
Roaming around the Multiverse

The mc got reincarnated in Noblesse as Raizel with cheats. ( I'll be writing a new one but it will have some similarities with the old one. Raizel older brother will be alove and will be the right hand man of Raizel so he will be the 2nd noblesse when Raizel is gone. There will be no rebellion but the betrayal will still happen and Raizel will be the one who suggest it. And as Raizel older brother is still alive he will be the Noblesse. And there will be no lemon scene as i am shitty in that department. And the system will be controlled by Raizel so he can go to any world if he want to. ) This fic is a harem. And lemon scenes will only appear after The Great Ruler is finished and when the mc go back to the world of Noblesse. More lemon scenes will only appear after the Great Ruler

Lazy_Coffin · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 44

" Hmm, That's a great idea. But, What will be the prized for the top ten be? " The dean asked. " Don't worry, I got it all covered. I can also invite the members of my Hunter Squad and teach practical things to do against Magic beast. If that's not enough I can invite someone I know who is a member of the Enforcement Union. " I said.

" Can you really do that? " The Dean asked. " Of course, I want the school while I'm here to become lively as cultivating only will become boring in the long run this will also make talented student become lazy. " I said.

" I know right. I think we should continue this somewhere else. A lot of students is currently gathered here. " The Dean said. " Of course, Do you have some place that we can talk privately? " I asked. " You can come to my office then and we can continue our talk. Tell the students to dispersed and wait for the announcement of a monthly tournament. " The dean said and started leading me to his office.

He brought me to the library of the institute that looks like a big book. And he brought me to the top floor of the Library and went inside his office located there. " So why are here really? Do you thing that the Pearl Institute is weak like the Imperial College? " He asked.

" Oh, You knew what I did to the Imperial College. A pity that the Imperial College still survive till this day. Of course I won't be doing the same thing as I did back then. I'm currently going here so that I can have some alone time with Mu Ning Xue inside campus while also courting a few girls here and there. My true goal is to join the Tournament between all the university around the world. And also I do hope that this place is fun or else I'll have to go back and do some work with the hunter Union as my lust for battle is pretty big. " I said.

" And about the monthly tournament that you wanted me to do? Was it all a farce or not? " Dean Xiao asked. " Of course not. I want the first Monthly tournament to happen a months from now with all the new and old to come and join. It will be battle royal and the top ten students will be rewarded by resources that only my clan have like this. " I said and gave one High Grade Mana stone.

" What is this? " He asked. " This stone in front of you is called a mana stone. This can increase your maximum reserve of magic power if you have already have full capacity while this can also help in recovering your Magic Power much faster. One high grade mana stone like this can help a super mage recover his entire magic power reserve. While a forbidden mage can recover half of his reserve using this. This can help in increasing someone reserve and can also help in recovering Magic Power in battle. " I said.

" Is this true? " He asked. " Of course, Other than that. There's still one more thing that can help make all the students much stronger than before especially those students who awaken magic other than the dimension one. I called this liquid Sovereign Liquid. It can help strengthen one star by one level. And when a basic mage have strengthen his entire stars with this his basic spell will level by one. And if his spell is at the 2nd level. After strengthening his stars using this then the level of his spell would be at the 3rd level. One drop equal one star until the 5th level. If your basic spell is already at the 5th level then if you want to upgrade one star then you need to have 100 drops of Sovereign Liquid for each star as the 6th level is not only a change of quantity it also change the quality of the spell making a basic spell at the 6th level have the power of a spell nearing the an advance spell. This two resources will also only be available in my Mo Clan that I made. Of course, A lot of people should want to have this kind of resources for themselves but a pity that they don't have the power to take it from us. " I said.

" Are you really willing to give the school this kind of resources? " Dean Xiao asked. " Of course. " I said. Oh right, Only the top 3 can receive the Sovereign Liquid and they can only received 50 drops for the 3rd ranked, 100 drops for the 2nd ranked, and 200 drops of Sovereign liquid for the 1st ranked. While the 3rd rank can receive 30 Mana stone the 2nd ranked 40 mana stone and the 1st ranked will received 50 mana stone. From 4th to 10th however will only received 10 mana stone. " I said.

