
Rogue Villain

Waking up after a traffic accident, a young man realizes that he might have transmigrated into the world of one of his favorite stories, which isn't all bad. Except for a couple of things. The world and everyone on it gets destroyed at the end of the story. He has transmigrated into the body of Ackster Phileam, an infamous roadside pebble antagonist who gets killed by the original Hero of the story a week after meeting The Hero. And half that week has already passed. *The story is pretty slow paced, especially the first decent batch of chapters. But if you're intrigued by the story but not the abundance of words, check out the chapter 1-56 summary. It will be full of spoilers, but just consider it a prologue.*

armordillo · Fantasy
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423 Chs

Sea God Manual

The rectangular object inside the light blue crystal case was surprisingly elaborate. Considering the Temple, the chamber's layout, and the overall simple designs of everything except the murals, Ackster thought that the Sea God Manual would be more simplistic in nature.

It was also a relatively common trope in fantasy stories that old, cool, powerful books had a deceptively ordinary appearance.

But the Sea God Manual had a bunch of glitter and pearls on the cover, forming elaborate patterns of the sea.

Ackster was a little suspicious. It could be a trap.


It wasn't like he hadn't been reckless before.

Ackster grabbed the crystal encasing and removed it from the pedestal, nervously awaiting a hatch opening in the ceiling and dropping a stone ball the size of a house on him. But nothing happened, so he grabbed the Sea God Manual, put back the case, and stepped back. He clutched the book and scanned the chamber.