
Road to Rogue Ninja

This is a story about a reincarnated person in the Ninja world. He has a happy life then suddenly tragedy struck one after another and he is forced to become a rogue ninja. An adventure of a rogue ninja and his survival. He also has a computer in his mind with cross wold internet. He is born in Konoha in a small declined family. A small happy family but third ninja war is still

UlTiMaTeNiNjA · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 027 Deal with Hiashi Hyuga


-Two year gap-

Menma is doing meditation in a man-made cave in an unknown place inside the Fire Country. In the last two years, he killed a lot of bounty hunters and rogue ninjas. He has learned Rasengan too. Minato and kushina passed away in the Nine Tail attack in Konoha. Because Obito went rogue after Rin's death.

Third Hokage ascended the throne again. As Jiraya and Tsunade refused the position. Orochimaru is not even considered as Shikaku Nara found some suspicious behavior from him. Recently Hiruzen and other elders found that Orochimaru is conducting illegal human experiments on some missing konoha and Fire Nation citizens. So Orochimaru has to run away after a brief clash with Hiruzen and later with Jiraya.

Somehow this time small clues were found against Danzo. But Danzo abandoned Orochimaru to survive alone after giving some excuses that he only funded Snake sanin. And he has no idea about Human experiments. Even after he became clear, others are very suspicious of him nowadays. As Menma has sent some frequent reports of some Root following him for no reason. And some clue regarding some hidden outpost of Root in Fire country.

He even wrote a large number of letters to show condolences for deceased people. He knew many of them during the war and made a good impression on them. He even wrote to Hiruzen and told him if Danzo's root organization had helped Village in the time of need, then many would have been saved. He indirectly wrote the same thing to many people in Konoha who suffered during the attack.

Earlier Danzo tried to put all the blame on Nine Tail. And later on, young Naruto who is just a baby. But then the letter of Menma which came with a crowd of Bats is delivered to people. And the hate for Naruto stopped for some time. As they can blame someone who is like an idle statue. Danzo is severely criticized for standing like a fool during nine tail attack.

The cloud shinobi recently came to sign a new peace agreement. This time they tried to kidnap Hinata which failed recently. And the death of the main head of the ninja group who came to sign the peace agreement.

Meanwhile, Menma chakra has increased in these two years. His chakra volume reached the jonin level. And now he is ten years old.

-Unknown place-

-Fire Country-

Menma has already finished his meditation. He is trying to achieve total concentration in his meditation state like a monk.

He walked outside the cave. And the cave is filled after some of his hand signs. He left for the nearby village. Every village in Fire Nation knows about him as he heals and helps people if he visits their place. He is famous even after he left Konoha for almost two years.

He suddenly sensed that someone locked his gaze on him. He is familiar with this feeling. He looked back and decided to wait for the person who attracted his attention.

Menma thought, 'Byakugan! Why a Hyuga is searching for me? Is the peace agreement going like canon? Hizashi would have left on his own. Why someone is searching for me from the Hyuga clan?'

His grandma had frequently used it to search for him while she was alive; so he is very familiar with the Byakugan's locking gaze. His sensory chakra flared and revealed that it was a shadow clone of an elite Jonin-level shinobi.

He got the answer immediately because he could see Hiashi Hyuga had arrived or sent his shadow clone.

The shadow clone praised him immediately and said, "You have reached a high level as a Jonin in your chakra reserves. I did not expect to see you under these circumstances."

Menma is a bit confused by his remark. He doesn't know much about the Hyuuga clan. They have never shared the same battlefield. He has met many Hyuuga clansmen, but this is the first time he is meeting the Hyuga clan's patriarch, apart from during Konoha meetings. However, they have never spoken in person.

Menma said, "Circumstances? As far as I know, we never talked about it. Even if my grandmother was a Hyuga. I do not know our relationship either. I never asked about it from my Grandmother; she was a branch family member. It was a sore point for her."

Hisao was a little embarrassed by it. He sighed and said, "I need your help. My brother went as a captive this time. As your cousin, I am asking for your help. Even though your grandmother was a distant relative, she was the younger sister of my grandfather. Not many people know about it today. After the bird cage incident, she never spoke to my grandfather again."

Menma understood why his grandmother was happy for him and his father not to have white eyes.

Menma thought for a moment and said, "You know, Hizashi might be dead. Even if I reach there, it's a futile attempt to rescue him. In my time, they wanted to hand me over to their village elder. So they delayed and gave me a lot of time. This time, they only want Byakugan from your brother. You know what I mean."

Hiashi sighed and said, "I know, you are my only chance. If he is alive, save him. If he is dead, please bring back his body. They might be experimenting with it. I don't want my brother's body to be used as a lab rat. I can't go myself; the Third Hokage and others are making sure of that. Hizashi made sure that he acted as a proper decoy until the end."

Menma looked at him and said, "Okay, I will help you. Even though our grandparents have a rift because of a bird cage. It's not important anyway; it's for my niece, Hinata. I will help you in this matter, but you have to help me with another matter. And only you can help me with this matter."

The Hiashi shadow clone looked confused. But he nodded his head. Soon, he saw Menma's eyes become Byakugan. The clone looked shocked.

Hiashi asked him, " When did you awaken the Byakugan? "

The clone was curious about it. Menma saw that Hiashi had an idea of what kind of help Menma needed.

Menma said, "The day my grandmother died, I awakened it. Anyway, the people who see my Byakugan always end up dead, mostly. You just have to deal with the pressure of the Hyuga clan when it is revealed. It will not be revealed anytime soon. You are my cousin, after all."

