
14. Masterplan

The next day was a free day.

Katrina and Shen Fe were sunbathing while the toddlers built sandcastles together. Once they are bored, they splash around in the shallow water or play a beach ball. They sealed the relaxing day with a picnic by the shore.

They made the kids rest early because tomorrow would be full of activities.

While the men were bonding in the living room with beers and darts, Shen Fe invaded Katrina's room to gossip.

"So Wu Yige is the famous 'school bully' you told me about? Shut up!"

Katrina slapped Shen Fe's couple fingers, "Remove that quotation mark, Wu Yige is my school bully. He makes my school time miserable."

"If my bully is that handsome, I'll let him bully me everyday."


"I'm kidding, I'm kidding!" Shen Fe tackled her best friend to the bed, finally released Katrina once the black haired girl shut up. "Goodness!"

"Enough about that, now tell me about the filming. I don't mind helping you, but Lin Zhi and Wu Yige are off limits."

"They will just filmed some part of the Jeju photoshoot and that's including the kids. I'll make sure the crew didn't film them, or even if they did, I'll tell them to blur it."

"Tsk, tsk, you're really such a mogul. How can you still promote your brand when it's a children's show?"

"It's all about cooperation, baby."

Katrina made a puking gesture and the best friends finally slept soundly after finishing their skin care.

Meanwhile the boys were still trying to find the winner from the previous dart and billiard session and moved to an outdoor basketball court.

"Three points, yes!"

Arthur Shang ruffled his hair in frustration, he was sure to beat Wu Yige at basketball but it was a tie instead; "This would be endless if we keep this up. How about a truce?"

Wu Yige chuckled, "Deal."

They bought a drink from the vending machine and sat on the court's bench.

"Andrei said he'll marry Lin Zhi in the future,"

Wu Yige choked on his drink and Arthur patted him in the back, "What the hell? Aren't they like 5 or something?"

Arthur shrugged nonchalantly, "Andrei is technically 6, so.."

"Dude, you're too chill. I'm scared for my child."

"My brother married straight after high school, the chance of my nephew being serious is quite high. Congratulations in advance, in-law."

Wu Yige froze and looked pale, all kinds of confusing and complicated matters gave him a headache.

"Buhaha.. ha.. ha..!" Arthur Shang burst into laughing and holding his stomach, "Brother Yi, you should've seen your face. You look like you're seeing a ghost. Pffth! Bhahahaha..!"

"Arthur Sheng!"

Wu Yige sprinted and tackled the running away guy.

The starry night was the witness of the briming friendship between these future movie kings.


The next morning, the villa was as noisy as a morning market.

Arthur was attending a briefing for 'the Return of Superman' with his nephew and his girlfriend's niece in the living room. His girlfriend on the other hand was at the beach.

It was a sunny day with clear blue skies and sparkling ocean waves. The photographer and lighting coordinator were relieved because their work wasn't as hard.

The setting was perfect, with golden sand, palm trees, and a picturesque backdrop of cliffs. It was for their upcoming Summer Spring collection and the model would wear the Seoul limited edition that only made 100 pieces worldwide.

"Make up!"

Shen Fe stepped in herself and changed Katrina's accessories while the makeup artist retouched her face and the hairdresser immediately tightened the ribbon on her hair.

"Relax, Kat. You're on vacation, posing and playing with the wind."

It wasn't their first time working together, back in uni when Shen Fe was promoting her clothing brand she also occasionally helped her with modeling.

The first outfit was a long sleeve crop top with denim shorts. Katrina channeled her youthful memories and posed like her pictures back in uni.

Shen Fe chuckled, "She still got it."

The next outfit was a set of blue oversize shirts and shorts, with a white tank top on the inside. Katrina got her hair in a low two ponytail and played with her hair against the wind, totally enjoying herself under the breeze.

The photographer captures her poses against the backdrop of the ocean, utilizing the natural lighting to create a dreamy and ethereal atmosphere. The vibrant colors of the clothes pop against the serene beach scenery.

There were five highlight pieces of the collection and it was the last one.

"A freaking bikini? What the hell?"

"It's a Spring Summer collection, what do you expect, a long coat?"

Katrina was left alone inside the fitting room with the ribbed keyhole cutout one piece swimsuit.

This was torture! She hadn't shown so much skin since she was in elementary school. What the actual fuck!

