
Roaming around the Multiverse

The mc got reincarnated in Noblesse as Raizel with cheats. ( I'll be writing a new one but it will have some similarities with the old one. Raizel older brother will be alove and will be the right hand man of Raizel so he will be the 2nd noblesse when Raizel is gone. There will be no rebellion but the betrayal will still happen and Raizel will be the one who suggest it. And as Raizel older brother is still alive he will be the Noblesse. And there will be no lemon scene as i am shitty in that department. And the system will be controlled by Raizel so he can go to any world if he want to. ) This fic is a harem. And lemon scenes will only appear after The Great Ruler is finished and when the mc go back to the world of Noblesse. More lemon scenes will only appear after the Great Ruler

Lazy_Coffin · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 33

She just pinched her arms and thought that this was just a dream and after she confirmed that this wasn't a dream she started running towards her supposed to be dead daughter and hugged her tightly.

After that I just smiled and said " I hate to break your reunion but the four of you should leave the land of Isvan so that you won't get implicated with the demon from the book of Zeref called Deliora. " I said and Ur just nodded her head while still hugging her head.

After Ur nodded I gave her letter and told her to give this letter to man named Makarov that is currently the Guild Master of Fairy Tail after giving her the letter I teleported Ur, Ultear, Gray and Lyon to the entrance of Fairy Tail.

After that I started heading to where Deliora Currently is. And after teleporting to Deliora I directly killed him by cutting off his head and after that I just went back to Fairy Tail and went inside and looked for Ur and the others.

I found them and looked at their fairy Tail mark and just smiled after that I just started lazing around in the bar doing nothing at all and just boosted Ur, Makarov, Gray, Lyon, and Ultear Magic Power capacity, while also boosting their Comprehension level and speed. I have also given them the skill fast Recovery, Fast Regeneration, Fast Mastery, Fast Growth, and Enhance Memory and Body.

After that I just taught Ultear, Gray, and Lyon Magic related to Ice, while I also personally taught Ultear the Arc of Time magic. And with that years have passed and it's already the year of 777, 7, 7. The exact date that the Dragon Slayers from more than 400 years ago will arrived.

After I saw 5 shooting stars appearing in the sky, I made 5 clones that will follow the Dragon Slayers and when they landed take them back to Fairy Tail so no other guild can have them.

After a month have passed 5 new members have arrived in the Guild and it's Natsu and the others. After they arrived Natsu and Gajeel started fighting while Gray and Lyon started stripping while Erza and Mirajane is currently fighting.

I just laughed at the rowdy bunch of Fairy Tail and just continued drinking my heart's out. Of course I didn't forgot throwing my two kids at the dust brawl.

And with that the same old rowdy Fairy Tail is back. Yuri and the other founders just watched as the dust brawl between kids happened. And with everyone almost complete. Oh right, I found laxus and also throw him at the brawl making him join it.

Laxus has already gotten the Lightning Dragon Slayer Lacrima from Ivan and Ivan is still currently in Fairy Tail and won't ever betray the guild as he knows the consequences if he do so so the only thing he can do is join Frankenstein, Ignes, and Precht in research while also traveling around.

Ivan is also an S Class mage. Oh right I forgot to mention that Jellal and the others have also joined Fairy Tail together with Erza as I have saved them from the tower. But, I only saved Jellal and Simons Gang from the tower while I saved Erza after Rosemary village got attacked.

And me other than lazing around while drinking together with Yuri, Precht, and Warrod. I am also teaching magic to orphans in the city and when they learned magic they will directly enter Fairy Tail.

And as years passed, It's finally time for the start of the story. It's finally the day when cannon started and Lucy joined the guild. Of course, The current Fairy Tail is much stronger than before 5 out of the 6 founders of the guild is still alive and doing well.

And with 5 Dragon Slayers and my two sons who is also a holder of Slayer Magic. And in the time before cannon started Fairy Tail became famous for always having a 100% success rate while having 100% Destruction Rate in every mission that the 4 Dragon Slayers go to.

And Laxus, Aka Sparkplug is already an S Class mage. But, Natsu, Gray, Lyon, and Gajeel still didn't become an S Class mage as I told Makarov to postpone the exam. Ivan is also an S Class mage but he's still traveling around the world right now like Gildarts.