" Then I agree with the tournament happening every month as long as you uphold your end and sponsor the rewards for the students who ranked in the top ten. " Dean Xiao said.

" Oh right, The top ten can also join the hunter squad I'm in and help deal with Magic Beast Extermination and the likes kind of mission. Not only will they learn practical things they can also experience battle against a lot of magic beast. Of course, As long as you agree to this. " I said.

" Of course, I can agree with something like that as the aim for this institute is to nurture people that will changed the world. " Dean Xiao said. " Good. Then this is good bye for now. " I said and left his office while Dean Just nodded and waved goodbye to me and after that I started heading to the dorm I'm assigned for the time being.

I went inside my dorm and looks like I'm the first person to come here. I out my things on the bed that I chose and after that I lay down on my bed and just rest and after a few minutes of lazing around in the bed someone opened the door and came inside.

" Oh, I thought I was the first one to arrived. Let me introduce myself then. My name is Zhao Manyan I major in the light element. " Zhao Manyan said. " Hi, My name is Mo Fan. You can just call me Mo Fan. " I said. " Wait, Why is that name so familiar. Oh right, You're the lunatic that challenge the entire school because of one woman and not oy that you have also destroyed the Imperial College before. " Zhao Manyan said.

" Oh, Someone have still remember about that incident. I was young back and my blood was boiling and what better way to make my boiling stop by releasing it all. A pity that the unfortunate force that received my released was the Imperial College. Well, Good thing that they still survive and is currently standing. " I said with a smirk.

" You really are a lunatic. Well, Nice meeting you. There's a senior sister that I met in school that wants to have dinner with me so goodbye for now. " He said and left the room and after that students from other departments started arriving one by one.

A stupid arrogant bastard thrown everything that Zhao Manyan left at his bed onto the floor and made Zhao Manyan bed his own. Of course I just laughed at his stupidity and didn't care and a minute later after that happened a received a text that every student from the summoning department should gather and held a welcoming party.

I left the room and started heading to the location that the message I received indicated. I arrived much earlier than the others and waited for everyone to arrived a few minutes later everyone and even the teacher arrived simultaneously.

After everyone arrived. They started talking amongst themselves and I didn't bother joining them as I feel it was too bothersome to do so. Everyone was ordered to summon their Summoned beast. I have also summoned my own but I didn't Summoned my pet wolf but just Summoned one of his commander level subordinates.

And when everyone even the teacher looked at the massive 15 meter commander level wolf that suddenly appeared they got so shocked but the students and teacher got shocked by different reasons when he looked at the wolf.

He knows that this wolf is not the wolf that I Summoned at the morning. Of course, He just sighed and just let his suspicion subside. After I Summoned the wolf I sent him back to the summoning plane a few moments later.

After that I head back to the form that I'm in and saw that Zhao Manyan is already here and is currently laying at his own bed. I greeted him and he also said hello and after that I just sat down at my bed and started smoking.

After I took a puff, I looked at Zhao Manyan and said. " So how'd you make the guy that took your bed leave? Did you kill him or did you threatened him? " I asked. " Wow, Dude. I didn't kill him nor did I threatened him. I think he just left and asked for a change of rooms after he saw my handsome face. " He said smugly.

" Haha, What a joke. A piece of advice though. It's ok to used your family influence. But, You should also make sure that your own power can make someone obey you. You won't survived in this world without having a very strong fist. " I said.

" Thanks for the advice. But, I think I'm gonna stick to my ways. " He said. " Well, It's your funeral. You want a smoke. " I said and gave him packet of cigarettes I have. He took one and he lighted it up with a lighter.

" Oh right, You never said what element you are. Other than the elements you used against the Imperial College. What are your elements that you want to nurture here for? " Zhao Manyan said.

" It's the summoning element. But, I don't need help from the academy. I'm just here for a vacation. Too much Hunter Work and you get bored in a while doing repetitive fighting. " I said.