She caught a glimpse of the tie front white outer she wore before and finally walked out. Katrina was thanking the designer because at least the bottom wasn't a triangle shape but rather the usual pant look.

Shen Fe rolled her eyes, but didn't protest.

Ever since she heard about Zhang Siyuan's story from Katrina, she had always want to make Katrina the model. Let that mother fucker knew what kind of gem he wasted for taht mistress of his.

As the photoshoot progresses, the models walk along the shoreline, feeling the gentle breeze and the soft sand beneath their feet. They strike confident and glamorous poses, showcasing clothing in a captivating way.

The team ensured that every detail was perfect, from the Katrina's hair and makeup to the accessories she wore. They incorporate elements like flowing fabrics that catch the wind and reflect the brand's image of freedom and elegance.

Throughout the photoshoot, the team collaborates seamlessly, working together to capture the essence of 'The Ones' message. They aim to create images that will captivate viewers and inspire them to embrace the brand's style and vision.

At the end of the day, the sun begins to set, casting a warm and golden glow over the beach. The team wraps up the photoshoot, satisfied with the stunning visuals they have created. These images will soon be shared on social media, billboards, and other promotional platforms to showcase the fashion brand's collection and attract fashion enthusiasts from around the world.

Across the hectic photoshoot was Arthur and the three children playing inside their villa. Wu Yige was a silent watcher and occasionally helped Arthur with piece of mind as the production team stated they would blur his and Lin Zhi's face for the airing.

It was break time and the energy cuties were having a nap.

Arthur approached him with a smile, "Congratulations on your nomination, Brother Yi. My uncle is full of praise for your work."

"What nomination?" Wu Yige was visibly confused, "Which work?"




Shen Fe was going through the last screening with her team back in their hotel, while Katrina went back to the villa after sun set. The air was filled with the aroma of ramen.

"Please tell me you saved me a bowl of those."

Wu Yige presented the new bowl and Katrina cupped her hands in thanks, "Jal mokgessseubnida."

On the third slurp her exhaustion gradually faded and she realized how quiet the villa was, "Where's Arthur? And the kids?"

"It's funny that you talk about Arthur," Katrina drank the infused water and waited for Wu Yige to continue. "I had a very confusing day, Kitty Kat.

"Arthur congratulated me on my film's nomination and the Busan Film Festival committee called me asking for my participation in the premiere of my documentary 'Inner Demon', which by the way, was directed and played by myself," he crossed his hands while his face was dead serious, "It was a mistake, right? Because I haven't played anything for the past months, let alone script or direct something."

It took Katrina awhile before it finally dawned on her, "Oh, we got nominated? That's amazing!"

The hug and beaming smile made the Wu Yige more confused, "What is happening? What do you mean amazing? Did BFF make a mistake or did you and Arthur take the wrong medicine?"

Katrina chuckled and showed him the iPad, "I used the company's documentary of you over these years and combined it with the recent clips, you also have an old tape of your thoughts on mental struggle."

Wu Yige got an impression on the first and third part, but the second part was alarmingly unfamiliar, "What do you mean the recent clip?"

"After what you've pulled, there was CCTV everywhere in the house and there's also the hospital records. We get in touch with a master writer and complete the storyboard."

Wu Yige's knuckles turned white, his head vein almost popping. "Katrina Shin, what the fuck did you do?"

"You were in critical condition to the point the personal doctor must send you to the ER. The first responders and hospital's camera caught your entrance. We've worked so hard not to let your condition spread out, we must be proactive and come up with this solution. You were making a documentary and it was the breaking point of your life and the entire plot emphasizes your struggle with your inner demon, hence the title."

"You recorded my mental breakdowns?!"

"NO!" Katrina raised her index finger as a strong denial, "We only use the public recording because that is the sole reason for us doing this. You refused counseling and would rather stay home, isn't that all for your public image? You don't want people to pity or belittle you. It is also unethical for us to capitalize on your pain. Your old recording about mental struggle was really on point and we can align it with the clips. It's really good because we put a lot of thought into it, so don't misunderstand us. We did this for everyone's sake."

Wu Yige snorted and slammed the door to his room.

Katrina scoffed, "What a man child."

Cheer me up with vote and add to library, Starlights^^

<Fresh Stories> Special Update (2/2)

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