He never cared about the guild but he will still come back if the guild face danger. 8 years ago I also found Juvia and take her away from her town and let her join the guild. While Ultear with her travels together with her mother, The both of them found Meredy in a destroyed town.

My two sons, Mu Yun Chen and Mu Long Jiang is also an S Class mage comparable to a Wizard Saint in the manga. And in the years that has passed I didn't just lazed around the guild drinking I also traveled to the Alvarez Empire to meet with August and Irene. And as I thought when I arrived Zeref wasn't there so after meeting with Irene and August I went back to Ishgar and went to Tenrou Island and looked who I found sleeping under the tree.

Zeref Dragneel Himself, When I found him I sealed his magic power and lift him up and put him on my shoulder and after that I started heading to Mavis grave as she is currently dead.

Zeref is already awake but didn't struggle so I just carried him on my shoulders and when we arrived I shouted for Mavis to appear right this instant.

And she did appear and when Zeref looked at Mavis he cried while also smiling while Mavis just smiled. After that I just make drinks appear out of nowhere and started drinking while the both of them talked. And in the time that passed between the talked that they have I have also told the both of them that they have a child shocking them both.

Mavis got happy while Zeref just smiled. And when I told him who their child is Zeref got shocked that his child his own blood and flesh is actually near him and he didn't know about it. After that, Mavis left Tenrou Island with Zeref so that she can visit the Alvarez Empire.

And that was years ago. And in the current time s few hours later, Natsu and Happy Finally arrived together with a girl that is looking for Fairy Tail to join the Guild.

But, When I was thinking about the things I did I regret making everyone stronger so in the next world I won't be giving the characters that I met anymore skills or else the readers won't like having an overpowered character.

And with that Lucy joined Fairy Tail and is now going on her first Job in the guild together with Happy, Natsu, and Gray. Lyon, Gajeel, Levy, Jet, and Droy is also on the same team.

Jet and Droy may be side character together with the people around the guild, But, They can still rival S Class mage from other guilds. But, The difference between the other S Class mage of other Guilds and our S Class mage is huge as our S Class mage is comparable to a Wizard Saint while Jet and Droy can only rival an S Class Mage outside of Fairy Tail.

Macao and Wakaba even though they are old the both of them also have the same power as Jet and Droy. With Macao's Flake Magic and Wakaba Wind and Lightning magic this duo is surely powerful but the downside is that the both of them are lazy bastards like me and kept on drinking inside the guild.

The Strauss's sibling on the other hand, There's a different to them than in the Manga as even though Lisanna still went to the world of Edolas, Elfman and Mirajane kept on training but Mirajane became quite tame while Elfman became a battle Maniac and constantly fight other members of the Guild like Natsu, Lyon, Gray, Gajeel, Sting, Rouge, and even Laxus once in a while.

Of course, As Laxus didn't go dark but became even stronger than the manga as his father is still a member of Fairy Tail and even though Ivan already knows what Lumen Histoire is. He still didn't care as once he know he never cared again as he got beat up pretty badly by, Zeira, Yuri, Precht while Warrod just laughed at his beat up state.

Oh right, Now I know who is the Grandmother of Laxus and also the mother of Ivan, And she's Porlyusica. Yuri and the others just keep quiet about and I also didn't tell anyone about it.

My two sons however is quite troublesome as every time the both of them go in a job separately or not they either blown an entire town or freeze and entire town.

And with that the mission reward that should have received after completing the mission became remuneration for the town or village they destroyed. Not only that, Sting and Rouge even though the both of them are still kids they still challenge Natsu and Gajeel to a fight once in a while going all out but still get beat up by either Natsu and Gajeel.

Of course, How can the Guild Building stay standing with this bunch of rowdy and destructive people in the guild every time they fight. Well, It's because underneath the guild building is an training that is indestructible while the gravity can be also increased while.the time there will only be 3 times faster than outside.

So training there for 3 hours is only an hour outside and with that those new members or those wants to become strong and learn new magic go there to train. While the Dragons Slayers and battle Maniac inside the guild can go there and fight without stopping.

