
Rokuro’s Nightmare

Teenage student Rokuro has had these strange visions that he calls nightmares. In this corrupt world , there are two people who own this corrupt city! The Daichi brothers control this city and everyone’s lives , Rokuro’s past and present mix causing chaos. What will Rokuro have to go through to protect the people that he cared about?

Myles_Bonner · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

Chapter 8

Waves washed over his feet as Rokuro sat in the sand watching the sunrise out of the horizon and starting a new day. He didn't sleep the entire night. All he did was to sit at the same spot and hear the waves collide with each other. Memories of his mother kept playing in his head repeatedly, one after another. Rokuro wanted to go out in search of the brothers and do the same with them what they did to his parents, the anger was too much, almost unbearable, but the pain, that was even greater. He couldn't gather the energy needed for the task at hand. He felt helpless and worthless. His mother died in front of him, in his arms, and all he could do was watch her take her final breath.

Guilt, regret, and shame were all that Rokuro had been feeling since the previous evening. He wanted to get even with the brothers, but the thought of him now being an orphan shadowed his reasoning and ability to see things for what they were.

"How long do you think you will sit here?" Rokuro heard a voice. He looked to his right to see who it was. There was no one. He looked to the left. There was no one. He looked behind him. There was no one.

He brushed it off thinking it was the lack of sleep that was getting to him.

"How long?" He heard the voice again, and he now knew whose voice it was.

"Papa?" Rokuro said.

"Yes. Tell me, what do you think you're doing sitting here? It's been hours." The voice said.

Rokuro didn't have an answer to that. He tried to think of something, but words didn't come out of his mouth.

"Loosen yourself. Don't try too hard." Kono's voice said.

"What?" Rokuro said.

"Don't think too hard and too much. You'll run short of words that way. Just take some deep breaths and allow the thoughts to come to you instead of going out to them."

Rokuro did what his father asked of him and closed his eyes. Even though the breeze had been blowing for almost the entire night, it was only now when he was feeling it. He sensed the cold breeze brushing his cheeks and flowing through his hair and instilled in him a new sense of calm, a new feeling about his existence. A few minutes went by as he continued to do the same.

"Yes, Papa. I think I feel better now." Rokuro said.

"Good. Do you know where your friends are?" Kono's voice said.

"No. I haven't seen them or talked to them since the evening. I don't know where they are."

"Maybe you do. Tell me, where are they?"

"But I don't, Papa. I don't know where they are, nor can I ask them. I don't have a phone on me now."

"Give yourself a chance. Don't look for the answer, let it come to you."

Rokuro couldn't understand what his father meant, but he tried to do what his father asked of him. He closed his eyes again and let the breeze hit his face, and once it did, he tried to imagine Kairi and Miyuki. When their faces appeared in his mind, thoughts of the previous evening entered his mind. He remembered how they tried to console him and tried to help him. Then, memories of the days at school and the good times they spent together knocked on the door of his consciousness. A slight smile appeared on his face, so faint that no one could tell that he was smiling, but so subtle that it looked like he was enjoying.

"That's the way. You're doing good." Kono's voice said.

Rokuro didn't respond to that, instead, he smiled knowing that he pleased his father with his efforts. As he became more and more relaxed and aware of the thoughts that roamed his mind, memories of the evening hit him again. He could see his two friends standing at the boundary of the campus of the facility, trying to persuade him to not be consumed by his anger. It pinched him to see him leave them behind without considering what they had to say. The clear picture of them standing at the boundary began to fade. He knew this was because he had left the place by that time and they weren't in his sight anymore. He thought they would fade away, but that was not what happened. They continued to be blurred, but to make up for the blurriness, a white light began to form upon their bodies illuminating them. A few seconds later when the details of their bodies were washed away, he could still see the shape of their bodies in bright white light. They were like silhouettes, but white, very white.

"Papa? I can still see them, but it's different." Rokuro said.

"I know. You'll find out more." Kono's voice said.

