
ROB's Lottery Wheel

Alexios Komnenos is a teen with a surname which raises eyebrows. Does he have connections to Ancient Byzantine Emperors? Well, it doesn't matter. That empire is long gone. But such a surname has left a mark on him. Then one day he gets an APP with ROB's name in it! What could go wrong? A waifu from a lottery wheel? Maybe the world change? Or some powers from an anime? Just one of a few things. Oh... And he gets a dungeon based on Dark Souls and Monster Hunter

Dragon15681 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
59 Chs

More Wolves

After checking their upgraded stats, Alex decided that it was time to explore the forest.

They entered through the same path where he originally did so.

After experiencing the forest for nearly 3 years, Alex somewhat started to understand it.

And 'see' the difference, it is hard to explain but people start to develop certain skills or abilities when they spend a lot of time doing something or in this case survive in a wolf-infested forest.

In this case, Alex instantly picked up when a wolf spotted him.

"They have found us." He said to Julis.

"Already? But, we just entered the forest!" She was slightly gobsmacked hearing that.

"Just look at your right, and do it slowly, otherwise they will know that you are panicking." He said that while gazing at the front as if looking at something.

"But, I am not panicking!" She said that while slowly moving her head to the right, her eyes slightly widened seeing a horse-sized wolf staring at her with red glowing eyes.

"There is one behind us, I will take the one in front, while you use your fireball on the one behind." He ignored her last words and instead instructed her.

"That moment the ones on the sides will dash at us. So, be prepared." He finished saying that as he pulled out his Starling Blue.

Julis could only nod slightly, her heartbeat increased, as she started to realise how dangerous the situation was for her.

According to Alex, the wolf's rough stats were in the 100's and her only stats above 100 were magic and vitality.

Alex didn't wait for the wolves to make their move as he quickly pulled the bowstring and shot the energy arrow.

Slaying the beast with utter ease, he then quickly turned to his left and shot another arrow.

His girlfriend quickly reacted too, as with a spin she turned around and hurled a scorching white fireball at the wolf.

She didn't stop to look at her handy work as she threw another one at the approaching wolf.

"Don't lower your guard, Julis, there are at least four more approaching." He told her as he pulled the bowstring again and another blue arrow manifested.

Soon enough Julis noticed that he was right, the wolves once again tried to use sheer numbers on them.

She quickly created another pair of white fireballs and hurled them at the wolves.

This continued several more times and the pinkhead started to feel tired.

Yet, the amount of wolves that attacked them was much above what Alex had seen before.

'That would be 26, The regular pack before was 9 with one of them being the Alpha.'

Moments later from the shadows several more wolves came out, Alex counted that it was nine regular ones and the tenth one was the alpha.

'So, roughly four times huh… Julis' presence here increased the number of creatures by four?' He didn't know if he should be honoured that the dungeon reacted that way, is his waifu such a big threat?

"Julis try using environment! Separate them!" Alex quickly said that while he already released one of the arrows at them, which was dodged by the incoming wolf the beasts already entered the caution mode.

At least the patterns didn't change!

"Are you sure? We are in a dry forest!" She said that with disbelief, was he trying to start a forest fire!?

"A forest which wants to eat us!" He reminded her about the real 'face' of the forest.

Hesitation disappeared the moment she heard that, as she changed the target of the fireball, which slammed slightly lower and towards the ground.

The fire explosion made the remaining wolves separated into two groups.

Weirdly enough the fire did not spread as it disappeared soon enough. Still, it did its job.

Alex used this moment to unleash a barrage of arrows.

Killing three out of five who quickly spread out more.

While Julis unleashed several more fireballs, at that moment she realised that she had overused her Gear as she was feeling like she was on her last leg.

Still, while she was physically drained her magical reserves were fine.

Not that she had a chance to unleash her regular flames.

As she was about to create regular flames the girl heard a loud electrical crackling noise.

Her gaze went to Alex, that moment her eyes widened as she saw his new and improved Electrical Augmentation, she had not seen it yet being used with his Lightning Force.

