
ROB's Lottery Wheel

Alexios Komnenos is a teen with a surname which raises eyebrows. Does he have connections to Ancient Byzantine Emperors? Well, it doesn't matter. That empire is long gone. But such a surname has left a mark on him. Then one day he gets an APP with ROB's name in it! What could go wrong? A waifu from a lottery wheel? Maybe the world change? Or some powers from an anime? Just one of a few things. Oh... And he gets a dungeon based on Dark Souls and Monster Hunter

Dragon15681 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
59 Chs

New Partner

Julis was not happy with the idea of allowing someone to die just like that.

She was quite livid when she heard Alex's original plan.

But, then she heard what the pervert would do with the dragon inside of him.

Since the pervert has an insane amount of heavy emotions towards… female breasts.

His growth speed will be insane and he will do lots of degrading things towards the females too.

So, for Greater Good, as Alex says it, they will allow that filthy degenerate to die and then to be resurrected and hopefully... maybe, put in place or receive a reality check from his future devil Master.

Probably not, but Julis can only hope…

The less she sees that individual the better, thankfully she only sees him once per day every half-year or so…

For now, she decided to rest and read some 'treasures' she found in this world.

One of them is The Da Vinci Code, an incredible book which she is fighting not to speed read and just savour!

"Well, he is taking his time…" Julis glanced at the clock on the wall and saw that Alex had gone for most of the day.

Hearing how he will need to stalk that idiot most of the day, sounds weird and she is quite pitying him, but for the Legendary tier, one can act like a stalker for a bit.

And if she is to go she will attract attention more than needed, apparently having pink hair does that.

But, then she realised that Sitri's peerage has girls with colourful hair colour too! don't they attract attention too?

For a second she huffed, what a weird place she is living in right now!


Alex was thinking of just going home after leaving Rias alone, but he decided to do something else for a few minutes.

The black-haired teen found a secluded place and closed his eyes.

Imagining the most powerful thing possibly…

At that moment he felt something, a presence inside of him.

He then pulled it and he felt something appear on his back.

His eyes snapped open and turned around he saw a pair of blue energy wings which are held together by a white metal-like thing.

It was Divine Dividing.

"Hmm? So, my host finally awakened me! Let me introduce myself! My name is Albion! The Vanishing Dragon! One of Heavenly Dragons! Holder of title The White Dragon Emperor!"

Alex heard a voice coming from the pair of wings, each time it spoke it glowed according to the dragon's speech.

"Nice to meet you , Albion!" the black-haired teen spoke with excitement, hell yes! He has Divine Dividing!

"Ho? Interesting! You are the first of my hosts to react like this!" The white dragon spoke curiously.

"Most of them are freaked out or experience a period of denial, but you… you are excited? Curious."

"That's because…" For a second Alex closed his eyes, focused on relevant memories and pushed them to the very front of his mind for the dragon to read them.

"It would be better if you were to experience yourself." The teen said to the dragon.




"...It...would seem… as humans say… I have dodged a bullet." The Dragon Emperor said with a relieved tone.

He just went through a 'ride' of all the information Alex knows of what could have happened to him…

As his other host would have been the ultra pervert he would have ended with a mental breakdown… with multiple relapses and wish to commit suicide which he can't do… since he doesn't have a body in the first place...

"Indeed you did, so you won't be mad that I took you from the original host?" Alex curiously asked him.


"While I am all-powerful Heavenly Dragon! I don't have a choice in my selection of hosts! So, no. I won't be mad that I dodged the incarnation of a pervert for a host."

"No… instead, I am far more interested in helping you!" Albion spoke with quite a giddy voice in this part.

The Heavenly Dragon never had such an interesting host! Two sets of memories? Different worlds? The Multiverse is being confirmed and very much real!

Not to mention an insane dungeon where Alex can truly get loose!

The white dragon even has hopes that with this unique set of powers, he might be able to get out and see the outside world once again!

"Good to hear that you are on my side, not going to lie I was quite… uncertain how you are going to react." The teen scratched the back of his head in a slightly embarrassed fashion.

