
Romance calls for extreme measures

Loving you is killing me, and when the flowers wilt and the sky drains of color I will be there

Gaming_With_Karly · LGBT+
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As I walk down the alleyway I start to remember my wedding, and Jason.

Getting married to him was the greatest mistake of my life. I know it seems like a haze but I assure you I am right about one thing Jason Henderson is a psycho.

Well he was never like this our first year being married. The year was 1986 I was 22 I had just finished my first year of college, it was exciting! He was so thoughtful and sweet, and every day that I came home you treat me with a warm hug and kiss on the cheek. Oh how I miss that. Skip ahead to right now 1991 I am now 27, finish college two years ago and just started my job at the oil factory a year ago. Whenever I don't do something right in Jason's eyes he will say this "Oh Mary Anne, I wonder how far we have come for you just to...

disappoint me." Yeah that's right he spews the same bullshit he does every time, I am sick and tired of the same old process. I plan to divorce him when I have enough money and then run away and find someone else it is a risk, but I am willing to take the risk. As long as I get away from Jason my life will be able to freely fly and I finally find my true love. What I mean by my true love I met my true love three years ago. 1987 at the time I worked at a coffee shop someone new came to work with us she was assigned to work with me and her name was Charlotte. Charlotte was funny, sweet and kind. Basically any woman anyone would need. I started developing feelings for her a month after she came, but I knew it was wrong. We could both be arrested or better yet sentenced to death. How I miss Charlotte we still keep in contact though, but we're not allowed to see each other anymore.