
Rocky the brave dog

The day started out just like any other at the puppy breeding society were a puppy named rocky was just recently born a human girl named Rosie Immediately took a liking to a puppy that she just saw Rosie Immediately got her dad to adopt him after the adoption papers were filled out Rosie named her new puppy rocky Rosie took rocky home taught him everything she could and rocky was a smart and loving dog they had tons of fun together but one day Rosie suddenly became very sick and no doctor could figure out why but rocky could for you see rocky was no ordinary puppy somehow the breeding society managed to breed a regular golden retriever together with a mystical spirit dog as such rocky had some inherited memories from his fathers spirit dog side and in those memories just so happens to contain the knowledge of what his friend and owner Rosie was sick with and how to heal it but in order to heal her he would have to go on a adventure to the spirit would to get a medical potion made from unicorn horn powder dragon saliva summer spirit grass spirit heart herb spirit wood of a ten million year old rare spirit heart tree and grind all dry ingredients into a powder and pour all wet ingredients into said powder and put the powder into a vial to take back to his human owner Rosie and to get her to drink it and make it he will have to fine a spirit person to help him knowing this is the case rocky gives rosy a goodbye hug and lick and then opens a portal into the spirit world now in the spirit world rocky has the ability to speak to any inhabitants of that world and they can understand what he is saying rocky now in the spirit world is surrounded by beautiful trees trees that look similar yet different from the regular trees in the regular world that he had lived all his life in the trees could move by growing legs and could speak to rocky then looks around and lucky for him he finds a spirit human it's a human who lives in the spirit world rocky goes up to that spirit human and tell him his name and why he is here and that he needs his help the spirit human named ren introduces himself and then says I will help you rocky in your quest to save your owner/friend first we should find the spirit heart tree there should be one around here the only problem is getting it to give us some of its bark after ren said that rocky says okay and together they searched for the spirit heart tree they searched all day and met different spirit trees there was one that's bark was shaped like a cat another who's bark was shaped like a broken heart another who's bark was shaped like a heart with a apple in the middle but they just couldn't seem to find the spirit heart tree so rocky decided to ask the trees if they knew where he could find a spirit heart tree he went up to one of the trees and said excuse me do you happen to know where I can find the spirit heart tree the big old spirit tree said why yes I do the spirit heart tree live further ahead next to a stream in a clearing right outside this forest after hearing that rocky thanked the spirit tree that helped him and went to ren to tell him the news and together off they went they soon managed to find the spirit heart tree rocky walked up to the tree and said excuse me spirit heart tree may I please have some of your bark my friend needs it in order to survive the spirit heart tree said no my bark is very precious to me and if I was to give some to you it would hurt a lot rocky asked is there anything I could do for you to get you to change your mind rocky asked why yes there is said the spirit heart tree you see that stream right I don't know how but one of my roots got stuck in it and I can't pull it out if you can help me free my root then I will give you a small piece of my bark said the spirit heart tree to rocky okay I will help said rocky rocky goes into the stream and looks around under the water he sees a boulder is on top of the root of the spirit heart tree he tries to push it off without much success so he asks ren to help ren rushes over and together they manage to get the boulder off of the spirit heart trees root they then walk up to the spirit heart tree and rocky says I have done as you asked now can I please have some of your bark the spirit heart tree says yes and rips a tiny bit off of itself and gives it to rocky who hand it to ren for safe keeping rocky asks the spirit heart tree if it knows where he can find spirit heart herb the old spirit heart tree says I do they grow close to the ocean you will find it further west but it's a long journey and it will take years by foot I know someone that can take you there though if you don't mind riding my good old friend the old winged earth dragon of course not says ren it would be our honor says rocky good then I will call him says the old spirit heart tree screeee the tree calls out and soon after the old winged dragon appears the tree tells the old winged dragon of how rocky helped it and asked it if it could help take them to the spirit heart herb the old winged earth dragon agrees come on up said the old winged earth dragon ren and rocky climbed onto the dragons back and off they flew within ten minutes they arrived they got off the winged earth dragon and thanked it and rocky asked it can I please have a tiny bit of your saliva I need to make a cure for my friend and if requires unicorn horn powder dragon saliva bark from a ten million year spirit heart tree spirit heart herb and summer spirit grass the winged earth dragon agrees and says sure I love helping people and so ren take out a vial and they put some of the dragons saliva in it next they go and grab a stalk of the sprit heart herb after that they go and look for the summer spirit grass it is said to grow near volcanoes so off they go climbing hills over mountains all to find a volcano and soon they fin one the see one stalk of summer spirit grass growing on a lede hanging over the volcan rec take point on this one he climbs down picks it and tries climbing up but starts to slip rocky grabs rens shirt in his mouth and pulls ren up after that they leave the volcano and go south toward the meadows once there they come across some spirit horseshoes asks them if they know where they can find a unicorn one of the spirit horses says yes but then tells them that if they want to meet it they must pass a text and they are led to a field of purple and blue flowers they are told to breathe in the flowers and they do next they are told that they have been Poisoned and only one of them may live and are asked to choose rocky says ren you should be the one to live without you I can't make the medicines d without the medicine my friend will die so please live but ren says no it should be you I don't know what your friend looks like or how to find her rocky tells ren how to find Rosie and what Rosie looks like and then shoves ren away from the flowers and to the spirit horse the spirit horse then says well done you both passed don't worry you are not really poisoned that was just a trick to see if you would try to save yourself or your friend and by trying to save your friend you pass I will now take you to the unicorn said the spirit horse the spirit horse leads them to a waterfall and they enter through it and into a cave with plenty of grass and flowers growing they look around but don't see the unicorn so they turn towards the spirit horse and what they saw amazed them the spirit horse glowed and a horn appeared on its head the sorority horse now unicorn says let me introduce myself I am the unicorn normally I disguise myself as a regular spirit horse but for those who pass my test and prove them self worthy I reveal my true self to them so what can I do to help you akss the unicorn rocky then says my friend is dying and I need some of your horn to be ground into a dust in order to use in a potion to save them I see says the unicorn who the scrapes her horn onto a rocky make a small amount of horn dust is this enough it enough thank you unicorn ren and rocky say ren then sets up all his tools and takes all the ingredients for the medicine he first puts the ground unicorn horn powder on one bowl then takes the bark grinds it into powder and puts it into another bowl then takes the spirit heart herb and ground it and puts it into a bowl and does the same thin for the summer spirit grass and then bring out the dragon saliva and takes out a mixing bowl he first pours in the unicorn horn powder followed by the spirit heart tree bark powder then the summer spirit grass and the spirit heart herb followed by the dragons saliva then ren carefully mixes it together and once done mixing he puts it into another bottle and puts the lid on it and puts it safely into his bag and then turns to ren and says let's go save your friend ren says yeah and they open a portal to leave the spirit world and they run to Rocky's owner/friend Rosie house and then they enter and get Rosie to drink the medicine afterwards Rosie gets better ren says good by to rocky and Rosie and return to the spirit world and rocky spends the rest of his like having fun with his owner Rosie the end