This was the moment that surprised Rokuro the most. The white light figures of his friends now began to walk like a human would. He could sense that they were walking out of the campus, but as the details of his friend's bodies were washed away, so were the details of the surroundings. He couldn't see where they were headed or where they were walking, he just had a slight idea of the place they were in. He knew nothing about the place, he just had a feeling that he knew where the place was. Like there was a GPS connection that he could use to track the place with exact accuracy. He followed them for some time before they stopped, and when they did, he knew where the place was where they stopped. It was Miyuki's house. He had a strong feeling about it. He could catch the vibes, a sense of familiarity to that place.

"Papa, I think I know where they are." Rokuro said.

"Tell me." Kono's voice said.

"They are at Miyuki's house, but…"


"But they are not happy. I mean, of course, they wouldn't be in such a situation, but they seem stressed out. They are worried about me, I can feel it."

"While that is true, it is not what I wanted to show you."

"Really? Then what?"

"Tell me where the Shuji brothers are."

Just hearing those words gave Rokuro goosebumps. Just the thought of being able to trace the brothers' location shook him. It thrilled him.

"Don't be excited. You need to stay calm." Kono's voice said.

"Okay." Rokuro said and closed his eyes again and began his exercise of breathing deeply. It didn't take him long to trace where the brothers were.

"That's weird, they are at their residence. They didn't flee away." Rokuro said after he located the brothers.

"Don't be fooled by that. They sure will have something for you." Kono's voice said. "But you don't have to worry. You have my support. You will have everything you'll need."

Rokuro acknowledged his father's note and he stood up.

"I'm ready." Rokuro said.

"So am I. Let's do this, son." Kono's voice said.

Rokuro left the beach and onto his mission he was. He called a taxi standing nearby as he reached the road, but then a thought occurred to him and he gestured the driver to stay where he was, and he began to walk. After taking a few steps, he began to run. It amazed Rokuro when he went past fast-moving cars and motorcycles. He looked at them in utter astonishment, and then looked back at his feet, and then in front of him. He was outracing even the fastest machines on the road without even feeling it.

"Wow, Papa! I can run faster than all of them." Rokuro said. "And I am not losing my breath."

"You'll discover more powers when you need them." Kono's voice answered.

"Thank you, Papa." Rokuro said and began to slow down as he noticed he had gotten closer to the Shuji brothers' residence.

He looked into the eyes of the guards standing at the entrance of the mansion. They didn't even try to stop him. He walked in looking into the security camera, knowing Daichi would be looking at the footage. As he did that, he gestured into the camera that he's coming for them. He continued to walk on the paved path that had lush green grass on both sides.

Rokuro's eyes were fixated on the mansion in front of him, more specifically the entrance of the mansion. Feelings of rage and anger were beginning to take space in his mind, which made him walk faster than before. He was quick to notice the guards with guns standing on the terrace and every corner of the mansion. It surprised him that they were not firing at him yet. He had expected them to go all out on him. Nonetheless, he continued to walk towards the entrance, in fact, in the last few meters he stopped walking and started to run. It surprised him even more, that the guards were not firing at him now that he was right in front of them.

Rokuro banged on the stylish wooden gates of the mansion and stared at the guard on his right as he entered the huge mansion. As if he wasn't surprised enough while being outside of the mansion, another surprise hit him as he entered inside. Daichi and Souta sat on the sofa facing the entrance, about twenty or so meters away. Rokuro had thought the brothers would have tried to run away as far as they could, or at least have some sort of defense against him, but none of the two options were executed. He gave them a surprised look, to which Daichi smugly smiled.

"What is up with you two?" Rokuro said.

"I've been wondering the same." Daichi replied.


"It occurred to me once that running away or hiding would be a better option, but then, another thought entered my mind. Who is it that I am trying to run away from?"

"What do you mean?"

"A 14-year old boy? Is that someone I would need to run away from? I have bigger problems to deal with."

"You have no idea what I'm about to do to you two. I'll make you realize how big of a problem I am for you."

