
Romance Journey

Yugi Williams works for the Blue Ink company that takes on various jobs for all sorts of bizarre characters.

Archetype_Moon · Action
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9 Chs

Deepest Blue

We arrived back on the highway, where traffic was heavy due to the crash. Barbara and Gwen look fine, that doesn't surprise me because Barbara is a Celestial. Celestials are a species with incredible durability that almost no substance in the universe can pierce their skin. I say almost because other Celestials can hurt them as well as the metal called Omnizoid.

Omnizoid is said to be derived from Dragon Ore, a mineral that comes from the scales of the Primordial Dragon God Huanglong. What makes it special, besides being created from godly scales, is that it is only found on Gaia. So it's incredibly rare and expensive, but I am getting off-topic.

Gwen suffers no injuries because she inherited Williams's family special powers: the Eyes of Heaven. Like most species on Gaia, humans have their own monarchs with the Williams being the richest and most powerful. The Williams clan can claim to be the most powerful because of the Eyes of Heaven, which can attract and repulse things with no limits and has an invulnerable barrier around them that cannot be penetrated, the skill Gwen used to avoid injury. The problem is that the Eyes of Heaven is an energy glutton that consumes a lot of the wielder's energy that it's not really worth using. That is if the person does not know the secret technique called Zero, which reduces energy usage down to zero. There are other techniques but I'll hold them close to my chest for now.

Both Gwen and I know this technique due to our fathers being the sons of the current head of the family, which is my grandpa.

There's no point in prolonging it when Nick and I landed (we flew slowly to avoid Gwen's wrath) next to the crash.

Wasting no time, Gwen let out her fury on me. "Are you stupid?! What were you thinking of getting out of the car using Ultimate Force? You could've gotten me killed!"

"To be fair," I say, in a calm manner. "I saw a car flying towards us, so I just reacted. I didn't think things through."

"Clearly!" She crosses her arms over her chest and glares at me.

"Everybody seems unharmed, that's all that matters." I ignore Gwen's anger.

Even if Gwen somehow would die in a car crash, she would return back to life. Being an Acolyte of an Avatar, we are vessels to emanations of the Avatar called Echoes. Echoes are immortal beings, so their vessels are also immortal. We can still feel pain, so most of us still go through life as if we were normal people.

"Not all of us are alright," Barbara shrieks in her girl accent.

"What is it now?" Nick says, rolling his eyes.

"My car is totaled! It is a rental and I don't have car rental insurance!" Barbara is pacing back and forth and running her right hand through her hand.

Nick scoffs.

"Is that all? Man, Yugi can just repair your car."

Three sets of eyes landed on me. Despite the killer headache I will get doing it, I repair Barbara's car with Infinity. It only took a second to fix Barbara's car, but this pain makes me regret even doing it. But it was my fault for crashing her rental and I don't want to ruin her financially, I am not a jerk after all.

"Alright, " Nick says, rubbing his hands together. "Now that the car's fixed, let's go back on the road."

"We can't," Gwen interjects. "We have to wait for the police to arrive."

She rolls her eyes.

"Because Nick, we got into a crash. You can drive away because that will be a hit and run."

"The cops can't prove shit, especially since Yugi repaired the car anyways."

Barbara makes her way over to where Gwen and Nick are standing. "Gwen is right, we should just wait for the cops."

She puts a finger on her chin as if she's inspecting Nick like he's some ancient artifact that has been recently discovered.

"It is odd for a Holy Knight in training to suggest an illegal act."

Nick shrugs his shoulders.

"It's not illegal if it doesn't exist."

Nick turns his attention to me.

"Yugi, fix the damage to the highway and other cars."

I shake my head.

"I already used Infinity twice today. Waiting for a few minutes for the police to show up is not going to kill you."

Nick sighs and sits down on the hood of the car. I take a seat in the passenger seat while the two girls remain waiting outside. Car horns honk angrily at us as if we can get things moving quickly. Well, I can, but they don't know that.

