
Road to the Crown

Political marriage, war taxes, subsidies, a tribute... All those terms sound nice when one juggles them from behind the screen of his trusty computer! Junk food? Check. Sugary drinks that will cause me diabetes? Check. Two weeks of leave from the work? Check. A fresh copy of the newly released game finishing downloading as I'm going back from the grocery store? Check. Oops! My emotions got better to me, and I tripped on the stairs. I'm so silly! Then... Why the hell am I kneeling in a throne room, watching the marriage and coronation ceremony of the King, dressed in the noble robes with the game itself only flashing in the corner of my eyes? Discord link: https://discord.gg/pJTVGZZ

MotivatedSloth · History
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335 Chs

Digging the graves (part 1)

19th March 1574 (early morning)

After rounding up every single man that didn't manage to escape in time and making sure the Peter was all nicely bound, some might go back to their own tasks, with the real mission finally accomplished, yet I decided against it.

Maybe it was my modern stupidity or just a silly attempt to recreate the rules of the society that I grew used to, I still decided to do the most obvious thing that any modern person would decide to do in my place.

Bury the dead.

In the current times, only the rich nobles could count on their commanders or servants to find their body after the battle was over, and even then, only if the battle was won. But I couldn't agree to such a thing! As soon as I made sure no further threats awaited behind the line of trees, I pushed my people to organise the camp once again, while forcing the healthy prisoners of mine to work alongside my own servants in digging shallow graves beside the road.