"Really? Tell me, please. Tell me how that is. What are you going to do? Kill us? How exactly? With your bare hands?" Daichi mocked Rokuro. It was enough to send Rokuro to his edge. He took a quick breath as he walked towards the brothers to get to the business.

"Relax, kid. Take a seat." Daichi said, trying to stop Rokuro in his way. But Rokuro didn't pay any attention to what Daichi had to say. He continued walking frantically towards them. He grabbed Daichi by his collar and dragged him down to the floor.

"Didn't you listen to me? I asked you to relax." Daichi said.

"You think I'd listen to you?" Rokuro said and punched Daichi in the face. He tried to hit him for the second time, but Daichi stopped his hand midway.

"What do you think you're going to get from this?" Daichi said.

"I'll do it even if I get nothing out of it." Rokuro said while his nostrils flared.

"That doesn't sound like a good plan. Do you think you'll be able to live with the fact that you killed someone?"

"Such a question doesn't look good coming out of your mouth. You killed my parents." Rokuro said and tried to punch Daichi one more time, but Daichi was quick to react to it and dodged it.

"Do you know how guilty I feel because of this?" Daichi said.

"Guilty? And you? You better watch your mouth, because I don't like your jokes." Rokuro said.

"I had never wanted to kill your parents, the circumstances made me do it, and I regret doing it ever since. You have no idea how I feel."

"I don't even want to have any idea about that. Your games won't work on me."

"Oh, this is not a game. If I wanted to kill them, why do you think I didn't kill you when I had the chance? Why didn't I ask my security to kill you when you entered the mansion?"

Rokuro instinctively opened his mouth to say something but stopped as he realized the words that he had just heard. He found himself unable to say something, or do. He kept staring at Daichi with creases on his forehead, trying to figure out the meaning of the words.

"You were going to say something, right? Say it. Hit me. Hit me hard. Why did you stop?" Daichi said, in a tone that amplified the doubt in Rokuro's mind.

"Why didn't you?" Rokuro asked. Daichi developed a subtle smile on his face once Rokuro asked the question.

"You see, I'm a simple man. I don't want my hands to be dirty, or bloody. No one does. But I have a business to run as well, a reputation to maintain. If something or someone causes harm to those things, or even threats to cause harm to those things, I have to take some steps. I am forced to. I liked your father, to be honest. He was a great asset to our company. But things didn't work out the way we wanted. We had to eliminate him. We had to. I didn't like what I did, but it was necessary." Souta said as he stepped into the scene.

"That doesn't make any sense. Any at all. You were the guys doing the dirty business, how do you expect someone to not protest against it? You were wrong and still are. Sooner or later, someone or the other had to do something to stop you." Rokuro argued.

"There you said it. Someone 'had' to. You see, we all are compelled to do things. We all have various sorts of motivations to do the things that we do. There's nothing good or bad, just priorities. As they say, it's just business, nothing personal." Daichi said.

"No. That's not right. What's wrong is wrong, your motivations don't make it right."

"Is that so?"

"Of course."

"Why did you stop then? You want to kill me, kill us? Go ahead. Do you think though, that your conscious will go easy on you? Will you be able to live guilt-free knowing that you killed someone, no matter how justified your actions may feel to you? Besides, what do you think about the law? Do you believe the law will let you go just because you had a motivation that you think was right? Would that justify your actions? No, right? You'll be a criminal in the law's eyes. What do you think about that? What do you have to say?"

The face that Rokuro made after hearing that speech from Daichi, pleased both Daichi and Souta. Both of them smiled smugly looking at Rokuro doubting his instincts.

"Sit down, relax. Give it a good thought. We're right here for you to kill. We aren't going anywhere. Just think about it profoundly. Is it worth killing us? Would it bring your parents back? Will it allow you to live free of guilt and regret, and above all, how would you tackle the authorities? The law?" Souta added.