The very next moment he was like a ghost and dissected the remaining wolves with his hand like it was a sword.

It was quite surreal in her eyes, how could a hand be that sharp, she could understand claws…

But, this…

It was like laser cutting paper.

Once the remaining wolves collapsed Alex just turned around and appeared in front of her.

Her eyes could not even follow his movement!

Then he just turned off his augmentation and looked at her.

"Are you okay?" He asked with concern.

Julis just sighed and straightened herself, she was tired but not to that degree!

"I am okay, you should not worry about me that much… while I was tired I still had my magic." She said that while trying to sound capable and not some damsel in distress!

"Hmm, if you say so." He acknowledged her dedication. But, then he looked away and motioned to follow him.

Julis slightly grimaced, because she was still tired even though she tried to hide behind her bravado.

Still, she quickly got relieved as they arrived at a specific tree.

"See that sword mark on this tree bark?" Alex pointed at the tree in front of them.

Julis simply nodded at him, trying to understand what he meant by this, she could guess that this tree is where he fought some wolves.

"This is the tree where I died for the first time." He explained so casually that it took Julis a couple of seconds to process what he meant.

Soon, enough she connected the dots and turned pale like paper.

Before she could say anything he pointed at another location on their right side.

"And right over there next to that tree, is my second location of death." He explained this one casually too.

"What I am saying is that we WILL die in this dungeon, the longer we 'resist' the harsher and more deadly beings this place will unleash." Now he spoke seriously.

"So far I only saw three beings in this forest, while Wolves are cannon fodder to me by this point, the other two? They can be very dangerous, especially the Calydonian Boar."

"So, Julis, what I am asking you is, if you are tired then tell me and we will rest, time is something we have in spades remember?"

Julis shook her head when she heard the part about dying, she could only guess that the dungeon already had affected Alex to such a large degree.

Even so, she decided to accept the fact that her pride had no place in this dungeon.

"Fine, boyfriend of mine, I am tired, the Sacred Gear drained me." She confessed to him.

And Alex only smiled at her, he quickly went over and scooped her up, into princess carry.

Julis didn't react much to this, she only raised her eyebrow at him wondering what he was up to.

That changed quickly as she understood what was happening next.

The pink-haired girl's eyes bulged out as she realised that they were running up to the treetop!

With awe, she looked around as she saw the massive expanse of trees around them.

No matter in which direction they looked there were trees everywhere!

This made her realise just how difficult it is to navigate in such a place!

"I have already been working on marking the directions, if you can focus over there you will see a tree is missing its entire right side of branches." Alex pointed, and Julis looked towards there.

"...I can barely see it, but yes! How on earth can you see it so clearly so far away!?" She said that while narrowing her eyes while gazing at the horizon.

"Well, I have reached the point where I can use my augmentation on an instinctual level."

"I see, you add more… bioelectricity? to your eyes, making them work more?" She theorised out loud.

"There is no need for you to scientifically explain something In a magically supernatural world...especially in the one we live in right now." Alex could only shake his head from amusement and maybe some despair as to what place he was living now.

"Yes, I suppose you are right, the more I try to do that the more mysteries will appear." She said with a sigh.

Alex nodded and slowly lowered her on a branch, even so, Julis did not let him go!

Even if the branch was massive, she was on a massive treetop the size of a skyscraper!

So, Alex just wrapped his hands around her and.

"You do realise that I can't stick to the surface like you can?" She explained herself.

"Julis, you don't need to explain to yourself why you are touchy with me." He chuckled while saying that.

That moment he compared both of the Julis, he came to a certain conclusion that when Julis is 'lustful' the counterpart majority takes over.

And since the counterpart did not have any sort of combat experience since she believed that it was something his wife should not have, this is where the Asterisk side dominates that one, to the point that Julis may or may not forget certain things about her counterpart for time being…

"Right, sorry…" She apologised before completely leaning on him.