"You mean like those fanfiction versions of Red? Who gets angry for being separated from such a pervert?" Albion spoke with disbelief, the teen believed such a thing could happen. Why would a dragon being of pride care about some incarnation of a pervert!?

They are Heavenly Dragons for Pete's sake! Even Gods are afraid of them! Beings of pride! Not some sassy buddies!

"Somewhat, by his point, my knowledge is mingled with what is canon and fanon…" Alex said with a shrug.

"Ha! No need to worry about that partner! Red would be singing praises if he was… acquired similarly." The Vanishing Dragon said with a knowing voice, he knows his rival better than anyone!

"Really? And what about this then?" Alex pushed more memories to the front of the ones where Ddraig kept Issei's soul in the armour. When he got killed by Samuel's curse.

"Hmm, he got sentimental, and because they finally went beyond Juggernaut Drive, that's a milestone neither Red or I wish to lose," Albion spoke in a speculative tone.

The White Dragon himself doesn't understand much, he can see himself being close with Vali, as he grows to respect such driven hosts.

But is Red becoming like that with such an incarnation of a pervert? He only guessed he started to grow soft and sentimental…

While Alex processed what the White Dragon Emperor just said to him.

He can understand Ddraig's reluctance to pass over and losing the host which conquered Juggernaut's drive and created something beyond that…

"Well, it doesn't matter, it's a different timeline." Alex shrugged casually, it didn't concern him anymore.

Albion accepted him and that is all that matters to him.

"True, you should care about the here and now." Albion agreed with him.

And Alex nodded in turn he then started walking towards his home, his energy wings disappeared with a flash of white.

'That's why I wish to offer you a deal, it's nothing much since I can't offer anything in my current state.' Albion started speaking directly in his mind.

'Well, I am willing to listen.'

'It's nothing much, but I am willing to share everything I know, all of my knowledge, in return I wish for you to learn means to allow me to manifest outside of Divine Dividing.'

Alex wasn't too shocked by the request, it's a request which is a win-win for him, once he can manifest Albion outside the gear he will fight with him, and the knowledge one? That's even better.

He does remember that Ddraig sometimes would withhold information, as Issei is dumb as a brick…

Well, that's probably why the red dragon would withhold the information in the first place…

Nonetheless, there is no reason not to accept such an offer.

'I accept there is no reason not to, it's a win-win situation for me.'

'True.' Alex could feel the dragon nod inside his head, the feeling was quite weird having a presence inside of him!

'Now that introductions are over we can move to more important things.' The Vanishing Dragon got slightly more serious.

'First, because some of the knowledge you know doesn't quite work that way, that's possible because this world was a non-supernatural one before you used THAT card…

Realising that one exists because teenagers used some sort of card is quite… surreal to say the least.' Alex can feel quite some heavy emotions coming from the Heavenly Dragon.

'I recommend you never mention that it was you who turned this world into what it is today.'

Alex nodded, like hell he was telling that to anyone, not that many would believe him anyway but still…

'Good, now let's discuss how this world is different from that pure shounen as you say…'

'First is that my previous host would have died at the battle against Kokabiel. As the Fallen is nothing like the one from the world you know him off.'

'He might have played with his prey a little bit before ending him, that's unless my rival's host is watching from a distance otherwise he would die in several moments once the Fallen gets serious.

Maybe even before, how quickly that pervert got so strong would have not worked in this world, it takes years to achieve Balance Breaker and master it.

Even if his obsession with female breasts is strong it would only accelerate his growth to a large degree but nothing you have shown to me." Alex was relieved to hear that, it means there is no insane power-up from simple fondling…

'So Riser would have whipped his ass before Kokabiel.' The teen said thoughtfully.

'Yes, the pervert would have lost because even if he gets those 10 seconds to face the Phenex brat the armour would be extremely sluggish, like fighting in quicksand.'

'As to emulate a Balance Breaker before achieving it naturally is not recommended.'

'This means the rules of powers are more...strict.' The black-haired teen realised.

'Hmm, from your point of view, yes, nonetheless the pervert would have achieved his Balance Breaker the way you have shown me, sad to say it would have worked.'

