
Looking towards faith, it is very important to find the truth about life and ourself it is the duty of all man and woman to find the right path of life before death.

At first dont go to religion first look at history a normal general history how the world is created how life started what was the living style how they find that there is a power who controls each and every thing from there faith took place in the mind that some one alone is the supreme being the Alighty the real Owner of the heavens and the earth the monarch of all the monarchs the Lord Sovereign. For the teaching and giving the right way of life He send Prophet towards people and first was Adam peace be upon him and like this many many prophets send by Him like Musa Suleman Younus Yousuf Jesus peace be upon him and the last Prophet send by God is Muhammad peace be upon him and he build the faith and first thing is that There is no Got but one Allah and Muhammad is his Apostle.

Now it is your duty to look in deep and i am telling you that there is no other way this is the last and final religion send by God the only way for success so look into it and not die before finding the truth.

It is my duty and love for all the people of world to show them the road of success.

Please read books on the life history of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and Islam to understand truth.

Farrukh Saeid Siddiqui.