
ROB's Lottery Wheel

Alexios Komnenos is a teen with a surname which raises eyebrows. Does he have connections to Ancient Byzantine Emperors? Well, it doesn't matter. That empire is long gone. But such a surname has left a mark on him. Then one day he gets an APP with ROB's name in it! What could go wrong? A waifu from a lottery wheel? Maybe the world change? Or some powers from an anime? Just one of a few things. Oh... And he gets a dungeon based on Dark Souls and Monster Hunter

Dragon15681 · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs

Kuoh Academy

"Hmm? Is that one of those... cards?" Julis asked as she walked over to him.

She brought a plate of sandwiches and a cup of tea for him.

"Yes… it appears my… death has earned me an extra spin…" Alex said while looking at the blue card.

"...that's…" The pinkhead was out of words, on one hand, she was happy that he was getting something out of this, and on the other, she was annoyed at how his power was treating him.

"Anyways, I am now officially joining the club of elemental users…" He smirked as he showed the card to her.

Julis' eyes slightly widened seeing what was written on the card.

After showing what the card was, Alex focused on it, the blue card glowed before scattering and entering Alex's body.

Moments later, Alex felt a surge of some sort in his body, it was like a current had washed him over.

He tried to 'pull' on it, and electricity crackled between his fingers the very next second.

'This is going to take some time to get used to…' Alex thought to himself, he could feel that it was connected to his emotions, as well as his body in general.

If he is not careful, he could easily electrocute people…

"This is good! Now you will have some means to defend yourself!" Julis said happily in an extremely relieved tone.

Alex slowly nodded at her, now he just needed to master it…

He then looked at the sandwiches she has prepared.

"...they look amazing…" He commented, she didn't just make them from toasted bread, nope, she pulled out the sandwich toaster and put a bunch of stuff inside of them.

"But, you didn't have to make such amazing sandwiches in the morning…" Alex said with a smile.

Julis gave him a deadpan look.

"Look who's talking… I felt like I was in a restaurant yesterday." She said with an exaggerated look.

"Well, I am a guy who wants to impress his girlfriend." He said while smirking.

The pinkhead was quite flustered hearing that, and she could not hide the obvious blush.

"A-And I also want to show that I can cook as well!" She said while trying her hardest to fight through her blush.

"I see, then why don't we reach the middle ground and do things together?" Alex offered a solution and the pink head nodded after thinking about it for a moment.

"Good, then let's eat." 


The city of Kouh is not a big place, the Shinto pantheon wouldn't just give such a large city over to the devils, even if it was just renting it out. And unlike the other religions, the Shinto pantheon is quite the powerful faction, because, unlike the Greek or Norse pantheon, they still had quite a large number of followers, this, in turn, made the Shinto gods quite powerful, as faith still plays a huge part in it.

And unlike other realities, gods in DxD don't just fade away or anything like that, no...they just get more empowered, like the Hindu gods for example… A few of them are even in the top 10 strongest beings of this reality.

This means that most of the pantheons have their lineup full of gods, 

Just thinking about it made Alex somewhat terrified, and quite excited. He would be lying if he says that he dislikes how stale his reality was. After being exposed to the media and all the fantasy stuff, he really wanted to experience all of it himself.

Now that he can… he has realised just how dangerous any of the pantheons are…

'I wonder if the Aztec Pantheon is still around? Those guys are completely bloodthirsty and insane…'

Alex needed to train and reach a respectable level of strength before he can even think about relaxing and lazing around.

"Alex, we need to know about each other as much as possible," Julis said to him as they were walking towards Kuoh academy.

He didn't visit the place but he knew the general direction from his house, the city is not that big, plus the brochure showed where the academy is.

"Sure, why don't we start with the most obvious…likes and dislikes?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

The pinkhead nodded with a small smile.

Alex started first and Julis listened attentively. As they were getting close to the academy, the both of them could see more and more teenagers dressed in Kuoh uniforms.

At that moment, Julis suddenly grabbed his hand, and he gave her a questioning look as she just gave him a sharp look back.

"Isn't it obvious what I am doing!" She said in a nearly whispering voice.

While Alex could only shake his head internally, did he just end up in one of those weird settings?

'Wasn't that anime called Nisekoi? Or something similar? With a bunch of those weird relationships.' 

He obviously wasn't going to complain when Julis wanted to get all touchy with him.

The pink-haired girl noticed that Alex had quickly started to adjust to the whole situation.

Not only that, but she could see a small smile on his face.

She realised that he looked more natural in this 'relationship' than she does!

'Alright! Julis, just relax!' The princess pumped herself up.

Alex saw Julis doing breathing exercise, and he could only smile in amusement, she truly is a tsun-tsun, getting so easily embarrassed.

Eventually, they arrived at the school, which was quite the huge complex of buildings.

The anime doesn't do justice to the school, which was shown as just some Victorian-era mansion, nope, it's so much more.

For a second, Alex remembered the harem anime called 'Princess Lover!' where the school was a massive complex of buildings—from a horse back riding club to fencing.

'Ah, yes… Code Geass, the Ashford Academy, that place is even more posh.' 