'Extreme emotions are the key, yet it's not recommended after achieving Balance Breaker, as it will lead to Juggernaut Drive.'

'Hmm, I see, good to know, what else can you tell about other pantheons and everything else?' Alex stored the information he just learned and asked about other things.


Alex returned home and went to the living room.

He saw his girlfriend relaxing on the couch, wrapping herself in a blanket and reading a book with a serious face.

The teen could see how fast her eyes were moving, she was reading it fast and extremely into the whole plot.

She didn't even notice him until he dropped in next to her.

The girl blinked at him for a second before processing his arrival.

"How was it?" She asked curiously.

"Well, it was something else that I expected…" He got up on his feet and got in front of her.

Moments later a pair of wings manifested on his back.

"T-Those are…"

"Divine Dividing! And my name is A…"

"Albion I know…" The girl said with a knowing look, she had heard about dragon's egos. so, she stole the thunder before it could build up…


"I thought the perv has Boaster Gear, how come it's Divine Dividing?" She said that with a thoughtful look, before Alex could even say anything she spoke first.

"Butterfly effect isn't it?" Julis said with realisation.

Alex nodded with a smile, he was extremely amused at how Julis had handled the White Dragon.

"Yes, possibly related to my family's existence or yours." He said with a shrug as he recalled the wings and dropped back onto the couch.

"I can see that our families have been around for centuries, and only a small piece is needed to change the course of history." The girl completely agreed with him.

After all, the only thing that is needed is for one 'Emperor' to die too early or too late…

Especially in more modern times when Sacred Gears have a chance of not even getting awakened in the first place.

One can live their whole life without awakening something like Boaster Gear or Divine Dividing…

'I agree with your mate as well, my last proper host lived in the Middle Ages when Vikings were still a thing.' Albion said in his mind, Alex could feel the Dragon shrugging inside his head, the feeling was quite weird…

"Yeah, and Albion agrees too."

Hearing that Julis got extremely curious to the point that she moved out from her blank and onto his lap.

"So how does it work? Is it in your soul now? Do you have some dragon tendencies? Because I can feel the slight changes in you." The girl closely inspected him.

'... She is a dangerous partner, I guess you like living dangerously, this Heavenly Dragon completely approves of it.'

Alex could not hold it and started laughing hearing what the white dragon said.


For advanced chapters (+23 chapters) my pat : pat reon.com/DragonsFics


Discord: discord.gg/denoffanfics


P.S.: I do weekly voting on Patreon if you want more chapters for this fic (or other fics ) vote there.


Alexios Komnenos] (Old)

[Lv 1]

[STR: S 912]

[VIT: S 999]

[END: S 901]

[AGI: S 957]

[MAG: S 999]













[Julis Alexia-von Riessfield]

[Lv 1]

[STR: D 522]

[VIT: S 901]

[END: D 541]

[AGI: F 337]

[MAG: S 910]










[EMPHATIC LINK: Alexios Komnenos]



Northern Wolf Pelt (Common Rank) x1052

Northern Wolf Fang (Common Rank) x1052

Northern Alpha Wolf Pelt (Uncommon Rank) x43

Northern Alpha Wolf Fang (Uncommon Rank) x43

Multiple encyclopaedias on Ancient Fauna and Animals (Outside Item)

First Aid Kit (Outside item) x6

Disinfectant Bottles (Outside Item) x5

Painkiller Packs (Outside Item) x4

Spare Male Clothes (Outside Item) x13

Spare Female Clothes (Outside Item) x20

Duct tape x5

Sharpening Tool Kit x2

Common Lottery Wheel ticket x1101

Gajau Skin x45

Gajau Whiskers x 12

Basics Of Arcane (Book)

Uncommon Lottery Wheel ticket x32

A copy of Basics of Barrier Magic

History Book of Katanas


[Card Deck]

New Ak-47(Common Rank)[No Ammo]

Naruto Volume 5 (Common Rank)

A copy Of the Potioneering Compendium


[World List]

Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru (Common World) [No Supernatural]

Guilty Crown (Uncommon World) [Low Supernatural]