
Road to Stardom & Marrying Mr. Superstar

From working behind the scene as a superstar's PA after being cheated on, and fall into supernatural slavery.. Katrina Shin navigates through the cutthroat world of showbiz while simultaneously conquers literal demons. Aside from exorcize people and sealing items, Katrina Shin must attends filming and maintain her popularity. Her divine power doesn’t grant her lottery for the fierce custody battle or evading a dangerous stalker, but it's useful enough to get her the love of her life - the former employer, "Mr. Superstar" Wu Yige. Get back at the cheating couple along the way is also fun.

baexrich · Urban
Not enough ratings
79 Chs

12. Life Spiral

Today, all the headlines were filled with photos of Monica Ning and Wu Yige. What's even more terrible was during Wu Yige's terrible acting just now, Melanie Lu tweeted a picture.

  @Melanie Lu: We are still good friends that cheered on each other's love life.

There were thunderous sounds on Katrina's mind, Melanie Lu was saying they were broken up and the picture of her leaning on another man's shoulder meant she already had a new love interest.

Katrina: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Everyone was scrolling through twitter to watch the show and cast sympathetic glances at Katrina. Not far away, by the lake, Wu Yige was still trying his best to be affectionate and gently kissing Monica Ning.

"CUT!" the director shouted: "Take a rest again, it's NG."

Monica Ning was also a little tired. The two stood by the lake all afternoon. Wu Yige was a little dizzy with a cold, and he was poking his nose under the tree again, like a whirring bellows.

As soon as Monica Ning came over, everyone immediately put away their mobile phones.

"I'll take a look at the next few scenes," the director said.

The coordinator went over to discuss with the director and came back a moment later. The sun was almost setting. He had been filming this scene over and over again all afternoon. It was really a turn of events. Previously, it was Monica Ning who slowed down the progress. Now it was Wu Yige's turn. No matter how Wu Yige expressed 'falling in love', it felt wrong, and he felt a little confused.

Wu Yige stretched his hand for tissue, "Katrina! What are you doing?"

"Listen, everyone is frustrated and you've humiliated yourself enough. Look at Monica Ning like your life depends on it, because it is," Katrina took big steps, like an aggressor cornering Wu Yige in the tree trunk. "You can either look at her like she was the love of your life, or you can have a video meme of your runny nose in 4K HD for the rest of your life."

Katrina didn't wait for his response and ran to the crew while shouting, "Brother Yi is ready now!"

The director nodded, the set was clear, and the actors and crew were in their position.

By the lake, Wu Yige was tenderly caressing Monica Ning's face, he tilted his head and slowly approached her face and finally kissed her affectionately.

Tender looking, longing, but a little irritable and impatient. An immature sincere look fitting for their first realization of 'love'.

The Director was immersed and so did the crowd. Katrina on the other hand was ready to bolt once the director shouted cut.



"Brother Yi!"

"Male God!"

"Wu Yige!"


The crowd was wild and Katrina rolled down the window to let the man in hoodie and glasses waved and blew kisses to the fans waiting in front of Wang Media's building.

The man immediately entered the building while Katrina did crowd control with the security team.

"Everyone! Everyone! I'll get the gifts and give it to Brother Yi, okay? Now, please head back behind the safety line and make way for other artists and workers. Thank you everyone, thank you."

The fans were peacefully retreating by the help of security guards and Katrina went into the VP's office.

"You're here."

Katrina gave a slight nod at the VP and Chairman, sat next to the man in a hoodie. "Thank you for your help, Brother Kun."

Qian Kun loosened the hood with a smile, "No problem, I'm glad to help."

Wang Lin on Lin Juan's seat asked her, "Katrina, is he still not leaving his room?"

"Yes, he's cooped inside. If I persuade him too long he'll go on a hunger strike, so I didn't talk to him as much. I just make sure his food and necessity is in place. I jammed the signal to his room so he can't go online."

Lin Juan sat on the sofa arm rest, "Seriously, what else should we do? It's been two months and 'The Stars of the World' is gonna premiere in half a month! We need him to be in shape."

Katrina looked at the Chairwoman, "Is there still no reply from Melanie's side?"

"None, she went off grid overseas with her new boyfriend."