Rokuro frowned and looked down at the floor because of the bombardment of thoughts instilled in him by the brothers. He spent minutes sitting on the sofa on the other side of where the brothers sat. They looked at him with subtle complacent smiles on their faces. They were doing pretty well in hiding the smiles whenever Rokuro looked at them.

Rokuro wrapped his head in his hands as his fingers combed through his hair. He wanted to avenge his parents, but whatever the brothers told him was too logical for him to ignore. The thoughts occupied his mind so much that it didn't even occur to him that whatever the brothers said applied to them too, that they were as much of criminals themselves as much they made Rokuro feel. Almost half an hour went by and the boy didn't do anything. He didn't even look up. All he did was to look down at the floor, stare at it and play the brothers' words in his mind.

He had begun to think it was all over, that there was no sense in killing them. It would make him just like them if he killed them. A conflict was raging in his mind, where he wanted to kill them and avenge his parents, but he didn't want to be a criminal as well, just like them. Just then, following the trend of the past few days, something happened.

"What are you doing? You were here for a purpose, my son." Kono's voice said. Rokuro was thankful that the voice only played in his mind, which meant that it was just him who could hear it.

"What do you mean?" Rokuro answered in his mind.

"You're sitting here with the people who killed your parents. How? Why?"

The words hit him hard. It made him feel disgusted about the fact that he was indeed sitting with the murderers of his parents.

"Do you see what they did to you?" Kono's voice said. "They gaslighted you, and that too easily. This was not expected of you."

Feelings of shame, embarrassment, and disgust flooded his mind hearing those words from his father. He instantly thought of standing up and avenging his parents. When he tried to stand up, his father stopped him.

"No, don't do that." Kono's voice said.

"Why? I've realized my mistake, and I won't stop now." Rokuro said.

"Even though they tried to gaslight you and turn you against yourself for their benefit, they gave you some useful insights and tips. Now, it's your turn to use them against these people."

"What do you mean?"

"As they said, it would make you a criminal if you killed them like they killed me and your mother. You need to think of something different, something that you can do to take your revenge without becoming the criminal that they want you to."

"How? How would I do that?"

"I believe you can do that without my help. I have faith in you."


"Trust me, you don't need my help in this. I'm here to protect you, always. But you don't need me on this one."

With that, Kono's voice faded away, and Rokuro experienced a bright light hit his eyes. All he could see was brightness that blinded him for a few seconds. But once it faded away, he knew exactly what he had to do. There wasn't any sort of confusion in his mind. The path was laid in front of him, he now just had to walk. He looked up as he lifted his head from his hands. He wasn't surprised to see both the brothers looking at him.

"So, what have you thought of? I think you gave it ample time." Daichi said.

Rokuro completely ignored what Daichi said to him. He instead looked at Souta and continued to look at him for a few seconds, thinking of the right words to speak.

"So, Souta? What do you think of the resort in the east of the city? The Blue Resort?" Rokuro said, his eyes intense. Daichi looked at Rokuro with a surprised face.

"What about it?" Souta questioned.

"I mean, what do you think its worth would be?"

"It's quite something, more than 500 million. It's grand, it's huge."

"There's no point discussing that resort, especially now. What are you even talking about?" Daichi interrupted.

"But there's no harm in doing so, or is there?" Rokuro added.

Daichi shut his mouth and let them continue, though he began to sweat nervously, which Rokuro was quick to notice.

"So, Souta, you helped your friend with your own money to build that resort, right?" Rokuro said.

"Yes." Souta said, complacently.

"Great! So kind of you to do that. Did you, however, get a chance to meet your friend since then?"

Souta looked puzzled at that question.

"How do you know all these things? I haven't seen him since. He said he's transferring the shares to his son and that he was leaving the country for good." Souta said.

Rokuro chuckled listening to that answer.

"Do you find it funny too? That your friend invested all of his capital into that resort, just to transfer it to his son soon after? What logic is that? And then left the country for good? What kind of sane person will do that sort of thing? And then, he hasn't seen you ever since and neither has he contacted you, and nothing seemed out of the ordinary to you? How?"

