
Roaming around the Multiverse

The mc got reincarnated in Noblesse as Raizel with cheats. ( I'll be writing a new one but it will have some similarities with the old one. Raizel older brother will be alove and will be the right hand man of Raizel so he will be the 2nd noblesse when Raizel is gone. There will be no rebellion but the betrayal will still happen and Raizel will be the one who suggest it. And as Raizel older brother is still alive he will be the Noblesse. And there will be no lemon scene as i am shitty in that department. And the system will be controlled by Raizel so he can go to any world if he want to. ) This fic is a harem. And lemon scenes will only appear after The Great Ruler is finished and when the mc go back to the world of Noblesse. More lemon scenes will only appear after the Great Ruler

Lazy_Coffin · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 7

Hmm I think I repeated myself already. Well I should just stop and rest. And a 80 years later we can see our mc sitting down in what looks like a round table.

There are 13 chair and 12 of the chairs are of the same size but one is a bit bigger than the rest. And the person who is sitting in the bigger chair is our mc Cadis Etrama Di Raizel.

" All 12 of you are my disciples. And not only do I treat each one of you as my disciple I also treated you as my son. The same way as each and everyone of you treated me as your father. And now that we have met after a few years of separation. I looked at each one of you with pride. As a Teacher, Master, and as a Father. And as a Father I don't want to see each one of you dying. So the reason on why I have gathered you all here is to make a contract with me. So are you all willing to accompany me on my future adventures? " I said as I looked at their emotional face.

Well all I said is just bullshit though but I don't need to explain it to them right. And being in a contract with me will be beneficial for them as they will be stronger and also live longer. Living longer is actually true as when they are in a contract with me their life is connected to me. And when I die they will also die with me. But when one of them die I will only have a backlash and be good as new in a few days.

But the thing is I won't be letting any one of them dying as grooming another one to take it's place consumes a lot of resources and time.

" Father, I am willing to join you. " One of my former disciples now son said. And he was the first one that I took under my wing.

After the first one said that the others also said that they're willing. " Good, Then if each one of you are really willing then cut your hand and poor your blood inside this goblet. " I said while taking out a huge goblet. The liquid inside the goblet are actually the juice made from the tree of might and 5 other tree.

The goblet was half full and all but blood. And color of the liquid is actually clear and there are no impurities at all.

I gave the goblet and the knife to the nearest son of mine. He received the goblet and cut his hand and drop his blood inside the goblet. After that he gave the goblet to the son next to him and did the same thing.

And after all of them drop their blood inside the goblet. The goblet was returned to me. After receiving the goblet I looked at each one of them in the eye.

" Is each one of you willing to be connected to me for the rest of life. And once I drink this goblet full of your blood there will be no turning back. " I said while looking at them seriously.

They looked at each other and said more like shouted that they are willing. After hearing their willingness I drank the content inside the goblet and my eyes shine.

I mentioned each of them and asked them if they are willing to make a contract with me. They said yes and now I have 12 loyal people under me and in the future each one of them will be famous people in modern time and in history.

I'm way too lazy to handle a farm and I can't just use clones on those. " Hey Aria, Use my creation skill to make a farming system and I want you to handle the farming system and also handle the farm in my inner world. As I am bit busy and can't do all those things. " I said.

" Yes Host, It's done. But, Are you sure you're busy or you're just lazy to do things. " Aria said with a bit of sarcasm. I just ignored what she said and continued on what i am doing.

Well what I am doing talking to my disciples and asking what they did in the past few years when we were separated.

Each one of them made their own empire and kingdom in their respective country. And the empire they made have been standing for a few decades now.

And they made an agreement between themselves that all 12 of them shall be allies and they will only step down and give the throne to someone else once they're 400 years old.

So to make sure that each one of their empire have peace and prosperity for the next 350 years. As the oldest of my disciples age is 50 while the youngest is 28.

Each one of them will go and hide in their own empire once they give their crown to their heir. And not only the emperor of their empire will be members of their own peerage so that as the next emperor will be powerful as well and the peace and prosperity will last for the next 4 century.

But with the peace their empire will be weaken? I already thought about that. Every century they will held a grand tournament for all 12 Empire.

In all novels I have read in my past life a tournament is always a good choice to see if their subordinate have improved or not.

And where there is a tournament there is also a reward for the winner. I'll let them do the rewards themselves.

Now that I finally made all of them a member of my peerage I can now do whatever I want. Of course I can just sleep for who know how long and no one will care.

And if there's something that the Nobles can't handle then it's fine to wake me up. But I don't believe that the new and improved nobles still needs me to wipe their ass.

I already helped the whole noble race become powerful much more powerful than the original.

And if they still need my help on something like the future problem with the Werewolves than I'll quit being the Noblesse and give the title to my brother.

My older brother is the rightful owner of this useless title. The Noblesse is just someone much more powerful than the others. and if only the other nobles train muh harder then they can also be someone like me.

As if that would happen. If ever that happened I would laugh my ass off. As the Noblesse not only do they need the noble blood running in my veins.

They also need to be powerful and have a fair judgement. Well in those three things mentioned above I only have two. The fair judgement thing I don't have it as I will only judge someone if he is useless or not.

There are no benefit in leaving someone useless to keep on living this world. If they can't be productive then they can just go and disappear.

People like that are just a failure to society. What's the point of living when you're just a failure of society? If someone were to ask me that I'll answer him or her that there's no point in living when you're just a failure to society.

You can only do two things to remove the title of being a failure by being productive or changing his or her lifestyle.