Cana is also here but she's still drinking as usual. But, The difference is that she can fight 5 S Class mage while also winning the fight. Anymore than 5 then she can only runaway as her reserves of magic power can't handle that.

Erza Scarlet other than mastering Re-Quip magic she also have mastered True Heavenly Body Magic at the same time as Jellal, Not only that she is also currently learning Wind and Fire Magic.

Oh right, The magic that Elfman learned other than Take Over Magic is Physical Enhancement magic and Gravity Magic. While Mirajane on the other hand have also learn Lighting and Space Magic. But, Her take over magic Satan Soul on the other hand. Well, I just gave her souls from the DXD World. Like the soul of 4 Satan's, And even the soul of Lilith was given to her.

The 4 Satan's on the other hand are the girl version from their counter part. And with that, Mirajane and Erza is one of the strongest girls in Fairy Tail.

Levy and Gajeel on the other is quite close actually. Oh right I forgot to mentioned that the majority of the strongest Mage in Ishgar is currently gathered in Fairy Tail making Magnolia a very safe city as there's 9 God's of Ishgar protecting the City.

While the remaining God of Ishgar is still Serena but I never cared about him as he is really weak. Zeira also have the power to replace Serena but she didn't want to.

So the current God's of Ishgar is as follows. Frankenstein, Roctis, Urokai, Gradeus, Zarga, Edian, Jack ( Jack is the Evil Deity as he was named I will now be calling the Evil Deity Jack. ) Yuri, and Precht.

Warrod is also the same as Zeira he is merely a low key person so he also didn't join as one of the 10 God's of Ishgar. Other than that, Bluenote Stinger got recruited to the guild by Precht on one of his travels while Azuma was also recruited by Warrod as Warrod got challenge by Azuma and Warrod won.

The both of them have also gotten stronger as they have entered the guild 2 years ago. While Ur and Ultear didn't became famous as the others the both of them is still much stronger than the other mages.

The both of them have the power as one of the 4 God's of Ishgar in the manga while the Gods of Ishgar in this world is either comparable to the Spriggan 12 or much stronger than Irene and August combined while also under Zeref and Acnologia in power.

Oh right, as the year is already 783. This happened more than 4 years ago and I was bored back then. I got so bored of Drinking all the time that I went to the Alvarez Empire kidnapped Zeref and started looking for Acnologia while Zeref is on my hand after I found Acnologia in a cave I also kidnapped him and teleported the three of us to the continent of Guiltina where the Hundred Year quest is.

After that, We appeared at the back of the Wood Dragon God and I started fighting the both of them there while damaging the Wood Dragon God what ever his name is.

Acnologia got mad and transform into his Dragon Form while I unlocked Zeref power and the Curse of Contradiction started acting with so much power that it destroyed half of the Dragon God's Body.

After that, Ignia also appeared after a few hours of fight and we started an all out brawl for a month. A brawl that almost destroyed the continental of Guiltina that they needed to ask help from the Alvarez Empire and the Ishgar continent.

Of course, Both powers got curious on who is fighting so the Alvarez Empire sent out 10 of the Spriggan 12 while the Magic Council sent the entire God's of Ishgar. They were shocked when they arrived and saw who was fighting whom.

Especially the people from the Alvarez Empire and the Fairy Tail Guild. Frankenstein and the others just sighed and left the place but one person didn't leave and that said person was God Serena so I just sent a stray magic to him and he died and no one knew how he died.

After that Frankenstein invited August and the others of the Spriggan 12 for food and they also went with Frankenstein while leaving their Emperor there fighting as Zeref is also currently having so much fun that he started laughing Maniacally the same as me.

Acnologia also started having fun in this fight while the one who isn't having any fun is the Wood Dragon God as his entire body our Battlefield while Ignia, The true son of the Fire Dragon King Igneel is also fighting in this Battle but he is currently injured because of both me and Acnologia hitting him simultaneously.

With that hit. Ignia got mad and started burning everything I'm the surrounding and even The Wood Dragon God is currently burning. And after another 2 months of endless fighting. My lust for battle got satisfied as I am the last man standing.