"What are you trying to say? Be clear and precise."

Rokuro looked at Daichi, who looked like he had just been attacked by a lion.

"Do you want to tell him something, Daichi?" Rokuro said.

"Why would he have anything to say on this?" Souta questioned.

"I think he knows why your friend never contacted you or saw you." Rokuro said.

Souta looked at Daichi with a puzzled face.

"What is he talking about, brother?" Souta said.

"Let me help you with this." Rokuro said and walked towards them. He took the laptop placed on the table in the corner and brought it in front of them. A few minutes later, he opened the stock market's website in one tab, and the details of the shares of the resort in another tab. He clicked a few times here and there and about a minute later he showed the laptop to Souta.

"Have a look." Rokuro said.

Souta looked at the screen, trying to understand the details. Rokuro looked at Daichi in the meantime, who looked worried. It was time for Rokuro to smile smugly, and he did. He smiled subtly at him, enjoying the look on Daichi's face. Souta looked at Daichi after he scanned the screen.

"It doesn't show my name on the investor's list. There's just you and a few of your friends, but not me. Why?" Souta said.

"Yeah, answer him, Daichi. Tell him." Rokuro said.

Souta looked at Rokuro, wondering what it was that Rokuro knew and he didn't.

"What is it that I don't know. Tell me, you're making me anxious." Souta said.

"He won't tell you, I'm sure about that." Rokuro added.

"You tell me then." Souta said.

"No! Don't." Daichi said, extending his arm.

"What? Why would you say that? Why don't you want me to know?" Souta asked Daichi.

"He killed your friend, which is why he has neither come back nor contacted you. Even his son doesn't know about this, which is why you couldn't get any update on him." Rokuro said.

Souta's eyes widened as Rokuro was in the middle of his sentence, and by the time Rokuro finished saying his part, the look on Souta's face told Daichi that he demanded an explanation, that he was in shock.

"Don't look at him like that. He's not going to tell you anything. If he wanted to, he would already have in all these years. Don't you think?" Rokuro said.

"Why, brother? Why would you do such a thing to me? All these years I've thought that the money I invested in the resort is there, it's safe. Why did you do this to me? Your brother?" Souta said.

"As I told him," Daichi pointed to Rokuro. "I had to. It's just business, nothing personal. If I wouldn't kill him, I wouldn't have gotten the shares."

"And neither would you have been able to open five more hotels with the help of the return you got, right?" Rokuro said.

"Hotels?" Souta said, shocked. "Five hotels, and I don't even know about them? What is going on here?"

Daichi moved his hand over his forehead, wiping the sweat beads.

"If you don't stop now, you'll make me do something I'll regret. So just stop." Daichi told Rokuro.

"You won't do anything to him. You tell me what have you been doing behind my back or else…" Souta said.

"Or what, huh? What would you do?" Daichi said, irritated. "You wish to stand against me?"

"Watch your words for once, brother. You're talking in the same manner as you talked to the people you didn't like or you killed." Souta said.

"It should be you who need to watch your words and tone. You're talking to your elder brother, don't forget." Daichi said.

"I? I need to watch my words? You're doing things behind my back and it's me who needs to watch the words?"

"Oh, by the way, your wife disappeared a few years ago, right?" Rokuro interrupted.

It instantly enraged Souta hearing about his wife.

"It was you behind it? What did you do to her?" Souta yelled at Daichi as loudly as he could. He even went ahead and tried to grab Daichi by his collar, but Daichi was quick to stop him from doing that.

"I think you'd be delighted to know that she's still alive." Rokuro said. Souta looked at him his wide eyes, anger seemed to wash away from his face in just a second. He dashed to Rokuro and held him by his shoulder.

"Where? Where is she? How do you know for sure she's alive?" Souta said.

"I just do, the same way I know you have an affair with Hinata." Rokuro said. Souta's wide eyes got even wider, and the hair on his arms rose up. It was as if he turned into a statue, he didn't move, didn't say a thing. He could only look Rokuro in the eye as his grip on Rokuro's shoulders loosened.