Menma also played the same card that was earlier played by Hiashi. And the clone nodded his head. Looks like Hiashi will be well prepared for this kind of situation in the future.

-Two days later-

-Cloud Borders-

A group of Anbu has entered a hidden outpost of Cloud shinobi base.

They met with some other cloud shinobi who were inside the base. They escorted them inside the deep underground. Some medical ninjas and researchers of cloud shinobi are inspecting a body.

The cloud anbu said, " The location of the Hyuga Hizashi body is discovered by other Ninja villages. Even if he is not Hyuga's patriarch. His body is great for research work despite his byakugan being sealed. So, we are sent to take it back."

Some Researchers grunted at his words. One of them said, "We would be able to gain something if we have enough time."

Another researcher said, "We got a Hyuga body in such prime condition a few days ago. We would be able to crack the secrets of Byakugan. And the other details about their famous fighting style on their body and how much it can affect other's body. You came too early. The elders should have given us more time."

The researchers do not look happy about this interruption. But looks like Anbu are more serious.

The leader of the cloud Anbu squad said this time, "I do not have time. We have to take it back to a more secure location. Recently Iwagakure Anbu are sneaking inside our borders after hearing this news. Mist and Sand are also involved in some places. Even Konoha is secretly sending root and their Anbu to take back the body. So their secrets do not leak to our people."

The people around him understood the matter was very serious.

Suddenly a series of claps started to sound which immediately made them alert. Some are clapping but they do not know from which place it is coming.

A figure appeared at the door who was clapping. The Anbu immediately went into battle mode.

But before they can attack. They saw a ten-year-old kid walk out from the shadows. He does not have a headband or chunin vest.

Every Anbu recognizes him immediately. They have seen his heavy bounty on the bounty book.

One Anbu said, "Rogue ninja Satoshi Menma."

Menma laughed at their words. His actions are quite rogue after he resigned as a Konoha shinobi. He has done whatever he desired like other rogue ninjas. The only difference is that he is a retired ninja in his village. And did not provoke a fight unlike now.

The retired rogue Konoha shinobi flared his chakra. It has a lot of killing intent. The chakra is heavy with a heavy dose of killing intent. Many shinobi couldn't even move from their place.

But Anbu are different, they immediately unsheathed their blades. And went to attack him. Menma avoided the first strike with a quick dodge.

Second Anbu is ready to attack him. And the other three Anbu are circling him. But by the time they can box him inside a no-retreat zone.

Menma caught the second Anbu by the throat. And caught his sword hand as well. By the time anyone could react, Menma had snapped the throat of the second Anbu and held his sword in his hand.

He blocked the incoming sword strike of the third Anbu. And pushed him back to fourth Anbu. Then rushed to the fifth Anbu and caught him before he could strike him.

They saw that this kid was by no means slow in any of his movements.

The Anbu leader said, " Take the Hyuga corpse and retreat immediately."

The Anbu leader heard another snapping sound of the throat of his fellow Anbu but he already knew his fate.

He knew that Menma's arrival at this place was no coincidence; he had come for Hizashi's corpse. Therefore, he prioritized his mission and decided to flee with the remaining Anbu and Hizashi's corpses.

The remaining Anbu left Menma and went to take the corpse. But they found that another Menma had already taken the Hizashi corpse in a scroll. And standing in that place grinning towards them.

Menma has killed some of the researchers who were talking earlier. He left others. Before the Anbu can come out of the shock. Many swords came out of their back. All the Anbu members are dead by the hidden shadow clones of Menma.

Menma looked at the remaining fear-stricken ninjas and said, "Tell your Raikage and elders. Winter came again and claimed some of his ninjas and Anbu."

Menma walked out of that place with his shadow clones and disappeared.

Soon the remaining researchers and ninjas came out of that place to inform other ninjas. But they found something else.

One of the ninjas said in a fearful voice, " This is not 'some ninjas'. It is more than three thousand shinobi. It is a bloody massacre."

No one said anything as others only watched the big hill of killed people. The mangled and broken bodies are used as a man-made hill as an artwork. Not only do they find cloud shinobi on it. But Mist, Rock, and Sand shinobi with many Anbu's of other villages. There were some small ninja shinobi in it. But their numbers are small. Menma even threw some bounty hunters in it whom he met in the last few weeks.

Menma does not care where his actions may lead him in the end. As the other four hidden villages along with some small hidden villages try to hunt him for some time.

-Two days later-

Hisashi received the scroll along with a letter that was meant for him alone. He buried his brother, but he could see his nephew did not seem happy or close to the family since Hizashi had left.

Meanwhile, Konoha and the other four great ninjas heard about Menma's deed on cloud borders. Menma not only took down Cloud shinobi this time but also other village ninjas who came for Hizashi's corpse.

Raikage blamed Konoha for it. And wanted an explanation about it. But recently Menma killed more than one thousand cloud shinobi. He did it this time with his pure strength. No food poisoning like last time. And other village shinobi when he encountered them by chance while checking various bases. They got in his way. So he eliminated them and collected their body.

Raikage cannot threaten the third Hokage with war threats like before. Menma made sure to cut their numbers to maintain balance. Surprisingly, Mist and Iwagakure lost a lot of shinobi who came to steal Hizashi's corpse. Many of them are there to stop Raikage from gaining more power. Sand lost the least shinobi among them. To add more horror, he used the hill as a dumping place for all the corpses he collected over the last two years.

The other Great Villages were angry but held back the urge to attack Menma immediately. They did not expect this kind of sudden attack from him; he had never tried it before. And this was unexpected, as Menma had never taken an active role as an attacker.