
Roaming around the Multiverse

The mc got reincarnated in Noblesse as Raizel with cheats. ( I'll be writing a new one but it will have some similarities with the old one. Raizel older brother will be alove and will be the right hand man of Raizel so he will be the 2nd noblesse when Raizel is gone. There will be no rebellion but the betrayal will still happen and Raizel will be the one who suggest it. And as Raizel older brother is still alive he will be the Noblesse. And there will be no lemon scene as i am shitty in that department. And the system will be controlled by Raizel so he can go to any world if he want to. ) This fic is a harem. And lemon scenes will only appear after The Great Ruler is finished and when the mc go back to the world of Noblesse. More lemon scenes will only appear after the Great Ruler

Lazy_Coffin · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 30

And after thinking about that I have also thought about my unborn child in the belly of Nine Nether and Qing Xuan. And if it weren't for them then I won't know if I should let the remaining people from the Fiend Race go or not.

And thanks to my 2 unborn child I have finally made my own decision and that is after the Evil Deity shall die in my hands I will leave this world with Nine Nether, And Qing Xuan to go to the world of Noblesse.

Northern Sea will be staying here in the Great Thousand World as one of the remaining protectors. And other than that, I will also go I to seclusion of course the one who will be going into seclusion will only be my clone as I would be already gone from here.

And 6 months later, More thank of the Entire Heavenly Sovereign Powerhouse in the Great Thousand World is currently gathered at the place where the Undying Lords Territory is. And said territory is where the Evil Deity is currently sealed.

I'm currently together with 3 of my clones, Other than my clones Budur Xuan and the other former elders except for Qing Xuan is currently here also. While my mother is also here but my father is not as he is currently stationed at one of the border together with a clone of Nine Nether and Northern Sea.

We're currently gathered here today so that we can reseal the Evil Deity and even if it fails I can still kill the Evil Deity but before I kill him I'll give him and his entire race a chance to lived inside my inner world if they their invasion towards the Great Thousand World.

Of course, The Evil Deity will also become my subordinate if he wants his entire clan to survived. Or else he'll have to watch his entire race faced extinction because of a stupid decision he will make.

And a few minutes of waiting, It's finally time to start transferring spiritual energy to the seal so that the Evil Deity won't get out. We started transferring our spiritual energy to the respective points that we were assigned at and a few minutes of transferring we were attacked by the remaining Demon Emperor's.

2 of my clones and a few Saint Grade Heavenly Sovereign left their position to fight off the attackers, I also started pumping less of my spiritual energy so that the Evil Deity will have a chance to break out.

And after more than 50 minutes of fighting and pumping our entire reserve to the seal, We finally failed to re seal the Evil Deity and the said finally broken out of the seal while laughing.

Of course, After he broke out of the seal I started attacking him the moment he broke out. And after both me and the Evil Deity fought for the next half an hour he finally fall down defeated under my feet.

" Hahahaha, It's been 50000 years since I saw light, it's been 50000 years since I was able to see my race, It's been 50000 years since I was sealed in that God damned hole by the Immortal Emperor. I only wanted to make my prosper. But, This is what I get? My entire is facing extinction because of me. Heaven's, Why have you forsaken me? " The Evil Deity shouted while laughing sadly.

" Do you want your race to prosper? Do you want your race to lived? If I say that I can help your entire race lived and not get threatened by the Great Thousand World in exchange for your eternal servitude, Would you agree to this deal? " I asked while a grin appeared in my face while also making every sovereign gathered mad.

" Yes, I agree. As long as you can help my race survival then I'll be your servant for the rest of my remaining life. " The Evil Deity said. " Good, Go back to your race and gather everyone and I mean everyone. I'll transfer your race entire population where no one other than me and you will know. Of course, This place can't be accessible other than us? Will you still agree? " I asked.

" Of course, I'll agree. " The Evil Deity asked. " Than, Sign this contract using your blood. Once you signed the contract you'll now be my servant for the remaining years you have. Of course, I will also be sending the entire population of your race to a peaceful place where they will be the only race living there. " I said and give him the contract that will bind him to me.

