
The door

I can hear the door opening with a small crack, the curtains flying above my reach the wind blowing at my hair my toes cold and fragile . I can hear a person breathing near my ears, my breath started overtaking my strength I couldn't dare to open my eyes because I knew there were scissors and belts in this room too. I was scared that the ghosts in the story can be real . I slowly opened my eyes the white blur of the room ran through my eyes. I can see the windows closed, there's no air anymore to breathe. I slowly closed my eyes thinking of butterflies but I was late to realise the butterflies are trapped in the dark. I heard the heavy breathing of a person this time , there were hands on my thighs my eyes were not shut anymore. When the hands started to run upwards I turned my body to see the ghost , I screamed my lungs out, dadddd!!