In my opinion being a failure to society is merely a waste of time in the society. If someone can't even be productive than it's useless to help someone like that.

Now is not the time to think about useless things. If I remember correctly what I did is making clones to do all the work.

Update the gaming system when I have time making the Noble fight harder opponents. And then doing nothing other than Aria handling the Farming system in my inner world I basically done nothing.

Not that I or anyone care if I don't do anything. The only person that can order me around is me and only me. No one else have the power to order me around.

And that is also why I'm bored and got nothing to do other than the formation of The Brotherhood Alliance with me as the head and my disciples as the elders.

It's actually funny. When the UNION know that The Brotherhood Alliance is not headed by the 12 grand elders but actually by one person. What would their reaction be?

Not that I nor my disciples care who will head the alliance. I'm the default leader as I am their master and father.

To think that I would be have 12 sons in this life. Well I'm more like a Godfather figure in my opinion. They do all the work and I benefit in their work.

But not only I will benefit the nobles and the humans will also benefit. The noble will benefit by using the alliance as a information center. While the human benefit because they have 12 powerful men to protect them against supernatural race like the Werewolves or stray nobles.

And from the mutants also. If ever some stray noble start making contracts with human then that's a different matter. It's either I make a move or my disciples does.

Well I can leave all of that to my brother or to my disciples. Other than that I started making games from the future. Well it's more like sports. But I only made 2 sports Basketball and Chess.

The old men like Lagus Tradio and Gejutel. The moment I introduced the game to them the both of them fell in love with the game and started playing.

While the young nobles especially boys started playing basketball in their free time. The young nobles other than training and improving their power they also have fun once in a while.

And that's how the years passed. And me and my disciples are in the same room talking about their life before and after they stepped down on the throne.

It's been 5 centuries now. All of them have stepped on their throne and the heir of their respective empire is a member of their own peerage.

All of us are gathered here today is to talk about what they're gonna do for now. Making the alliance, Telling them to protect the humans from stray werewolves and nobles.

Other than that they can do whatever they want in the time they have. While I do all I can to not go insane because of the boredom.

Oh I forgot to mention. I made Edian and Urokai go and threatened the Werewolves that if they were to hurt or do anything detrimental to the humans than all of them is dead.

And Muzaka the Lord of werewolves couldn't do anything as he was suppressed by Urokai alone. Even though Edian is stronger than Urokai she was only there as backup.

Other than threatening the Werewolves I also ordered Urokai to warm them about the The Brotherhood Alliance.

Well if Muzaka or the whole werewolves heed the warning well then maybe they can live peacefully and without any war.

But, That's impossible with Maduke around. Maduke is just another jealous and power hungry bastard. He'll do anything to be the Lord of the Werewolves.

But I don't need to do anything as even if he does do something detrimental to the humans my disciple can handle it without my help as they're very powerful and will only get more powerful as time pass.

While I just lay back and enjoy my new life. And enjoy I did. By just sleeping, eating, training, drinking, snu snu with Edian once in a while, playing games, reading novel and manga.

And after a few hundred years of doing all that I got tired and just sleep. For who knows how long until I was waken up by an intruder in my own mansion.

And the said intruder is actually Muzaka. Well I just met him on the hall way and looked at him. " So you're the Noblesse Raizel. Nice to meet you. " Muzaka said.

" Likewise. So why do I have the honor on making the Lord of the Werewolves visit my mansion himself. " I said.

" It's nothing really. I just finished talking to the Lord about some business and all. After that I drop by here to say hello to the strongest Noblesse in history. " Muzaka said.

" Thanks for the compliment. But I am not the strongest yet. " I said. " Don't joke around about your own power. I see it. The cast amount of power you body holds is much greater than all the nobles, werewolves and those 12 humans have. But why do I feel that you're aura is familiar. " Muzaka said.

" If you have met the 12 grand elders of the Brotherhood Alliance then the aura is familiar as all 12 of them is both my disciples and son. Adopted son rather. " I said.

" So that's why your aura is familiar to all 12 of them but much more stronger. " Muzaka said shocked at the revelation that all the grand elders of The Brotherhood Alliance is actually related to me one way or another.

" What do you want to say other than hello? " I asked the werewolf Lord. " Nothing for now. Then Goodbye Raizel it was nice knowing you." Muzaka said.

" Oh right be extra careful to those close to you. You don't know who's a snake and who's not. Oh right if ever you have an offspring make sure to bring him/her here and don't travel around the world to much. Lead those who are under you well as you're the Werewolf Lord. " I said at the disappearing silhouette of Muzaka.

" I'll remember those word well. " Muzaka said. " Oh right. Before you leave you can have this. " I said. I gave 2 fruit of might, 10 body enhancement pill, Diamond body manual, Book of martial arts and Rokushiki.

" A piece of advice though. Don't give what I gave you to Maduke or anyone associated with him. The 2 fruits, 10 pills, Diamond body manual, books of martial arts, and Rokushiki are for you. While you can give the book of martial arts and Rokushiki manual to Garda and Dorant only. " I said.

" How do you know all of those? " Muzaka asked. " Other than the strongest Noblesse in history I am also a seer or in other words someone who can see someone else future. Don't bother asking on how and the ability will only be active a few times. " I said.

" Ok Then. And thanks for the gift. " Muzaka said. " And also after dealing with your problem. I want the Werewolves and Nobles to held a tournament among themselves every 50 years. The winner will be given a reward from me. And there will be only 1 winner that can receive a reward from me. " I said.

" Hmm noted. " Muzaka said and he finally left the house. After he left I went back to my bed and slept for a few days until Muzaka came back again.