I have gotten the contract made using the system so he will also be going everywhere with me. After he received the contract he directly sign his name using his blood and after that was finally done the contract burst into flame and separate into 2. One flame went to the back of my hand while the went to the back of the Evil Deity hand.

" Good, Now that you've become my subordinate. Your entire race will now be in my protection. And those who is currently gathered here disagreed with my decision then you can kill me if you try. " I laughed while looking at their displeased faces.

" Oh right, You can go back to the Fiend Race and gather everyone in one location so that I can directly transfer everyone from the Fiend Race to the place that I promised. " I said and left the place while also ordering everyone from the Great Thousand World that the war between us and against the Fiend Race is now over and no more blood shall be spilled from now on and those who dares disobey the order will face extinction together with his or her entire clan.

After that was announced it sent shockwaves to the entire Great Thousand World and even the Fiend Race was shocked when they heard the news. Even though they were displeased they can't go against the order as the one who sent the order is the current strongest in the entire Great Thousand World that even the Flame Emperor and the Martial Ancestor was beaten black and blue while only sending a clone to fight both the Flame Emperor and the Martial Ancestor.

And not only that, There's still the 9 Kings who was never seen going all out even against the Fiend Race. And there's still the 20 commanders and their Vice commander that is also a God Grade Heavenly Sovereign.

And with that kind of power gathered in one place, No one can stop other than an alliance of the Endless Flame Territory, The Martial Border and the other 4 Ancient Clans. But, There's still one big problem. The Head of the Ancient Budur Clan made a bloodline bond with the current head of the Dragon and Phoenix Clan. Not only that, The Head of the Dragon Clan have also vast connection as before he became head of the Dragon Clan he was also the founder of the Northern Heaven's Spiritual Academy. The current strongest Academy in the entire Great Thousand World as every alumni is either a Heavenly Sovereign or at the peak of Perfected Earthly Sovereign.

Of course, Everyone from the Great Thousand World won't be focus on us as once the entire population of the Fiend Race gets transferred to my inner world, The corruption that they made to the Great Thousand World will start to purify itself and with the help of an array that I'll be setting up using my shadow clone.

The purification process will become much faster than cannon and as the purification process became faster the land of the Great Thousand World will become even bigger than before and thanks to that the various forces will now focus on getting those lands.

Of course, I will also be leaving a clone here that will also contend for those lands or new continent that will appear out of nowhere. As for the clone that I leave is merely a shadow clone and even though he's merely a shadow clone no one can kill him as he's body is the same as me who has already mastered more than 10 Body Cultivation manual that is at the same level or a much higher level than the Great Way of the Buddha.

And with a month finally passed and I'm currently in front of the remaining population of the Fiend Race. Even though they are currently hate me as I'm the one who started the war and also the one who ended the war. But, Thanks to that their race can still lived in a safe place and they can just repopulate themselves.

I told them to gather together and hold hands, After wait for who knows how long I got tired of waiting and just teleported everyone to my inner world. Of course, this place has a much purer energy and they can just corrupt it if they want to as this place is in another dimension inside my inner world.

Of course, This place is also 2.5x bigger than the Great Thousand World. And thanks to that the resources here is much more than the outside world making everyone from the Fiend Race happy.

I also left the Evil Deity here so that they won't start a war against each other and being extinct because of their own doing. If they do that then what's the point of saving them in the first place.

After I went back outside and went back to the Ancient Budur Clan. I gathered the 9 Kings and after gathering them I intergrate them making them disappear. Of course, I got even more stronger after intergrating them. After that, I just made 10 more clones who will act like us for the remaining years till I come back.

And as a precaution, I made the time here much slower. Making it a year here the time passed outside of the Great Thousand World will be more than 10000 years.