" So your a hunter before you came to Pearl Institute? " Zhao Manyan asked. " Yeah, I'm now a 3 star Hunter Master. " I said. " Damn, How many contribution points do you need to get so much points to have that ranked up like that. " Zhao Manyan said. " Not much really? I only became a 3 Star Hunter Master just a year ago after I helped in the Bo City Calamity. That calamity was damned hard you know. There's 1 commander level Beast and four other beast that is nearing the Ruler Level. And if the calamity wasn't stopped then there will be 4 new ruler level beast after the calamity. Good thing though that there were 4 super Mages who was there. If it weren't for the four super mage then Bo City wouldn't exist and almost all of the people there should have died. " I said.

" Hmm, That's harsh. Oh right, The welcoming meeting 2 months from now. Have you heard about it? " Zhao Manyan asked. " Yeah, I did. * heard there will be a battle at the meeting with beast. " I said.

" Yeah, That's right. But the beast everyone will fight will be the summoned beast you summoners will summoned. " Zhao Manyan said. " Hmm, A pity that they can't win against my beast. " I said.

" What beast can you summoned? " Zhao Manyan asked. " A commander level sprit wolf. " I said making everyone in the dorm listening at the both shocked while Zhao Manyan just nodded. " That's too strong. " Zhao Manyan said. " I know right. That's also why I'm making this as my vacation. After I graduate, I'm gonna start exploring the whole world and start hunting the people from the Black Vatican. " I said.

" What's your feud with the Black Vatican that you want to hunt them all? " Zhao Manyan asked. " They were the one who destroyed Bo City and a lot of other things that I or other people hold dear. Who wouldn't want to kill them? 2 of my friends already joined the army and the Enforcement Union so that they can become stronger and hunt the members of the Black Vatican. " I said and thought of Monkey who joined the Army with Zhan Kong and Mu Bai who joined the enforcement Union with the recommendation of Tang Yue.

" Go to sleep, It's already late. And there's an event that will happen in a week from now. You should go to the Azure Campus Battle Arena and watched the battle. " I said and started meditating as I don't need any sleep.

But, Before I started meditating. I gave Zhao Manyan the skill Fast Mastery, Fast Growth, Fast Regeneration, Fast Recovery, Zenkai Boost, Enhanced Body and Sense. After that is started boosting his vitality. He's always having sex with someone so having his vitality boost will help him greatly.

And after that, I started meditating and I meditated for the whole night and morning came I just started roaming around campus and while roaming around I noticed everyone looked at me with scorn and hate.

I didn't know what I did to them and I didn't care. I just continued walking and ignored their gazes. After I got bored of walking I went back to the dorm and started meditating and for the next 6 days. I only went out at night to do Hunter work and at day I only meditate.

And now, I'm currently in the arena and looks like more than 1500 students sign up for my challenge and paid a hundred thousand RMB as the fee. And with that the winner which will be me at then of the challenge will received more than one hundred fifty million RMB.

" But, Before we start the match I want to announced that I won't be using my elements or anything at all and just used my pure physical strength and endurance to fight more than 1500 mages like you. Teachers can also join the match if they want to. " I said making an uproar. " Are you sure you want to do this? " Dean Xiao asked.

" Of course, With the weak body of a mage I'm pretty confident that I can beat all of them using my physical prowess alone. " I said making the students mad at being looked down.

" And if anyone still wants to join then you can give Dean Xiao your I.D and also give him the 100000 RMB registration fee. " I said. " Fine, I'll join this farce and make your arrogant ass submit. " One of the students who only wanted to watch said and have his I.D and 100000 RMB to Dean Xiao.

And with that more than 10 minutes have passed and the 1500 students became more than 2100. Hmm, To think that there's actually a lot of fat sheep in this place. Well, More money for me then. " Good, Everyone that have already paid the fee can come in the arena and gather in front of me. But a warning to those weak willed. Don't watched if you have a weak heart or throw up in front of blood and gore. " I said and smirk.