
Road to Rogue Ninja

This is a story about a reincarnated person in the Ninja world. He has a happy life then suddenly tragedy struck one after another and he is forced to become a rogue ninja. An adventure of a rogue ninja and his survival. He also has a computer in his mind with cross wold internet. He is born in Konoha in a small declined family. A small happy family but third ninja war is still

UlTiMaTeNiNjA · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 029 Ruined Uzushiogakure

~Unknown city~

Menma woke up in a bed, naked beside Tsunade who also shared the same condition. He saw his little brother was still inside her. He was still in a tight grip of Slug Sannin who was sleeping like a log. His face was still buried in her naked breast. So he pretended to be asleep like a log in her embrace.

How in the heck did something like this happen?

Well, five days ago, he met Tsunade. They were both in the same city. Last time, he had a one-night stand with Tsumi which happened one month ago.

Tsunade is constantly being chased by debt collectors. Menma has a lot of money because he heals merchants or people in cities. In poorer places, he charges very little money. Besides that, he auctions off rare pearls, big diamonds, and precious jade stones from his summoning realm. The creatures in the summoning realm do not need these items; therefore, they freely give them to him. Sometimes, he sells big tiger and lion skins, which are like monsters in the summoning realm.

He paid for her because he was her junior subordinate from the same village. She had helped him during annual Konoha meetings and belonged to the same faction. He would steal small glances at her big melons.

His mind-computer helped him at this time. It calculated many routes by which he could escape from becoming the pulp beneath her fists and how to avoid it. Meanwhile, it drilled her with her own words.

Tsunade was accompanied by Shizune all the time. But last night she went to bed early. Menma has been gambling a lot lately to recover his money. The people who came to bankrupt Tsunade due to her bad luck. They successfully robbed her of her money, along with Menma. And Menma was in an adult form at the time. So they all lost their money to him. Menma calculated all the cards and gained a massive victory over everyone else.

This is the only time Tsunade is not being chased by debt collectors. The only person to whom she owes money to now is Menma. Last night, she talked a lot after drinking a lot of liquor. And then she felt the gaze of Menma. At last, she couldn't hold it. So they talked about it in an honest and flirty way. That led to a vulgar sex talk and then later a beastly sexual night for Tsunade with Menma.

Yes, she was a virgin. And he made sure that whatever he had seen on PornHub was fully replicated that night. The whole night, he ravaged her like a farmer would his fields. She didn't even allow him to leave even after she passed out. It was a battle of sorts between them in the bedroom, lasting over five and a half hours.

Tsunade felt a sharp object in her private part. She woke up and saw her position. And she saw Menma was still sleeping with his brother inside her. Then she remembered everything and she let his little brother go from her private part.

Menma woke up afterward and both looked at each other. Tsunade sighed at that time. The atmosphere became awkward.

Tsunade said, "Whatever happened, you won't mention it to anyone? It was a mistake; I was too drunk and emotional. Don't get any weird ideas about it."

Those words were very sharp. She felt a little guilty about what she had done while she was drunk. She remembered everything from last night. Even he rides and dominates her like a virgin girl. Even the lollipop scene with choking was still fresh in her mind. He didn't even leave her backdoor intact.

Menma said, "Okay." He didn't try to argue with her over this issue.

Tsunade snapped at him and said, "Then, what are you waiting for? It's early in the morning. Go to your room. I want to take a bath alone."

Menma sighed and left the room after he collected his clothes. His little brother is in full display. Without shame, he left the room. After he left the room; he used advanced invisibility cloak jutsu.

~After three hours~

Shizune called both of them for breakfast. Tsunade and Menma acted as if nothing had happened between them. They had breakfast together with Shizune.

Shizune asked, "Tsunade-sama, where are we going to visit today? You should hold off on drinking so much alcohol; you drank quite a bit last night."

Shizune had never seen her drunk as she did yesterday. Tsunade crossed even her highest limits yesterday. A fact which is not lost on Shizune. However, she was so exhausted that she went to sleep early.

Tsunade sighed and said, "You are still too young, Shizune. Don't worry, I want to take a break from gambling and liquor for a few days."