Making me have all the fun I need. After that was finished and bid farewell to my clone, I called out Aria and said. " Hey, Aria. I know it's been so long since I last talked to you and I don't know what you have been doing but I know you're doing great with your vacation and all but can you send me back to the Noblesse world and also resumed the time there after 10 years have passed since I left a clone there. " I said. " Ok Host, And I'm currently doing great lazing around doing nothing as you can practically do anything except world traveling. It's done prepare for transfer. " Aria said and transferred me back to my room in the Noblesse world and my clone is also there right now.

I dispersed my clone and made a new one. After that I just told him to save Muzaka daughter, and tell Frankenstein and the others that after you disappear for more than a century they don't need to worry and just continue training and I will only appear again in the year 2010.

After that, I went back inside my inner world in another place in which the people from the Fiend Race won't be able to access. And passed the time there. And after who knows how long. I finally went back out and it's already the year 1800s. I appeared in front of Frankenstein shocking and also shocked that he is still at the old mansion in Lukedonia.

After I appeared again, I told him to gather everyone such as Edian and the others. Muzaka is also currently living here together with Ashlyn as she was also saved by my clone years ago while also giving Muzaka, Garda, and Ashlyn the fountain of youth.

After Edian, Lagus, Urokai, Roctis, Gradeus, Zarga, and even Ignes have also come once they heard that I came back. After everyone finally gathered together for who knows how longs.

We started partying, Drinking and the likes for the rest of the week. And after that I finally announced that I will be making a clone that will make a human company that start inventing things and selling things. And after that, I also told them that I will only appear once again in the year 2010.

After saying my piece I went back to my inner world and just passed the time there sleeping or lazing around. Or also learned new things in the library. But other than that nothing happened.

And finally the year 2010 finally came. And Frankenstein still did got bored in doing research almost all the time and finally went out of Lukedonia and went to Korea to make a School and this School was already up and running for mora than 2 decades now.

It means Ye Ran High was made in the year 1990 and best thing is that all the Alumni of this became successful in their respective jobs. Boosting the schools reputation. And currently it is night I appeared in Frankenstein house and just sat at the couch sleeping waiting for Frankenstein to go back home from work as the chairman of Ye Ran High.

After waiting for a few minutes Frankenstein finally arrived and is now at the door. Of course, He still hasn't noticed that I'm currently in his living room sleeping at his couch.

Frankenstein opened the door to his house and went to the living room but got shocked at the person currently lying in a couch in his living room. After he got out of his shocked state he knelt down and said " Welcome back, Master. " I opened my eyes and just sighed. " What did I tell you about kneeling in front of me Frankenstein. You should only kneel in front of you parents not to me or anyone else. And I don't like people kneeling so just bow your head a bit and greet me like that. Damn, You just ruined my mood to sleep. " I said and sat up while telling Frankenstein to stand up.

" So what happened while I was gone? " I asked. " Nothing happened other than the UNION getting disband because of your disciples. " Frankenstein said.

" What happened? " I asked. " The UNION wanted a war between countries to happened and when your 12 disciples happened to have heard about that. All of them got mad and sent out their respective General to go and kill every member of the Union. That event happened in 1910. " Frankenstein said. " So no war happened? " I asked again.

" No war happened. And thanks to your clone that you made in the 1800s the advancement of technology and the like happened. In 1990 Computers was invented and after that games was then invented and the current popular game in the current time is called Counter Strike: Global Offensive, and Dota 2. This 2 games became famous the moment they got out. And it is currently the 6th season for Dota 2 while it is currently 5th season for Counter Strike. And the current prized money for each game is in 20 to 30 million us dollars range. " Frankenstein said.

" Damn, Thanks to my disciples, I got nothing to do now thanks to them and with that I can start traveling again. Oh right, You have learned the Shadow clone jutsu right? " I asked. " Yes, Master. " Frankenstein said. " Ok then, Go and tell Edian and the others except for my 12 disciples to come and gather here. I now don't have anything to do in this world anymore I'm gonna leave and start traveling around the universe. Edian and the others will also be coming with us. I will also be stopping time here too. So that once we come back here they will feel that we never have left this world to begin with. " I said and Frankenstein just nodded and took out his phone and called Edian to tell the others to come and gather st his house.