
Romancing the mogul

James knight is your boss. Sexy, wealthy and totally off limits. Dating him might destroy your career, but loving him will certainly break your heart. Because what's worse than knowing you want something, besides knowing you can never get it? You might as well make the most of it and take chances...

Anita_Martins_1617 · Urban
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9 Chs


  "James, I don't feel good. Can you come over?" Yvonne asked, sipping a glass of champagne, her lips curled In a sheepish smirk.

"Okay. Be there in 20." Dial ends. Setting the champagne glass down, she walks into her dressing room. Her hair was golden like the sun, and it fell to her waistline.

She had it straightened out earlier, she ran a hairbrush through it once more before laying it down. Settling down in front of her huge vanity mirror that takes up the whole wall, she brushed her eyebrows in a soft angled brow shape and touched up her lipstick with a darker shade of red than she had on.

Smiling and satisfied, she walks to her closet to complete the final step. "Now, what to wear? The perfect outfit can set the mood" as she scales through and picks a light bodycon gown that hugs perfectly all her curves. "Now we wait ''

With a huge grin, she walks elegantly back to grab a new bottle of champagne. 

  "What is it?" "Yvonne's not feeling well. I have to take her to the hospital". "But you have a meeting with the senator by 5 pm."

You retorted not feeling the whole scenario. James walks back to his desk to grab his coat and pick up his car you want keys, he looks up at her "Reschedule it". "Reschedule it? Yeah okay right".

You scoff. "And get that off my desk" pointing to the envelope on the table, and continued, "Speaking of Yvonne, she's starting at the company on Monday. Get everything prepped for her onboarding."

He walks out and shuts the door behind her. You stand there unable to move for a while, after getting your composure, you move back your falling hair off your face once more, grab the envelope, and walk out. You'd better get back to work now. 

  "Oh my God, Sophie have you heard?" Sneaking up behind you, Elena, your coworker, and best friend touched your shoulders. "What?" "Mr Knight is getting engaged to his childhood sweetheart."

"What?", your face surprised and your eyes widened, waiting for Elena to continue with her news. "You know, Yvonne Jones? from the Jones family? Sophie's still oblivious to whatever it is Elena is driving at.

You heard rumors but nothing about childhood lovers. "Oh my God". As expected, she continued making demonstrations with her hands.

  "Okay, they grew up together, and then she got sick and moved over to Switzerland for treatment. And now she's back, they're getting engaged".

You try your best to be composed and professional, choosing your words carefully, you start stuttering, "Uhm.. ah.. that's…that's amazing. amazing". Wearing a smile to cover your disappointment.

"Oh and that's not all. She'll be joining our company come Monday." "Ah yes, here I am".

Elene responded as her attention was dragged to her desk, walking away, she glanced back to you and smiled, "Drinks by 7, it's the weekend. Let's go blow off some steam."

Still processing the information you just got from Elena, you nod, not catching the address she said earlier. "I'd still text you the address. I like to be thorough". You smiled wondering if she'd been In your head seconds away.

Your head spins and suddenly feels very heavy. A knot tightens in your stomach and you know you need to get some air, and probably grab some coffee as well. You glance down at your phone, you have 25 minutes till lunch break.

You u sigh, "Can I just get this day over with? It feels like this day is designed specially to torment the shit out of me". You sit tidying up and rescheduling appointments.

You became so engrossed in work, that you'd spent 10 minutes out of your lunchtime by the time you were done. You grabbed your phone and purse and walked out of the office. 

  "We should do this more often! You look great by the way. Wait, did you change your hair color?" Elena keeps screaming amidst the loud music blaring from the speakers.

She's drunk already. "oooh, look at that", pointing towards the table standing at the far end of the bar, you look towards the direction and, all you can see is an empty stool.

You turn to look at her and yes, she is already passed out on the table. "Hey Elena, I have to go to the restroom real quick, then I'll be back to tidy up here and we're out.

And please, enough with the drinks already." you keep talking as you shake her gently. "go away. Stop being a soil spot.

I've had a rough couple of weeks, and you have also. Hold on, how easy is it to work directly under Mr knight? It's not. I feel like I'm walking on thin ice…" right? What was meant to be you passing a message, turns out into emotional baggage being offloaded on you.

And for the first time, you do understand her. With a gentle pat on the back, you reassured her of her worth and how good enough she is at her job.

You pick up your phone and almost immediately crash into a strong shoulder and spill drinks. "My God, I'm so sorry. I didn't… " you stop realizing who's standing before you.