
Roaming around the Multiverse

The mc got reincarnated in Noblesse as Raizel with cheats. ( I'll be writing a new one but it will have some similarities with the old one. Raizel older brother will be alove and will be the right hand man of Raizel so he will be the 2nd noblesse when Raizel is gone. There will be no rebellion but the betrayal will still happen and Raizel will be the one who suggest it. And as Raizel older brother is still alive he will be the Noblesse. And there will be no lemon scene as i am shitty in that department. And the system will be controlled by Raizel so he can go to any world if he want to. ) This fic is a harem. And lemon scenes will only appear after The Great Ruler is finished and when the mc go back to the world of Noblesse. More lemon scenes will only appear after the Great Ruler

Lazy_Coffin · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 5

And who's that person you're talking about. Zera said. Ignes Kravei, The daughter of Roctis Kravei. I taught her everything she currently knows. As i already saud my piece it's your job as my older brother to tell the Lord on what i said. I said and turn around and left the place not before using loyalty manipulation to make my older brother loyal to me.

After meeting my brother i went back to my house. I pass the time by training all day without going inside in my inner world.

Well the training is actually just opening all 8 inner gates at the same time. With my regeneration that can even regenerate my body even if the remains of body is merely a cell.

Opening the 8 gates didn't kill ne as i have already drink the fountain of youth. And even if i didn't drink the fountain of youth with just my regeneration that can regenerate my body instantly.

And results on opening all 8 gates is just an itchy feeling to my whole body that disappear the moment it appears.

Which means I can open the 8 gates all the time without repercussions. But my training is actually quite brutal really. My training is keeping my 8 Gates open all the time, Wearing weighted clothes that instantly increase the weight i endure the moment i feel that it's light.

And also enduring a 100 billion times the gravity of earth and it also automatically increases the gravity i feel when i feel my don't get pressured anymore.

So meaning the weights and the gravity i feel is automatically increasing itself every second because of my Instant Adaption and Regeneration.

So how am i not feeling a thing with that kind of pressure my body is enduring. Well it's because of my Gamers Mind. With the Gamers Mind it doesn't let me feel pain. Well other than the Ganers Minds I also made all of resistance to the max.

And my training doesn't end yet. I am also using 4 elements inside my body. The 5 elements are Lightning, Fire, Ice, and Destruction.

The order of the elements are first Lightning destroying my body from the outside to the inside and even my bones are also getting destroyed.

And then there's Fire the same as what the lightning element was doing. And then Ice the opposite of Fire, and last but not least Destruction.

As the name says it destroy everything from the cellular level. Making my cells, bones, organs, muscles and everything destroyed and then regenerate the next second.

And did i not die with all that? Well the answer is I can't die. And that is not all. All of those mentioned above are happening every second non-stop.

Damn, If i were a saiyan what will be my power level now even without the transformation. Hmm maybe a few hundreds of billions or maybe a few trillions.

And even without the Saiyan blood i can already feel that my current BP is already passed the 10 billion threshold and its increasing every second.

And with that much power how am i not destroying things left and right? Well it's because of instant mastery, Instant Adaption, and perfect control.

Well what should i do now then. I am pretty much training my body every second and everytime non stop.

Ah I know. I should meet the Lord today or tomorrow and tell him what i am planning so that the Nobles improve. Maybe meeting the Lord tomorrow is much better than today.

But, before i go to sleep. I should make a few thousands of clones and make them fight each other inside my inner world.

I think 100000 clones will be more than enough. 50000 clones will fight hand to hand while the other 50000 clones will fight using swords and spears.

25000 clones will use spears while the other 25000 clones will use swords. And the time inside will be 1 second outside is 10 million years inside my inner world.

I went inside my inner world and made my clones and then went back outside i waited for a minute to pass and after i minute have passed i went back inside and dispelled my clones.

I received all their experience and after receiving the experience i made another batch of clones and then went back outside.

After making the clones I did not dispelled them after a minute have passed but i dispelled them the next day morning.

After i dispelled them I made another batch but 10x more. Meaning inside my inner world there's 1 million clones that have the memories and experience of fighting in hand to hand combat ehile also using weapons.

The same as before I told them what to do and just left them there. And I won't dispell my new clones until a year later.

And right now after making my clones i am currently walking to the Lord Castle so that i can meet the Lord and tell him my plan on how to improve the Nobles power.

The pros of being a nobles is the innate power that we have but the cons is that the nobles doesn't train or doesn't have enough or no experience at all in combat and doesn't know how to weild or improve their own power.

Or in other words the nobles are arrogant thinking that they are the strongest race in the planet so the nobles just doesn't move at all. Meaning in the future the nobles power will gi down while the Werewolves power go up as the Werewolves always train to become even stronger.

While thinking that i arrive at the Lord's Castle. I went inside and started walking towards the throne room where the Lord's currently is.

More like the Lord is always at the Throne room 24/7. I don't how can he be in one place for so long and i don't want to know how.