Rokuro looked at Daichi storming towards him and Souta.

"You're having an affair with Hinata? Your niece? You filthy animal." Daichi screamed as loud as he could as he held Souta by his shoulders and turned him around.

Souta too held Daichi's hands and freed himself from his clutches.

"Who do you think you are? Huh? After what all you've done, you still have the nerve to call me filthy? You're such a disgrace." Souta said.

"Watch your mouth, filthy animal." Daichi said as he planted a tight slap on Souta's face, throwing Souta off balance, but Souta was quick to look and stand up. His hand was on his cheek, eyes raging. He slapped Daichi in return, in the same manner as he was slapped, but he didn't stop there. He kicked Daichi in the belly when Daichi was still looking down. He gave it all, he kicked Daichi as hard as he could.

"You made me suffer for so many years, why? Who does that to their brother?" Souta yelled and cried a little as well at the same time. He kicked him again while he cried, but when he tried to kick him for the third time, Daichi held his leg and flipped it in the air making Souta fall on his face, and once he was, Daichi kicked him quite a few times.

"You bastard, you've been intimate with my daughter behind my back? You don't deserve to live for such a sin." Daichi said as he kicked Souta one more time.

"You talk like you're a saint as if your soul is pure. You abducted my wife, you cheated me with my money. God only what else have you been hiding from me." Souta said.

"It looks like you guys are making love to each other. If I was you in your place, I would be enraged." Rokuro said.

Souta listened to him carefully and it looked like he considered Rokuro's words.

"Your wife isn't living with you now, just because of him." Rokuro said. "And he has no remorse."

Rokuro was pleased to see the anger develop in Souta's eyes. He stood up, countering the kicks and punches that Daichi threw at him. This was the moment Rokuro was waiting for. He now knew Souta was very angry. He closed his eyes and tried to breathe slowly amidst the chaos.

It pleased Rokuro while he had closed his eyes and he could hear loud yelling and grunts from Souta. He smiled and tried to focus. Both his hands were on the temples of his head to be able to focus efficiently. He opened his eyes slowly, watching things go according to his plan. Souta, without realizing, began to move his hands in sync with Rokuro's hands. None of them except Rokuro knew that he was controlling Souta's hands now, making Souta more powerful than he could ever be, and it was evident in the surprise in Daichi's eyes. Daichi couldn't comprehend how his brother was able to generate so much power. He had never seen him so physically active. Souta moved his right hand back and with one swift move, he slapped Daichi with all the power that he had.

"This is for my wife." Souta said after he slapped Daichi.

"And this is for the backstabbing." He said as he slapped him again.

Daichi placed his hand on his ear and looked at it. It was covered with blood. He wasn't going to stay quiet after this. He gave his younger brother a look, a menacing look. He roared as he took his hand as far back as he could, and then swung it. The sound that it made when his hand touched Souta's cheek was pleasing to Rokuro. Souta didn't like it at all. He grabbed Daichi's shoulders and tried to squeeze on them, and just a few seconds later Daichi gave out a cry. It hurt him, but the grip was too strong for him to break out of. Daichi not only yelled but he cried as well because of the pain.

"Yeah, do you feel it now? It's nothing compared to the pain that you caused my wife and me." Souta said and forced his thumbs into Daichi's shoulders. Daichi cried louder than ever as the thumbs slowly tore his flesh and entered inside his body. He looked at his younger brother, whose eyes were about to fall out. Souta continued to push his thumbs into Daichi's shoulders, and all Daichi could do was cry and moan.

"Stop it!" Daichi cried.

"It's just the beginning, you filth. Watch me." Souta said and gripped Daichi's shoulders with his fingers and pushed the thumbs even deeper and once he knew the thumbs couldn't go any further, he used his fingers and forced them from the backside. With a little more effort, he was able to get the fingers to pierce the skin and enter into the flesh. Daichi gave a very loud cry because of this.

