
romance of queen

Life is funny, You thought you had escaped somewhere so far nobody would find you, But actually, They never escaped at all.

Shreya_Singh_2403 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

chapter one - Don't play with food

I stared at the elegant lady in front of me. she was in a long red dress with painted red lips and Auburn curls. Her petite waist didn't hinder her appearance at all.

In fact she looked.... alluring; if that was what she was aiming for.

Her pale bright skin contrast from the dark background she was standing in. Her hazel eyes that bore thought mine, had no gleam. They were lifeless. I science heavily and so did she.

You will survive; I told myself half convinced would I? I highly doubted it. It really didn't matter. there was finally something I could do myself.

"you look lovely my child," I heard a family whisper. I tried to focus a smile as I turned around. By the room door stud a tall man with the eye of the vice and a gold heart; my father. he walked slowly and stood in front of me his each step echoed throughout the dim lighted room.

"I'm sorry my dear. "his hand that held mine were warm, they were trembling. I've never seen him this week in my entire life.

"Don't be," I whispered back at him.

"This is not how I want my lovely daughter to get married, "his barely audible words were filled with remorse.

"it's for the best. "I Surprisely sound confident for someone with wobbling legs, threatening to give in to the temptation of falling on the ground.

I watched as a hesitantly nodded. cold something out of his pocket; an amulet. I looked at him confusedly as he fastened it around my neck. "It's your late mother's amulet. she want to give it to you when you were to be wedded."

The amulet was one of the prettiest thing I'd ever seen . It was shaped as a silver hearted embossed with white shiny stones.

"Thank you !" I mouthed.

"It's time," an old man in a black suit said in a gruff voice from outside.

Immediately my father's soft expression hardened into a stoic face. He squeezed my hand gently before letting go.

A red veil was used, to cover my face. RED; I was hoping it was white though.

I guess this is it. 'Stay Strong Eva.' I repeated in my head.

I slowly held my father extended arm and followed the old man that led the way. The passage was dark and carpeted in red like everything else hare. The eerie smell of roses increased as we neared the hall. ROSE;🌹🌹 were something I hated the most. Its nostalgic smell made me queasy.

We entered the big hall that was decorated with roses everywhere. I was tempted to plug my nose, but I knew better. The hall too was no different that the rest of the rooms. I've seen. It only had mostly red and black. Black drapes and red carpets, lighted with candles🕯️ and golden chandeliers. The moonlight 🌙 struggling in though the humongous window drapes just made this whole scene more dramatic and creepy.

Why couldn't we just have this in the morning? Ah yes, we had to avoid the nosy press. Then again I highly doubted whether the sun- rays ☀️ could do much of a different in this dark hall.

In the far end of the empty hall stood, a tall man and beautiful women; the king and the queen of our neighboring kingdom. If I though I was pale, they were the palest out there. The queen was dressed in a simple elegant black dress Her lips which were in a thin line curved upwards a little at the sight of us. Other than that, neither of them moved a muscle until we finally made it there to them across the large hall. My shoes weren't at all in this situation. I almost tripped twice out of nervousness. Hope they didn't notice it.

Both my father and the king shook hands; gloves to be more precise. They even talked about the nice weather, while I stood there typing to pretend that the queens' gaze on me wasn't all bothering. Was this how a normal wedding happened?

I desperately wanted this day to end, but it seemed to be dragging on. What were we waiting for anyway?

I looked around and noticed that there were only four of us.

"WHERE THE HELL WAS MY GROOM"? I shouted in my mind.

In fact I've never seem him, vise- versa. Since his parents were somewhat normal and extremely good looking, he couldn't possibly be a giant or a demon with two horns, like Jules had said right? No way these kinds of creatures were simply myths. "CALM DOWN IDIOT" I told myself. I should have worried about this much earlier I was preoccupied with the wedding's schedule and everything else in between, that I completely forgot about the groom.

I saw the king glance with a stoic face at the white paper which the butler had given him, and passed it to the Queen. For a second there, I thought that the queen had actually frowned, but maybe I imagined it.

"Look like our son won't be able to join us due to an unavoidable reason. He sent his apologies sincerely asking us to continue with this ceremony--," The king said curtly.

I wanted to roll my eyes. Seriously?! He wasn't the only one busy. I had a report to write from scratch, which was due on Monday. It was already Sunday now. I may not know what happen in a wedding, but I was sure of one thing, that both the bride and groom should be present there.

"- If you would like to, that is "The 👑 king added after long pause. I was sure my mouth was wide open out of shock. 😂🤣

My father sighed before nodding. While I just stared at the adults who talker amongst themselves, as if I was nonexistent.

Well nothing much happened afterwards, we all signed a bunch of papers and I was given a box probably containing a ring💍 which I didn't even bother to look at. The the butler take photograph using old camera model I've never seen. That was pretty much it.

And just like that I married a complete stranger who wasn't even present at the weeding 😑😑. under the moonlight in unfamiliar realm wearing and uncomfortable dress 👗 and heel👠.

Things wouldn't feel much worse if that piece of paper didn't fall down from inside of my share of documents. The paper which my supposedly husband had send it his own wedding as an excuse for his absence.

I remember that the queen night captured on the paper stand after folding it neatly- as if she was holding her son as a punishment 😂. I decided to take a peek at it a little bit. danger game it might contain what the king had read aloud but curiosity kills cat after all. 🤭

guess what it actually said.

'I don't play with food'.

what a f****** prevent 🤬😡.