Tsunade knew that it wasn't due to alcohol or debt that Menma had on her, in this situation; it was because of her loneliness. She got too emotional during their conversation last night. For the first time, she decided to take some time off. She is still feeling the aftereffects of last night. The images from last night are still fresh in her mind.

Shizune was shocked but decided to confirm it again. She asked, "Really?"

Tsunade nodded her head. She looked at Menma and asked, "You mentioned yesterday night that you're leaving soon. Where are you planning to go?"

She wants to know for how long he will stay after today; so, she will be careful not to make the same mistake again with him.

Menma said, "In the afternoon, I plan to go visit some places for a few days."

Shizune asked, "Menma kun, you're leaving so soon. How am I supposed to handle Tsunade-sama alone?"

Shizune has never been this carefree before. The last few days have been too relaxing for her because of Menma paying off Tsunade's debt and winning every game they played together.

Tsunade said, "Don't worry about him. He is an elite ninja. And you are capable of handling my daily affairs. He is just a young and adventurous boy."

Tsunade did not stop him because she felt guilty and felt like she had spoiled him due to her problems.

After they talked a little, Shizune went out to buy some daily items as they needed them. Tsunade also told her that she wanted some rest.

Menma followed her into her room. Tsunade did not want to do anything while fully conscious. But Menma insisted that he couldn't control himself after last night. After a few minutes, Tsunade reluctantly agreed due to her guilt from the previous night.

Tsunade in full consciousness had spent the whole morning till afternoon with him. Tsunade felt the full length of this young man. It was a little dull last night due to her being drunk.

Menma made her feel guilty and took advantage of it. Tsunade didn't want to live with another guilt. So she did not resist his advances this time. The same activity was repeated.

In the afternoon, both Shizune and Tsunade said goodbye to him. Menma left both of them and moved towards the eastern side of the Fire Country.

Meanwhile, Tsunade told Shizune that she wanted to rest for a few days. Shizune did not ask much about it. Tsunade went to her room and then her walking style changed a little as she felt her legs were tired from all the exercise they had gone through. Tsunade knew that she could no longer stop Menma's advances from now on. Perhaps because of her guilt, she felt that she had taken advantage of Menma.

She slept afterward, drifting in dreams of newly experienced things. She would not gamble or drink alcohol for a month because of that.

~Two days later~

Menma has reached the ruins of Uzushiogakure with a purpose.

Menma said to himself, "At last, the Uzushiogakure ruins are in front of me."

Menma knows that even though the Great and Small ninja villages do not have access to advanced fuinjutsu techniques from the Uzumaki clan.

Menma thought, 'They might have burned it or hidden it somewhere where no one else could see it.'

Menma checked that he did not sense the weird chakra of Zetsu, which was not detected by most people. But he knew his signature as he had felt his presence many times within Konoha and on the battlefield.

He started to check the ruins and he saw many burned pages in some places which were burned beyond recognition in some ruined buildings. His mind computer scanned even the ruined pages. And he got satisfactory results.

For a day, he copied numerous high-level jutsus, fuinjutsus, and knowledge which other people did not even know a single thing about, around the world.

Menma did not find a single intact scroll even after searching for three days. Menma thought, 'The Uzumaki clan did not want to pass their knowledge to others because others attacked their clan. It looks like they only managed to save some scraps.'

Menma was shocked to find advanced barrier jutsu, Uzumaki clan jutsu, and advanced sensory jutsus. He even found genjutsu and taijutsu among them. Most of them are extinct in this world. If not for his mind computer, he would not have been able to recover them. He copied their ruined books which were burned.

He searched but found nothing in the ruins. Not even the Byakugan could reveal anything intact.

He even searched the ruins of Uzumaki's office. At last, he found something. Through his Byakugan, he saw a hidden compartment in the wall. In it, he found two high-quality twin swords were hidden.

Menma sighed and said, "Those are the blades of Arashi Uzumaki."

Menma collected them. After collecting them, he searched for ruined books to copy and salvage their contents through his mind computer.

After two days, Menma left the ruined place and headed towards the Mist Village. He had a few more places to raid.