To be honest that's just pure torture for me. Even before I got reincarnated here in Noblesse i was still someone who can't stay in one place well other than reading novels and manga i always work my ass of so that i can feed myself.

Well let's me continue that later as i am already in front of the Lord who is just staring at me and me just staring back with my emotionless face.

What a once a blue moon visitor. Isn't that right Raizel. Whenever we meet it's me going to your house not you coming to my castle. So as a rare visitor tell me what are you here for Raizel? The Lord asked.

Good day Lord. I am here because i have proposal for the nobles. I said while still looking at him nonchalantly.

O do tell. I am now interested in what your plan is on how we nobles can move forward. The Lord said perking his ears on what i said.

Well i want you The Lord of the nobles to give me permission to build what i want to build in Lukedonia. I said.

And what are you planning to build Raizel. And are you certain that what you're building is beneficial to us Nobles. The Lord said.

Of course, I know it will benefit us Nobles as I have already experience the benefits myself. I said. Oh Really. Care to share with me on what the benefits on what you're planning to do. The Lord said.

I can't Lord. As it is much better to experience it yourself. I said while not telling him the benefits of the gravity field or sphere that I am building.

But I can tell you basic functions of the machine that I am building. I said. Hmm ok then. Tell me the basic functions of you're machine that you want to build. And if I think that your machine is really for us then I won't mind helping. The Lord said.

Hearing the what the Lord said I started telling him what my machine can do. The machine that I am planning to build can increase the gravity of Lukedonia 10x of the earth's gravity. And that is not all. I am also planning to introduce a machine to the whole population of Lukedonia called Virtual Reality Pod.

With the gravity machine the nobles training progress will grow by leaps and bounds while the Virtual Reality Pod can help in training their technique and increased their fighting experience in hand to hand combat or combat with weapons.

And that is not all the time inside the Virtual Reality Pod is 10x faster than the outside world. Meaning training for an hour inside the Virtual Reality Pod is the same as training outside for 10 hours.

And the Virtual Reality Pod will also have a library of basic technique or body enhancement manual. And the manual inside will have no side effects at all.

Every noble can learn that manual if the said noble is compatible with the manual or the said noble comprehension is high. Or else it's merely a dream to learn the manual. With all the benefits the nobles will surely stand at the top of the world. I said while looking at the Lord without any emotions.

Hmm I am now interested in it. But the manual that can enhance our body further how many is it? The Lord asked.

I only have 2 manuals Lord. The said manuals are the Rage God Body, The Sun God Body. The Rage God body will give the one who trains in the manual a body so resilient that the enemy will have problem in killing the one who trains it.

And the Sun God body as long as the noble who trains in this manual managed to train it to the peak the said noble will have the power of the sun inside his body. And the said noble will also be able to live even longer and can absorb sunlight and the sunlight can help strengthen the body of the noble in the long run.

The benefit in training the Rage God body is having a more resilient and stronger body that can lift tons and tons of weight while the benefit of training the Sun God body is having the power of the sun inside the body and it can strengthen the body but a much slower rate then the Rage God body.

The downside of the Rage God body is having a high level of comprehension. And the downside of training in the Sun God body is the strengthening effect of the manual is much slower than the Rage God body but the requirement for comprehension is much lower than the Rage God Body.

Well other than those two manual I will also be giving books about all kind of Martial Arts that I have gathered or made in my travels. There is also 6 super Martial arts that I made. And I will also be giving a manual about Haki. If you think that I am lying about the Martial Arts and Haki then you can ask Edian, Ignes, And Urokai for confirmation as I have also trained them in said Martial Arts. I said.

Ok Ok. No need to explain. You now have my permission to do or build whatever you want as long as it's beneficial for the nobles then I won't. The Lord said.

Thank You Lord. I will starting on building the things needed today using my clones. And if you someone that have the same face as me then no need to panic as those are my clones. I said and went outside so that I can start setting up the Gravity Array.

I will be making 3 Arrays. The 1st one is the Gravity Array, The 2nd one is the Grand Protection Array, And the 3rd one will be a Natural Energy Array.

As the name of said arrays implies they all have the same function as the name of the array.

All three arrays will be complete in 2-3 days. And after that the 1st take affect will be both the 1st and 2nd array. The 1st array will only increase to 2x the gravity but it will gradually increase in the future well the gravity will increase itself every 100 years.

The 2nd array will be both a protective array and a concealing array that will hide Lukedonia to the outside world. And the 3rd array will gather natural energy from around the world.

If you're gonna ask on why I am gathering natural energy? Gathering the Natural Energy around the world to Lukedonia will be very beneficial to the surrounding and to the nobles.

The natural energy will also be fuel for the other arrays to keep on working. Well other than that I also made a back up plan when the natural energy are gone. The other source of energy will be solar energy after the natural energy around the world are depleted.

I will also be introducing chakra to all the nobles and especially to the clan leaders. Chakra is just Spiritual energy and Physical energy combined.