"Damn it!" Lin Juan stopped when his mobile phone rang, then showed it to them, "Do you see this? This is another director asking for confirmation from Yige. Du Chen blocked many of them, but they still tried to reach me. At this point, the industry will know that the Superstar Wu Yige is depressed after a heartbreak! Fuck!"

Katrina never saw the VP as the cursing type, but I guess critical times brought the worst in people.

"Chairwoman, Mr. Lin, there's actually another reason I want to help you pretending to be Superstar Wu."

They stared at him, including Katrina. Qian Kun was the Legal Representative, most of the things he said would be tied to law and order.

"There are a few contract settlements we have to diss-"

Katrina's phone rang, "It's the helper auntie."

Wang Lin nodded and she left the room, "Yes, auntie?"

"Miss Katrina, something is wrong with the Young Master. He doesn't responded to my knocks or take the breakfast."

"Are you sure?"

"I've been trying for half an hour, Miss."

"Alright, keep knocking and talk to him and get the spare keys in my room. I'll be on my way."

Katrina opened the office room, "Chairwoman, I hope I think too much, but can you let a medical team come home with me? Yige is not responding to us."

"No problem, just go first."

Katrina saw herself in him, she was anxiously waiting for him to pass the stages of grief and finally opened up to people around him. She would be lying if she said never thought of ending her own life after that heartache.

"Still no answer?"

"No, Miss."

"I told you to get the spare keys, why don't you just open it?"

"The spare keys didn't work, the door didn't budge."

The spare keys were probably fake.

"Wait for the doctor here, I'll try to break in from his window."

Katrina took the stairs from the utility room and did as she said. The curtain was on and the slide door was thankfully unlocked.

Katrina saw scattered beer cans and wine glasses in the puddle of water.


She would never forget the horrified scene that day.

Katrina grabbed a towel and turned off the faucet, wrapping it around Wu Yige's wrist and called emergency service.

"Miss Katrina, are you there? The doctor is here."

"I'm here, wait a minute!"

Katrina stumbled to unlock the door and the paramedics clamored over him to perform emergency treatment.




Katrina sat next to the bed and supported her chin with her hand as she stared at Wu Yige. The handsome face was pale with a sunken cheek and black under eye. He was unkempt with his unshaven face and long hair.

Wu Yige was drowning himself, slitting his wrist, and took a bottle of sleeping pills with wine. He was determined to go.

She knew exactly what he felt.

Fucking heart ache!

When Wu Yige woke up, Katrina was standing by the window and talking on the phone. He didn't know the content, but she slightly tilted her head as if the caller could see her polite posture.

Wu Yige stretched his head and found the back of the woman. He fuzzily remembered a woman's face slapping his cheek to wake him up.

Katrina turned around and found him awake, "Are you feeling uncomfortable?" It was rhetoric because she immediately rang the doctor's bell and handed him a straw to drink, "Drink water first. Your throat must've hurt."

Wu Yige subconsciously lowered his head and took a few sips.

"Miss, let me check on the Young Master first."

Wu Yige didn't see her for the next 5 hours during his full medical check up.

"You shouldn't have saved me." Katrina prepared the meal and didn't answer, sitting on the couch next to him, "Why did you do that, Katrina?"

"Be careful, it's hot."

Wu Yige slapped her hand away and the bowl of porridge shattered.

The sound attracted people outside the VIP room.

Xu Kaizong was first to arrive, "What happened?"

"Katrina, are you okay?"

"It's okay, Chairwoman. I'll get the cleaning team to clean this up."

Katrina left and talked to the chief nurse and immediately left the hospital after sending messages to Wang Lin and VP Lin.

Her life saving straw was actually Lin Zhi. She had no time to think about ending her life when she was busy making a living for her and her niece.


Once in those sleepless nights, she thought about it. Either to publicize the affair video of Zhang Siyuan and Liu Fei or to jump through the passing car to stop the throbbing pain on her chest, she wanted them to suffer worse than her, she wanted to.

Wu Yige didn't find his girl cheating, but being left off without a proper goodbye was leaving more questions than a human could tolerate. The what ifs and why was haunting him like a shadow.

Katrina couldn't let him jump into the fire pit, not when he was the victim.