
Romancing the mogul

James knight is your boss. Sexy, wealthy and totally off limits. Dating him might destroy your career, but loving him will certainly break your heart. Because what's worse than knowing you want something, besides knowing you can never get it? You might as well make the most of it and take chances...

Anita_Martins_1617 · Urban
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9 Chs


"So Mr knight huh?" Sophie Turner asked looking straight up at the man right in front of her.

"What if we make a little deal?" She continued, now closing the space between them both, still focused on him, eyes locked with his waiting for his response.

"You have a contract with me for another three months, unless you can pay the two million dollars fine for breaking it." Frustration and anger clearly evident in her face, Sophie blurted out,

"Then let me remind you, you're the one who's getting married!". She breathes in shakily, her vision blurry as tears pile up in her big brown eyes. She hates it when this happens.

She hates being vulnerable at such point, trying to break things off with James but a huge part of her wants desperately to be the one saying I do on that altar in months time.

James, walking up to close the little space in between grabs your hands, "Sophie..." his deep but clear voice trails off just as the door opened. Turning abruptly towards the direction of the door, she froze..