
Executing a Fallen Angel

"A mere human!? I will KILL YOU!" The tall fallen angel dressed in a trenchcoat roared with all his fury. The pain and humiliation he felt from being hurt like this by a mere human blinded his reason.

Neither did he check the enemy's magical signature, nor did the fallen angel care about the lightning he controlled.

Another light spear appeared in his remaining hand.

Alex saw how easily he riled the fallen angel. Albion was spot on about the pride in supernatural beings. He is going to abuse that as much as possible.

Still, a dragon talking about pride, a black kettle complaining about another black kettle, is quite amusing.

"Correct." The black-haired teen waved the severed hand at the fallen angel. If not for the blood, it would look even more amusing.

That was enough for the fallen, who finally snapped and charged wildly at the teen.

'No wonder they are only single pair of wings, so easy to rile up.'

A simple sigh escaped his lips as he dropped the hand and charged in himself.

The moment the light spear was about to collide with his magic-constructed lightning sword, Alex moved slightly aside and went for Fallen Angel's other hand.

At that moment, his speed accelerated several times, and the fallen angel didn't even realise what happened.

Another scream escaped the fedora-wearing guy, he tried to take several steps back, but thanks to all the pain, he missed one step and landed on his ass.

Sweat started to pour down from his forehead. Who did he just engage in battle with!?

Rage and humiliation he felt quickly got replaced by fear for his life, as he finally felt the guy's magical signature in front of him!

'A demigod? Such powerful lightning affinity!'

"So, that's it? I guess I was expecting too much." A disappointed sigh escaped from Alex's lips.

He lifted his other hand, and another magic construct started to form. Moments later, he had another sword.

"W-Who are you? Why are you defending this stray devil!?" The handless fallen angel asked with a furious look, Is he going to die to a human for trying to keep the place clean!?

"Are you retarded? Are you a Fallen Angel who has been strolling around in a territory owned by Devils? Do you even have permission from devils to be here in the first place?" Alex said that with a raised eyebrow.

The fedora guy didn't say anything to his question. Such silence was all needed for Alex to kill this guy.

"I see, so you don't have reason to exist then, a fallen angel like you being in territory owned by an enemy, no one will miss you."

"Y-You are not even a devil!!!"

"True, even more reason to kill, don't you think? A mere human like me killed you? That makes you even a lesser being, isn't it?" A grin appeared on Alex's face.

"Nothing more than a prey…"

The fedora-wearing fallen angel realised what this meant.

This human has reduced him to nothing but more prey!

Alex crossed his sword and, with a swift motion, faster than the Fallen Angel or Hyoudou could see. he was executing the trenchcoat guy.

Moments later, the winged being's head dropped to the ground; the fedora flew to a different side midway.

Seconds later, the body collapsed as well.

The black-haired teen stopped channelling magic into his hands, and the magic constructs collapsed; he then looked at the shocked brown-haired pervert.

"If I would have arrived one second later, you would have another hole in your chest."

"Y-You… you killed him!" The brown-haired teen said with disbelief.

Hyoudou could not believe he had just witnessed Alex decapitate the fallen angel like that! First, cutting both hands off, then taking his head off like that!


"You think he would follow Japanese laws? None of the supernatural even acknowledge any of the mundane laws." Alex shook his head while saying that; he lifted his hand and created a ball of pure electricity before dropping it on the dead body of the fallen angel.

'So, much for level 2…' Alex snorted to himself for a second. He hoped he might level up, but then he realised that was just silly.

He knows that the dungeon barely acknowledged anything from the outside world, and he doubts that if he slays anyone of level 2 in the outside world, it will trigger his falna to elevate his level.

It's more like a dungeon 'acknowledging' their existence and putting a tag of 'level 2' on them.

'This… really, puts a bummer on my fighting spirit.' Alex sighed internally. He was excited that he might have some sort of epic brawl with Raynare's group.

"Well?" The black-haired teen tried to pull the idiot out of his shock; he pulled another pamphlet from his pocket with Gremory summoning circle.

And focused on Rias, then threw it on the ground.

The next moment, the crimson-haired girl appeared and looked around curiously.

"Komnenos-san? I was not expecting to be summoned by you so early." The Heiress said quite awkwardly as she looked around, seeing some blood and her shell-shocked member of the peerage.

Her awkwardness evaporated pretty quickly.


She quickly rushed to his side and inspected him like a pet owner checks his pet, even if she didn't mean that in a direct sense. At this moment, the brown-haired pervert was so weak that he needed such attention!

"What happened here? Why is blood all over the place? and is that— a head of someone?" Rias asked the last part with a slightly pale look.

"Fallen Angel tried to skewer your pawn… again…" Alex said with an eye roll.

"What? But he is a member of the Gremory household!"

The teen wanted to groan hearing that.

"And how would that crow know that?" The black-haired teen asked her.

"Issei, you have the Gremory Circle! Did you show him it!?" Rias asked him, but Issei just looked as confused as ever.


"You are quite bad at this, Gremory. You should have had another peerage member with him for a while until he realised that he is no longer living on the mundane side of the world." Alex shook his head while saying that he was disappointed with her again.

The heiress still has much to learn; she is far too naive and sheltered for the big world outside.

And since Issei has no Ddraig, no 'plot armour,' he nearly died, for real this time.

After all, if he had his Dragon Aura, Rias would have cared much more for him as it is now.

Now, she is more casual with him.

Giving a quick crash course, she released him into the 'wilds'...

She thought that nothing was going to happen after just dying 24 hours ago.

"Umm, what are you talking about, Buchou? I thought it was for magic use only." The brown-haired teen said with a confused look.


Rias facepalmed hearing that; her cheeks turned red like her hair.