I dial Frankie's number on my cell and explained what happened on the highway.

"I see," He says in my cell.

"After you handle the situation with the police, I want you guys to come back to the office."

"Will do."

I hang up and wait.

Luckily, we didn't have to wait too long for the police to show up. The ambulance also showed up, even though none of us had any injuries. I told them much, but they insisted on taking us to the hospital just to be sure. I had to use Infinity just to get them to leave. I didn't get a headache since I wasn't altering reality.

After the police took a statement from Barbara and the others, we drove all the way back to Blue Ink, where Frankie was waiting for us.

"What is it?" Gwen asks as soon as we enter the building.

"It just occurred to me that the Phoenix Crystals could be scattered all over Gaia, were you planning on flying to other continents?" Frankie asks Barbara.

She nods vigorously.

"Of course! Why do they not have passports?"

Frankie shakes his head.

"They have adventurer's licenses, they double as passports. What I was thinking about was the price and time it would take."

Barbara waves her hands in the air as if dismissing Frankie's concern.

"Oh no, it's alright! I can afford all of their tickets and more!"

"I'm sure you can, Ms. Crown. But I really don't want these kids globe-trotting for any longer than they have to."

Frankie turns to Nick and me and speaks. "I'm giving you two permission to fly the Blue Jet."

Nick's eyes light up with excitement.

"Oh fuck yeah!"

"Wait, is that even legal?" Barbara asks. "I don't think that they're even old enough to drive."

"It's fine," it's Frankie's turn to dismiss Barbara's concerns.

"I taught them myself. Besides, they have their piloting and driving license."

Barbara shakes her head in disbelief. "You're insane."

Frankie shrugs. "You want to live long in this business, you have to be insane."

We went to Millennium's secret underground hangar, of course, it's illegal. The guild Master doesn't want to pay any taxes on it. It was constructed by the Science Department, and most of the members are an alien race called Iron Golems, the smartest race in the universe. Their technology is so advanced that it functions like magic.

One of the Science Department's crown achievements was the Blue Jet. A jet created from Blue Omnizoid, a lightweight super metal that allows it to move pretty fast. It is fueled by Ultimate Force, only Frankie, Nick, and myself can pilot it. It is the fastest jet on Gaia, possibly in the universe, but we never had the chance to test it out.

Its only purpose is transportation, weapons would only slow it down. Or so I am told. Not like it would even need weapons, it moves so fast that it cannot be detected by any radar system on the planet.

Anyways, we settled into our position in the jet. Nick took the pilot seat and I, the co-pilot seat. I don't know where Barbara and Gwen are seated because I don't look back. Nick connects Barbara's Magitech device to the jest's navigation system so we will actually know where we are going.

I should note that the designers of all Millennium's aircraft simplified the controls for us "stupid fleshlings". Fleshlings is a racist term mechanical lifeforms have for all organic life forms. I personally have nothing against it, but I am sure that some people do. All it takes to turn on the engine is a press of a button and the engine comes roaring with life.

"I sure hope you boys know what you're doing," Barbara's terrified voice comes from behind me.

"Relax, Barbara," I say, trying my best to comfort her. "We've flown this thing many times before in the past."

"And you've crashed way more times," Gwen says, lying between her teeth. Trying to scare Barbara I bet.

"What!?" Barbara shouts.

"She's lying," I turn to face Barbara. If I make eye contact with her, maybe that will put her at ease.

Barbara smiles a weary smile at me.

"Lighten up," Gwen says, putting her hands behind her head. "It'll make this job go so much smoother if you did."

Barbara didn't respond, so I turned my attention to the controls.

"Alright," Nick says, gripping the controls. "Let's get going!"

Nick pushes the throttle forward and the plane reaches max speed in the instant. The Blue Jet took flight from the hangar, which is hidden in the middle of Utopia mountains. Don't ask me how they did it, it is out of my expertise.