
Road To Omniscience

Can a human be omniscient? You will be following the "crazy" journey of Sage.

LLamb · Realistic
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6 Chs

Random Girl

 -I'm lonely, I don't know what to do. I'm on the sofa and the electricity is currently out, so no TV or internet. Ah, this is so tiresome... Let's just go outside and try to socialize.

 Sage gets his lazy bum off the sofa and goes outside. He's greeted with a forest and a few houses surrounding his own. He has a nice front yard, which is also shared with his next-door neighbors, who are two elderly couples. He sets off to go to the town's library, he might as well read something.

 The library is pretty big, it has a lot of books, the building is 3 stories tall as well. He goes over to the main desk to greet the owner, after you enter the building look to the right, about 45 degrees, and walk forward, you'll eventually reach the main desk.

"Well, what brought you here Sage?" Sage was greeted by the old owner.

"I'm looking for something to read, got any recommendations?" Sage asked the old man.

"How about The Tigerslayer? It's very popular."

"I've already read it, actually, I'll just look around."

"Sure, let me know if you need anything"

 -I've been looking around for a while now, I can't seem to find any interesting books. I'll just look around this place a bit more... hmm... who's that? Looks around my age, might as well talk to her.

 Sage walks over to the girl in question, she has short red hair and bright blue eyes. She's wearing a white shirt and her jacket is hanging on the chair.

"Hey, what's your name?" Asked sage.


"What are you reading?" Asked Sage again.

"What is it to you?" She said.

 Sage was taken aback, he wasn't expecting such a response. It's quite obvious why, he didn't know how to speak to people, even if he wanted to. He failed to realize how rude it was just to walk up to someone and just casually tell them their name. Imagine you're minding your business, and some guy with long black hair, black eyes with eyebags, and an unnatural grin on his face walks up to you and just asks your name. An average person would wonder, who is this guy, and why does he want to know that...?

"I'm just looking around, but can't find any interesting books. Do you have any recommendations?"

"What genre are you looking for?"

 Sage looked over at the girl's desk and she had a romance book at the top.

 Not good, if I say romance, she might get the wrong idea...

 He looked harder and saw a book called "Sky Parade" by Llamb, the author is said to be one of the best in the world, with a unique writing style and interesting ideas. He's not that popular in Patra though. "Sky Parade" is an adventure book, which Sage already knew, but didn't know its contents.

"Hmm... I want to read an adventure book, can you tell me what I should read?"

 The girl grabs a book from her pile, which is placed 4th from the top, and hands it over to Sage.

"Take this one, it's pretty good." She said.

"Oh, thank you!"

"This is the only copy of that book in the library, so make sure to return it to me in 3 days, I want to read it as well."

 -3 days? But the book is so thick... Let's see... What...? 487 pages?! What is she doing?

"Umm... 3 days?"

"Yes, 3 days."

"Alright, got it."

 Time to run off and try to finish this book within the time limit, otherwise I might as well lose the chance of making a friend.

 While Sage's back is turned on the girl, while Sage is trying to take out the book and leave, the girl is glaring at him.