His previous school would look like a joke in front of those.

"Not bad… But, Asterisk is more impressive…" Julis said with a small smug look on her face.

Alex rolled his eyes at her.

"A floating island with a bunch of schools and academies? And is also financially supported by the entire world? I quite doubt there is anything that can match that…"

Julis just smiled at him, she could hear the envy in his voice.

"I am sure one of these days you will get a ticket to my world."

Instead of saying anything, Alex just squeezed her hand and looked forward. This time, it was serious, Julis followed his gaze and saw two girls with glasses.

For a second, the pinkhead tensed, she knows from the description that these two are devils, not only that, but her gut feeling was telling her that these two are dangerous.

Most of all, there is an aura around them that she can't exactly put her finger on.

'My powers have changed, maybe that's me sensing magic?' Julis could only frown, back at her reality there was only Prana, and she would always be prepared, but this reality was different, and from what Alex has said to her, pretty much every type of group has their own unique powers.

It's going to be a nightmare trying to prepare for every situation possible…

'So, these are the devils… they look just like humans!'

Julis already knew that they were just like humans, but it doesn't change the fact that she was standing in front of a devil from the Bible!

"Good morning, you two must be the transfer students, my name is Sona Shitori, and I am the student council president." The smaller girl with glasses introduced herself.

Alex was feeling quite excited meeting another anime character, especially a non-human.

He could finally see the 'difference'... Which was none, the only difference was that she had a different vibe to her than normal people.

"And this is Tsubaki Shinra, she is the vice president of the student council." Sona introduced the 'Queen' of her peerage.

Alex has already told Julis everything he knew about the two peerages so that she would be prepared.

He knows that his girlfriend wants to know everything she can about the devils, and as someone who comes from Asterisk, the girl wants to be prepared for everything.

A good mentality… but, in this place? He is going to need to keep her in check, otherwise she might just lose herself…

"Nice to meet you, Shitori-san, Tsubaki-san." Alex did a proper Japanese greeting, he came prepared after all.

Alex's behaviour slightly caught them both off-guard, they were not expecting to meet someone who was already fully prepared for the cultural difference and knows the language and etiquette.

"...I am impressed, it seems you came prepared." Sona was quite pleased already, she likes people who are prepared and don't rush in without a plan.

Julis followed Alex's example and did the same, she was slightly off-balanced, the princess didn't expect Alex to be that prepared, he didn't even say anything to her!

She didn't even know that they were still doing that bowing thing!

Sona did notice how Julis reacted to Alex, she was curious on that front.

"Yes, I did. So, will you show us around or will we have to go to the faculty office?" Alex quickly changed the theme of conversation when he saw Sona looking curiously at Julis.

"There is no time to show the school grounds, as classes will start shortly, but if you are interested I can show you the school grounds after classes are over." 

Alex was slightly put on edge when he heard that. Devils, especially the smarter ones, can say simple words but their words usually have several different meanings.

He has not expected for the student council president to offer that… personally.

"I don't wish to impose on your private time, Shitori-san. I am sure you have people who could do that for you?" Alex didn't want to be that close to a devil heiress at this moment.

He, by any stretch, was not ready yet, but it was also impossible for him to not get involved, he stood out like a sore thumb, and Sona was already looking at him greedily…

"It's fine, not every day do we get students from abroad, especially not from that far away." The Sitri heiress brushed his words aside, she was not letting him get rid of her that easily.

The devil heiress can already feel that they were special, she has a suspicion that the both of them have some sort of an elemental sacred gear.

The pink-haired girl has a fire-based one, and the guy has an electrical-based one.

It was quite easy for her senses to pick that up, especially since these gears are already unlocked, which means that they already know about the supernatural to a certain degree.

The best part in all of this is that they don't belong to any faction, if they were a part of the Norse pantheon the Norse gods would have already picked them up or at least notified the devils to not try anything funny.

In other words, they are ready for pick up, and devils are best when it comes to good offers and deals.

"Follow me, I will show you to your classroom." Sona motioned for them to follow her.

Sona then began explaining about the facilities in general, and to a certain degree, Alex already knew about them.

But, the light novels didn't explain much on the whole thing, thus many of the things Sona talked about were new to Alex as well.

He learned that once you get into the school, one doesn't need to look for a college or university since everything is already in one place.

This whole thing was smelling extremely like devil business, especially Serafall and Sirzechs, they don't want Rias and Sona to go anywhere other than this city... 

Thus they created a world-class learning institute…

The power of those sis-con are off the charts…

Alex realised that he will need to be extra careful around those two.

Apart from those small 'details', Alex liked the new place, it's a complete makeover from his old school which was built nearly 50 years ago…

While Alex was taking in all the sights, his girlfriend was looking at the devils, she had already noticed how the heiress was looking at her boyfriend.

And she doesn't like it at all!

Still, she was very happy that the emphatic link she has with Alex didn't react much when they saw the devils for the first time.

It is a good indicator of how he feels around these girls.

"This is your classroom, 2-B." Sona showed the doors to the classroom.

Alex's first reaction was... lip twitch.

It's the same classroom as the so-called protagonist…


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