"That's fine, just relax for now, then we will continue to expand our perimeter." He slowly got into a sitting position while pulling his girlfriend to sit on his lap.

"Okay, how much did you already have?" She asked curiously.

"Less than a hundred kilometres I suppose." He did some very rough maths in his head, using trees as a measuring tool.

"In the West and North direction." Alex clarified even further.

"Why those directions?" She asked curiously.

"Because I know the North has the river, and the West has the mountain where the Calydonian Boar is." He clarified to her.

"Then you have no idea what is in South and East?" She asked thoughtfully.

Alex very simply nodded at her question.

"Great, that means we can explore those areas together!" She thought happily, while this place can be scary, she will get closer to him more than anything!

Her boyfriend can only smile slightly at her.

'Well, at least she is happy about such an opportunity...'


After resting Alex rushed towards his last known location where he chopped up tree branches.

Julis even saw an area with a large amount of scorch marks, it made the forest look even darker than before.

The girl realised that this area was where Alex trained for his Lightning Force.

It even looked like something from a battlefield, she had already seen a bloody scene when Alex chopped the wolves, it was nauseating, but this was maybe even worse…

The amount of time spent here by him and how much destruction caused this place...

Even, so they did not stay long there, as Alex pulled her forward.

Never before had she thought that she would experience jumping from tree to tree at a rapid pace.

Being carried by Alex was nice until he started rapidly travelling through the treetops.

At first, Julis was afraid, as it was a natural reaction and she did not have her Strega abilities. But, she eventually calmed down and enjoyed the wind, the view and the feeling of liberation it gave.

It was the closest feeling to flying after all.

Eventually, they found another 'pack' of wolves. Well, it was no longer a pack but a large group.

As Alex has guessed it was 35 wolves with 1 alpha leading them.

"Right, Julis let's use max power at the very beginning, they enter caution mode once at least half of them are gone." He told her as he slowly lowered her on a branch.

"They have some sort of set of patterns here then?" She asked while wearily looking at the wolves on the ground, they were some distance away but still, she could spot them on the ground.

"Yes, I suppose it's a game-like element they possess." He shrugged before electricity started to crackle around him and he started to form a large ball of lightning.

"I see, it's better this way then…" She copied what Alex did too.

Creating a large ball of white fire.


For advanced chapters (+27 chapters) my pat : pat reon.com/DragonsFics


Discord: discord.gg/denoffanfics


P.S.: I do weekly voting on Patreon if you want more chapters for this fic (or other fics ) vote there.


[Alexios Komnenos]

[Lv 1]

[STR: C 699]

[VIT: S 927]

[END: B 770]

[AGI: D 547]

[MAG: S 905]













[Julis Alexia-von Riessfield]

[Lv 1]

[STR: I 54]

[VIT: H 104]

[END: I 92]

[AGI: I 30]

[MAG: F 337]








[EMPHATIC LINK: Alexios Komnenos]



Northern Wolf Pelt (Common Rank) x47

Northern Wolf Fang (Common Rank) x47

Northern Alpha Wolf Pelt (Uncommon Rank) x13

Northern Alpha Wolf Fang (Uncommon Rank) x13

Multiple encyclopaedias on Ancient Fauna and Animals (Outside Item)

First Aid Kit (Outside item) x6

Disinfectant Bottles (Outside Item) x5

Painkiller Packs (Outside Item) x4

Spare Clothes (Outside Item) x1

Duct tape x5

Sharpening Tool Kit x2

Common Lottery Wheel ticket x58

Gajau Skin x5

Gajau Whisker

Basics Of Arcane (Book)

Uncommon Lottery Wheel ticket x2

A copy of Basics of Barrier Magic


[Card Deck]

New Ak-47(Common Rank)[No Ammo]

Naruto Volume 5 (Common Rank)

Sacred Gear Removal

Sacred Gear Twice Critical

A copy Of Potioneering Compendium


[World List]

Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru (Common World) [No Supernatural]

Guilty Crown (Uncommon World) [Low Supernatural]