were innocent, young souls who had come to this forest him seeking guidance and training hard for the war to come and he had failed them by letting these genin harm them.

Amid his reflection, the silence was shattered by an unexpected arrival.

A familiar pressure washed over Mukai and his back and spine stiffened instantly. Despite his sadness, he had still kept his sensory ninjutsu up. Their were several ninja strong enough to avoid or fool his jutsu but this pressure belonged to only one.

The leaves of a tall tree to Mukai's left rustled as a ninja in the darkest garbs he had ever seen, sporting a black hole-esque mask emerged.

Silence followed as they reenacted their previous staring game. Mukai racked his brain as all this happened. Even before being transmigrated he had no memory of this man, he refused to believe he would simply forget someone as strong as this. Meaning he had gone years of activity in the Root Organization without once meeting him to meeting him twice in the last two months alone. That could not mean anything good.

The very forest seemed to rumble as the ninja started talking. 

"Danzo requires your presence," his voice was monotone and heavy, devoid of any warmth or inflection.

Mukai's jaw tightened. While the summons held no real surprise –There would have to be some discourse about what happened today. dread hung heavy in the air – a meeting with Danzo was never a simple affair. "Lead the way," he replied evenly, keeping his tone neutral.

The ninja gave a curt nod, turning and melting back into the shadows of the forest. Mukai took one last, long look at the slain genin.

Silently they took off into the forest. He was sure the ninja was limiting himself greatly so they could move at the same pace.

Behind the Root operative, Mukai's thoughts raced. This meeting felt different. With his earlier orders to watch shisui and now, to include the rest of his students in this mess? What is Danzo scheming this time?

As they neared the clandestine Root headquarters, nestled deep beneath Konoha's facade, a sense of foreboding washed over Mukai. The dingy, winding corridors seemed to close in on him with each step, shadows playing tricks on his eyes.

Finally, they came to a stop in front of a heavy, reinforced door. The masked ninja produced a key, unlocking it with a sharp click. He gestured for Mukai to enter, then vanished as silently as he had arrived.

Mukai squared his shoulders and stepped into the dimly lit room, the door creaking shut behind him. Danzo sat perched behind a simple wooden desk, his piercing gaze fixed on Mukai.

The dim candlelight flickered across Danzo's severe features as Mukai entered the room. The older shinobi's gaze was unnerving.

"You wished to see me, Danzo-sama," Mukai stated, his voice betraying none of the tension coiling within him.

"Indeed," Danzo's voice rasped, a low hum that seemed to resonate from the very shadows of the room. "I trust you have some…questions."

Mukai's jaw tightened under his mask, but he forced himself to appear impassive. Danzo, always observing, waited for him to engage. The silence stretched, a palpable tension in the air.

"You summoned me here knowing I would figure out your involvement," Mukai finally spoke, his words calculated. "Why the charade? Why risk revealing your hand?"

A/N: Consider Leaving powerstones, they really help the story get seen by more people. 

Danzo's lips tightened in a semblance of a smile. "A necessary test, Mukai. One you passed, though with…unexpected outcomes."

A chill ran down Mukai's spine. He'd hoped to uncover Danzo's scheme, but this brazen admission was more than he'd anticipated. "A test? With all due respect Lord Danzo, your test included innocent children." He struggled to contain his anger.

"They were expendable," Danzo retorted, his dismissive tone slicing through the air. "Their deaths would have fueled the public's fear, a fire carefully stoked to destabilize Hiruzen's weak leadership."

"But Lord… what if I hadn't arrived?" Mukai pressed, the images of his students, bruised yet defiant, flashing in his mind. "What if they had died?"

"Their sacrifice would have served its purpose," Danzo's voice was chillingly matter-of-fact. "Casualties harden a village, mold it into a true weapon. These are the sacrifices Konoha needs if it is to survive."

Mukai's disgust was a bitter taste on his tongue. He forced his voice to remain steady, "The sacrifice of innocents is not survival, Danzo. It's the path to destruction."

Danzo silently rose from his chair, his presence emanating power and menace. Slowly he lifted his gaze to meet Mukai's eyes.

A beat passed.

 "You're probably wondering why I entertain this conversation with one as weak as yourself," he tone remained monotone, almost detached from the conversation.

Mukai held his ground. "I am no fool, Danzo. This was never about a test. This was about demonstrating your power, reminding me of my place."

Danzo chuckled, a harsh, rasping sound. "Perhaps. But you are useful, Mukai. I've seen the way you train those Academy students. That fire in their eyes, their unwavering loyalty…"

Mukai's heart sank. This was it – the true reason behind this summons. He didn't care if there were two S+ Class ninjas in this room. "If you intend to recruit my students, I will not allow it, Danzo," he said, his voice firm.

"No," Danzo cut in, his tone amused, "I don't want your students. I want YOU."

The words hung heavy in the air, a crushing weight pressing down on Mukai's shoulders. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"You see, Mukai, your methods have proven effective. Your students fought well, exceeding expectations. Imagine the potential if you honed your techniques, training not just Academy hopefuls, but dedicated soldiers."

Danzo approached Mukai, His Steel-toe boots echoed on the floors with each step – deliberate and predatory. "I offer you the chance to create a new kind of weapon for Konoha," his voice was a silken whisper. "An elite force, instilled with absolute loyalty from a young age. Imagine dedicated, expendable, and numerous fighters with skills rivaling even our Root ANBU."

Mukai's stomach churned with revulsion. "You want me to train child soldiers?"

"Not just child soldiers," Danzo corrected smoothly. "Kamikaze. Willing to give their lives without hesitation, for the greater good of Konoha. They will be the ultimate shield, the true measure of our strength."

"This is madness!" Mukai choked out, He couldn't help it anymore his voice thick with anger and despair. "You speak of sacrifices as if lives are meaningless trinkets!"

Danzo's lips curled in a cruel smile. "They are, Mukai. Every shinobi is a weapon, meant to be used, broken, replaced. Your students are no different. The question is, will you be the one to forge them, or will you stand aside and watch them perish beneath the weight of Hiruzen's weakness?"

The room tilted in Mukai's vision, the shadows swirling around him. Danzo's words were a vicious trap, each syllable designed to crush his spirit. He thought of his students, their bright eyes, their unwavering trust in him. He couldn't condemn them to the horrors Danzo envisioned. Yet, the sheer power difference between them was insurmountable.

Defiance warred with despair in his heart. He had to protect his students, but how? To refuse Danzo was to invite death, either for himself or those he cherished.

Mukai took a steadying breath. 'What choice do I have?' He thought to himself It was a bitter admission, forced in the face of Danzo's undeniable power.

Danzo's smile widened, a twisted parody of satisfaction. "The wise choice, Mukai. Together, we shall forge a weapon that will ensure Konoha's supremacy for generations to come."

Danzo moved closer, placing a withered hand on Mukai's shoulder. His grip was frail but radiated an unmistakable power that tightened around him like a vice. "Welcome to the true depths of Konoha, Mukai. Here, necessity outweighs morality, and power speaks louder than ideals."

Mukai bowed his head, unable to meet Danzo's gaze. A wave of nausea washed over him, a sickening mix of defeat and self-loathing. He had failed. He had been forced into a corner, compelled to become a tool in Danzo's ruthless schemes.

Danzo waved a dismissive hand. "Your duties await you, Mukai. We will speak further once you've established your... new training program."

A/N: Read ahead on P@treon: patreon.com/lorelinguist