"You do realise that he has no clue about Devil common sense," Alex said with a deadpan look aimed at her.

"Listen, Issei, when something like this happens, don't forget to show your Gremory circle." The crimson-haired girl motioned to him the circle he had on his hand.

"Still, I doubt anyone will believe him that he is a Gremory household member." Alex shrugged his shoulders; he was sceptical after seeing just how stupid Fallen Angels are; he even remembered stuff from the light novels and the anime he saw.

He thought that after turning his original world into a DxD one, it would improve some of the people's IQ levels, but it's maybe not so.

Still, one can hope.

"What do you mean Komnenos-san?" Rias asked him, not understanding what he meant.


"Him." The black-haired teen motioned with his hand at the pervert.

"That Fallen didn't even bother finding out details about who he is about to slay. Do you think anyone would believe that this pervert is a member of your household?"

The crimson-haired girl blinked a couple of times, thinking about it for a few moments.

"What I mean is that your brother is Lucifer, and most supernatural would think his sister has powerful peerage members." He clarified to her, and the girl had a realising look.

"Anyway, you owe me a second favour for saving him for the second time; I won't be looking for Fallen Angel again since they are utterly weak; I was expecting more..." After saying the black-haired teen turned around and started walking away while waving his hand at her.


"Buchou, he...he killed that Fallen Angel in cold blood!" Issei said with a pale look; he remembered how Alex— dissected that man! The one hand at a time before taking his life.

"How did he do it, Issei?" Instead of being shocked or anything like that, Rias was more curious about the power Alex used to kill the Fallen Angel.

Hyoudou was somewhat baffled seeing her reaction to his words.

"He, He used some sort of— lightsabers from his hands to chop the Fallen Angel's hands before... decapitating… him." The brown-haired teen motioned at the head on the asphalt.

"Lightsabers? As in Star Wars?" The Gremory Heiress owlishly blinked at him while saying that.

"I don't know! But I heard lightning crackling. He like turned his hands into swords from lightning?" The brown-haired teen tried to explain to her.

"Hmm, I see…"

'His lightning powers are even greater than Akenos! His power is ridiculous! And she is the daughter of Baraqiel!'

Rias was in total disbelief; she never heard of such lightning manipulation before.

"Did he use any magic circle?" She quickly asked, nearly snapping at him; she needed to know.

"Ah...no? Not that I saw any of it; he was way too fast even to follow!"

"… let me take you home; I will send someone to watch over you."

Rias motioned for him to get up since he was still on the road.

"Buchou… are we going to let him just get away for killing that Fallen Angel?" Issei asked, not knowing how to proceed from here.

"He should be awarded for saving your life, Issei…" Rias said with a sigh; now she has two favours to pay off, and on top of that, she needs him in her peerage.

"B-But he killed that guy! No! Executed!" The brown-haired teen said with disbelief; he couldn't believe he heard that from Gremory Heiress!

"This is Devil territory, Issei, and no Fallen Angels are supposed to be here. If he had killed you, there would have been a big chance of the Great War restarting." Rias seriously said that to her Pawn.

Who blinked owlishly at her this time.

"Come, we need to discuss a lot more since you are quite clueless; how in Satan's Great name did you even end up in Kuoh Academy?" Rias said while shaking her head. Didn't her academy have high requirements for entry? How did Issei even end up in the Academy?

The brown-haired teen scratched the back of his head for a second; he studied like there was no tomorrow since he wanted to enter such a world of beauties!

Still, Rias saw his lewd look, and she quickly put the dots together.

Another sigh escaped from her lips; she needed to make that lewdness of his usable in some positive way; that's the only way she could see him being of some use in Rating games.


'Partner, you won't be pursuing those crows?' The White Dragon Emperor asked his host

'Nope, I have better use for such weaklings…'

'Ah, I see… you going to get some favours with the head crow, smart, maybe he will help you in search of challenge…'

'Correct, use small lambs to get bigger prey…' Alex thought while thinking about how to get in touch with Azazel.

'Those crows in the church should have means to contact him… so, I might need to go on offence myself…

Beat them up, and then call their boss?'

The teen thought for a second before he returned home.

His girlfriend will throw a fit if he is going to be late.


[Alexios Komnenos]

[Lv 1]

[STR: S 999]

[VIT: S 999]

[END: S 999]

[AGI: S 999]

[MAG: S 999]

















[Julis Alexia-von Riessfield]

[Lv 1]

[STR: B 771]

[VIT: S 999]

[END: B 761]

[AGI: D 566]

[MAG: S 999]










[EMPHATIC LINK: Alexios Komnenos]



Northern Wolf Pelt (Common Rank) x1692

Northern Wolf Fang (Common Rank) x1692

Northern Alpha Wolf Pelt (Uncommon Rank) x61

Northern Alpha Wolf Fang (Uncommon Rank) x61

Multiple encyclopedias on Ancient Fauna and Animals (Outside Item)

First Aid Kit (Outside item) x3

Disinfectant Bottles (Outside Item) x2

Painkiller Packs (Outside Item) x1

Spare Male Clothes (Outside Item) x5

Spare Female Clothes (Outside Item) x4

Duct tape x5

Sharpening Tool Kit x2

Common Lottery Wheel ticket x1641

Gajau Skin x45

Gajau Whiskers x 12

Basics Of Arcane (Book)

Uncommon Lottery Wheel ticket x50

A copy of Basics of Barrier Magic

History Book of Katanas


[Card Deck]

New Ak-47(Common Rank)[No Ammo]

Naruto Volume 5 (Common Rank)

A copy Of Potioneering Compendium


[World List]

Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru (Common World) [No Supernatural]

Guilty Crown (Uncommon World) [Low Supernatural]

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