"No! Don't do this, please, I beg you. Please don't do this." Daichi said when he realized what Souta was planning to do. But Souta wasn't going to listen to Daichi. He just focused on one thing, and one thing only. Sound of cracking bone filled the hall. There was complete silence for a very short moment, and then, the cracking sound and the sound of tearing flesh filled the room again, and of course, the cries of Daichi were to be heard even at great distances. The guards would have heard his cries as well, but none of them could enter inside because Rokuro was controlling the doors. He made sure nobody entered the mansion.

Daichi's right shoulder began to come apart slowly, but the voices that came out of his mouth were not slow. He cried out on top of his lungs, literally. Rokuro was delighted to see his enemy get a taste of his own medicine by his brother. The sound of cracking bones and tearing muscles gave immense pleasure to Rokuro. Daichi cried and yelled as much as he could and wanted to when he felt his arm being torn apart from his body, but none of that stopped Souta from continuing. Rokuro wondered how little it took for him to send Souta on his edge and take these steps. He regretted he didn't do this earlier, but it was better than not doing it at all.

The guards looked at the action from the window glasses, they even tried to break the windows but didn't have any success and Rokuro stood there enjoying the moment.

Moments later the arm was completely separated from the body, blood spewing out of the shoulder and the separated arm onto the floor. Souta threw the arm to the side and focused on the left side of his brother. Daichi was out of his senses by this time, not knowing what to do or say. But he knew what was happening and what was about to happen, so he tried to talk to his brother, but even before he could open his mouth, his left arm was separated from his body with even more blood spewing out on the floor.

"No!" Daichi said and cried out loud as before. He looked at his brother, who had vengeance written all over his face. Souta had forgotten that the person he just amputated was his brother, such was his rage. Daichi didn't have the strength anymore to continue standing up, so he was on his knees now.

"What have you done, brother? You took away my arms." Daichi cried.

"And you took away my love, my life. You betrayed me." Souta said.

Daichi fainted and fell on the floor because of the excessive blood loss while Souta watched him take his last few breaths.

"You can relax now, he's no more." Rokuro said a few moments later when he sensed that Daichi stopped breathing.

"Huh?" Souta said, surprised. Rokuro then realized that Souta was still under his influence. He closed his eyes again and tried to focus. He was able to bring his breathing to a normal rhythm and calm his mind, which is when he released Souta from his influence.

When Rokuro opened his eyes, he saw a puzzled and fearful face of Souta. While he knew what had just happened, he also knew Souta would be oblivious to it, which was a great advantage for him to have.

Souta looked at Rokuro, and then at the dead body of his brother. While he was still mad at his brother for doing him wrong and keeping him in the dark, it was still a shock to see his dead body lying in front of him, that too with such brutality. It numbed his mind. He didn't know how it happened, but seeing the blood on his hands and clothes gave him some idea, and it didn't matter how mad he was at Daichi, he was still his brother after all. It shocked him immensely to see his brother lay inanimate.

"Who did this? Why do I have blood on my hands?" Souta asked Rokuro.

"Why do you think you'd have blood on your hands when you can see a dead body in front of you?" Rokuro said.

"No! I couldn't have done this. I can't do this."

"Yet, here we are. There are just two of us in the hall, and just you have bloody hands."

Rokuro allowed the doors and windows to be opened, and when he did, not just the guards entered through, the police entered in as well. No one knew how the police got to the scene, except for Rokuro.

"No! I didn't do any of this. Leave me alone." Souta said as the policemen grabbed him.

"Yeah right, you didn't do any of this. We can see what happened here. We saw it with our own eyes." The Police Officer said.

"What? Did you see it? How can it be? How can I not remember any of it?"

"Don't worry, we'll help you remember it. We have a lot of ways to help you. We often meet criminals who don't remember their crime and we help them remember it in the cell." The Police Officer said sarcastically, and they took Souta with him, and the guards as well, while other officers took care of the scene and the body. Nobody questioned Rokuro, as he was seen just standing away from the scene. It all panned out according to his plan.