
Chapter 11

Ten minutes later, Velia and Lucas were in an oncoming car. Lucas set up barriers to create privacy for them. All their conversations will not be heard by Vlora. Even by the Mr. Baker—the driver.


Lucas's voice sounded. He glanced and saw Velia was squeezing her hands.

“... now you want to be a whore?”

“I can’t even be called a whore if I just turn myself for you.”

Lucas glanced. He knew exactly that Velia reversed his sentence some days ago. Quietly, he grinned.

“How much do you want to be paid?”

Velia looked up.

“Why? You wouldn’t do it for free, would you?” asked Lucas. “Or is it enough just to get your job back?”

“Of course.” Velia strengthened her heart. In her mind, she counted. “I want 2.500, Luc.”

Lucas’s eyes were bulging. “2.500 for a newbie whore? Seriously!”

Velia’s face turned red. It was obviously a real insult.

“I just need to add a few and I can hire artists!” retorted Lucas. “What do you think you’re good at?” He nodded and shook his head. “No. Better go find someone else.”

“Luc!” exclaimed Velia in panic.

“You overestimated your price!” scoffed Lucas. “And I don’t know either about your health. Oh, this is too risky. And remember, Ve. In the beginning, I was enthusiastic looking at you, but after the last few moments, I just felt otherwise.”

Immediately, Velia panicked at Lucas’s words. The man shook his head once.

“When we get to the hotel, please leave. I’ve not interested again.”

Velia saw how Lucas’s face seemed no longer interested in herself. The man looked away. No longer look at her.

No. Please, No.

This was the only hope Velia had. She would better have to sell herself at Lucas once compared to have many times at the club. At least she knew Lucas would not hurt her. She was sure of it.

Velia could not let the only chance she had be lost. Only Lucas could help her. However, Lucas’s refusal frustrated her. So, she did something without thinking twice.

Without warning, Velia snatched Lucas’s hand. Pulled the man towards her and immediately pulled the bend.

Lucas was shocked. Did not have time to think or gasp a bit. Right when he felt a soft lip kissed his lips.

Velia closed her eyes. She tried her best to kiss Lucas. And slowly, she began to pulverize Lucas’s lips.

Suddenly, Lucas’s eyes widened. When Velia’s lips tremblingly pulverized his lips. The stiff kiss somehow made his heart beat tighter.

Lucas blinked once. As he breathed, he welcomed that kiss. He made Velia shocked dan then she realized that not only a kiss what she got.

Lucas’s firm, large, outstretched hand. Grabbing the feminine curves of Velia’s waist. Pulling the girl for a blink of an eye snuggled tightly to him.

Lucas lips pressed Velia’s lips in full prosecution. He pulverized and bit until Velia was overwhelmed. But he did not stop. He bit Velia’s lower lip until the girl screamed a little.

The scream vanished instantly as Lucas slipped his tongue into Velia’s mouth. Looking around for warmth there and caressing Velia’s tongue.

Without warning at all, Lucas sucked Velia’s tongue to enter the cavity of his mouth. Making Velia gasped at the strange sensation that possessed her.

Lucas grabbed Velia’s waist with both hands. He lifted her up and sat her on his lap. For a few moments, he held her legs open astride on his thighs.

That position eliminated every distance. Lucas held Velia's back with one hand while his other hand grabbed Velia's fingers.

Lucas took Velia's hand towards the evidence of his already strained arousal. Velia flinched and the kiss broke off.

Velia's breath hitched. Strange feelings were present and she realized how intimate they were.

Lucas's lips twitched. Apart from Velia's kiss, it did not matter when Lucas could enjoy her facial lines.

Velia could not breath. Like there was no air.

Lucas's eyes darkened. His hand went up and landed on Velia's breast. He squeezed and Velia groaned.

Velia immediately bit her lower lip hard. She tried not to sigh again but it useless. Lucas did nott miss the sensual voice.

Lucas's squeeze stopped. Now he was aiming at the shirt buttons. Release them one by one in a hurry.

Lucas could only be patient until the third button. When the shirt was opened enough to reveal Velia's soft breasts, he immediately lowered his head.

Velia's muffled scream echoed when Lucas bit her breast. Lucas growled and he cupped Velia's ass.

Lucas pulled Velia closer. Increasingly attached so that Velia could feel the real proof of his passion, on his masculinity.

Lucas’s world goes round and round. It threatened to explode. His common sense was lost and his hands slipped into Velia's skirt.

Velia let out in a low voice. “Luc.”

“Gosh, Ve,” Lucas whispered warmly as he fingered Velia's thigh. “I can strip you here right now.”

Velia took a sip. Her body got goosebumps, hot, and restless at the same time. It strained at the foreign effect as Lucas' fingers moved inside the skirt.

“Sir, we have arrived.”

Lucas stopped. The voice recalled Lucas’s consciousness. He came back to the reality of where they were. Very inappropriate place. Even at the wrong time.

Of course, they could not do anything right now. There was an important meeting which waited Lucas.

Lucas took a deep breath. He tried to clear his mind while his eyes have dimmed because the lust.


Lucas could not resist his curse. It was absolutely he did not realize the car had stopped. With a sigh of relief, he saw Velia’s white face looked blushing, making Lucas felt more pain in his crotch.

Full of struggle, Lucas forced himself again to inhale in repeatedly. He had to calm himself.

Being in his lap, Velia repeatedly gulped her saliva. Shyness creeps in her face felt hot. She felt Lucas’s hand slowly came out from her skirt. The hand rose, stroking her moist cheeks.

“2.500?” asked Lucas. “Give your account to Vlora. She will transfer the money.”

Velia’s eyes were enlarged. She could believe what she was hearing.

“I’ll ask Vlora to booking a room,” Lucas continued. “I want you to be ready when I get there. About eight o’clock. Wearing nothing else.”

Velia blinked when Lucas said.

“I have to make sure the body I rented tonight.”