And with the lifespan of the nobles I am sure that the minimum chakra each noble have is at most at the level of elite jonin and for the clean leaders though I am sure that each clan leader will either have Low Kage level chakra to High Kage Chakra.

While the Lord and My brother will have chakra level from Super Kage to Demi God level chakra. Well at first they will have super Kage level chakra but if they train then maybe they can go up to Demi God level chakra.

I don't know what to do anymore after introducing chakra. Well I can just let the nobles explore the possibility.

Well let me think about that later as I have something to do first. Well the thing that I need to do is just sleep. As I am letting my clones do all the work that I was supposed to do.

Well making the array is easy the same as making the Virtual Reality Pod. I just have to make 1000 Virtual Reality Pod first and give the blueprint for the pod to Ignes and let her build more.

As Ignes have the necessary knowledge to build one so she can also teach others to help in building more Virtual Reality Pod. And if you're gonna ask me on what is the use of the Virtual Reality Pod if there are no games to play with?

Of course, I already got that problem covered. There 3 games actually. The first is Naruto yes you heard it right the 5 Elemental nation. It will be the same as the manga but in a game and the player can do whatever they want to inside and can even pick their own sides.

The next one is One Piece the same as Naruto and all. And the last one is Free For All. The Free For All game can either be played by multiple player against each other and can also be played single player mode but against bots.

Said bots will have the technique and experience my clones gave me. So the Noble are fighting a bot that has all the Technique, Martial Arts, Sword Arts, and Spear Arts and also the 3 Haki.

And if the noble wants to play FFA then the said noble have to fight 100 opponent each round. And each one of those have. Nah nevermind I'm just repeating myself. Well you can get it.

But the best thing is every 10 rounds the noble can a random prize, And that's not all in every 10 rounds there's a reward but after every 10 rounds the bots or npc get tripled and after another 10 rounds the npc will be 4x more and so on. And that's why the FFA will be the main game.

Well other than that Naruto and One Piece game will also be helpful as the Noble playing the game can learn the Rokushiki and also learn some taijutsu or any kind of jutsu.

Well the thing is I never cared if the Nobles become the strongest or not. What I cared about is to see the world go burn.

Now I know why people who wrote a lot of fan fic says that they either become a God of Destruction or a God of Chaos or even both. Well that is not the problem that I am currently having a headache.

I am currently having a headache because of the things I am planning to introduce. Well should I increase the thing or just let it be and give a thing or two once in a while.

I'll go with the 2nd opinion then as giving more than what the Noble can chew is detrimental for the growth of the nobles. Well as people back in my former world says.

War and the likes are needed for a country or certain race to grow. If world war 1 didn't happen then world war 2 wouldn't have happened and the earth back wouldn't have improved.

Well in war there are benefits and downside. The benefits are the whole race can improve after war have ended and downsides are too many will die or will be sacrifice for the so called greater cost or justice.

And what about justice? Hmm I never cared because back in my former world justice is the winner while loser the loser is a criminal. Or in other terms only the rich can have justice while poor can go to prison or die.

Well when though the modern world may be a lawful place but to me the modern world is still the same as the ancient times where only the strong can live while the weak gets devoured by the strong.

The weak have no right in front of the strong. The thing the weak can do is either beg for mercy and die or have an equal or even stronger power than him/her.

( You can skip these as I am just venting my frustrations on how corrupt the politician in my country is and fun fact a counselor of my country is actually a famous drug lord in the underworld well until he got caught and did you know a few months inside the prison he was release because he was need and that kind of shitty excuse fun fact money can get you out in most problem other than death itself. Don't ask me about this. In my country the rich can just bribe and do things in the dark. Long story short my friend father got quarantined and was supposed to be tested positive because of a coughing symptom after that he ran away and went to meet his family one last time and get injected about something that can kill him but before that could happen his wife and my friend hugged him and was found out by the authority and the whole family was the quarantine. A few weeks later they were tested for covid but only the father was tested positive while the others were negative and the authority assigned there was stupid as fck they didn't even wear ant protective gear when meeting with my friends father and they gave them a bill that says they need to 50k and if they do not pay it in 6 months the payment will be double. And after that they reported it but the authority didn't give jack shit about the problem and just turned a blind eye until my friend boyfriend grandfather who is a retired general( don't know how many stars) in the army intervene and the problem was taken care off after that. The lesson here is if you don't have connections to the higher ups to your country then make sure to do good deed or else it will come back to bite you. And did you know in my country politicians give money to the people so that the said citizen vote for him and they also give promises that the said politicians won't do and the likes and other that in every election in my country the politician are either giving moner or killing of their competitors for the position. )

This is just how world works it's either you kill or get killed and if you want to get something back from someone then you need power to get it back and if you need to protect someone then you need even more power to protect those you care about.

As the world is cruel. Then you need to be cruel to yourself so that you can gain power and protect yourself or your family on this cruel world.