
Road to God

Look If you had One shot Or one opportunity To seize everything you ever wanted In one moment Would you capture it Or just let it slip?

Frogkun · Anime & Comics
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119 Chs

Chapter 21

'I'm cumming 10 times or maybe more. And my dick is still healthy like this. I didn't know I was this strong.'

[17 times to be exact. 8 times in Shizuka and 9 times in Saeko. They're both great at being able to last this long with you. If you include the one you did in the kitchen. So it's +2 equal to 19 time]


[I know that you forgot about my existence for a moment when the three of you were getting a little intense earlier. You don't have to worry about that. I'm just a System Administrator, so I have no emotions for such a thing]

'Ehhh... Though I was hoping that you were a little embarrassed after seeing all that.'

[Do you want me to have emotions? But if I have emotions. Those emotions will be an obstacle for me in deciding what is right for you]

'Ehh... You can have emotions?'

[Can. I can install the basics of human emotion. But choosing not to install it because emotions can prevent me from choosing the right path and prevent me from thinking logically]

'Ahhh... Though I want to know what's you like when you're embarrassed, happy, and angry. Looks like it would be fun.'

[If you really want me to have emotions like a human. I recommend breaking the seal of the Eye of Truth. The more seals you open. The more emotions I can have]

'Why did it? Don't you just need to install emotions in the system?'

[Not that easy. I need the Eye of Truth as a basis for decision making. If my emotions go against logic, I need more information so I can make a better choice]

'Okay, then. How do I break the seal of the Eye of Truth?'

[For now. Once you are done with your skin modification. Please modify your eyes first. Especially the right eye where the Eye of Truth is]

'Ai... Ai... Captain...'

'I'd better take a shower before going to bed. At least maybe my brother will sleep a little after a cold shower.'

Yoru then left the room and walked towards the bathroom. But then he saw that several door still opened.

'Maybe they forgot to close the door. You guys, you should be a bit...' Yoru didn't continue what he was thinking because his thoughts immediately changed to what he saw.

'Kouta and Saya. They're fast asleep too.' Yoru smiled seeing the two sleeping with happy faces.

'Though they're not naked like what I did with Saeko and Shizuka. But, at least their relationship continues to a higher level.'

Yoru saw that another room was open and immediately crept closer to the room and peeked at what was inside.

In the room, Yoru saw Takashi and Rei sleeping naked.

'They took off their clothes. But not yet at the stage of having sex. The prove is, Takashi still have his pants'

Seeing what was happening, Yoru started to carefully open the entire room to see what was going on inside.

But unfortunately he didn't find another student.

'Maybe they are downstairs. Let's just leave them be. That's their business anyway. I don't need to interfere.'

Yoru refused to look and continued his way to the bathroom.

After bathing, Yoru intended to go back to sleep with Saeko and Shizuka. However, he heard a dog barking from outside. Yoru decided to go out onto the veranda to see what was going on.

Yoru also looked for the source of the barking sound. After he found out, he looked through the binoculars that Kouta found earlier, that he had left on the veranda seat. There Yoru saw a middle-aged man with a girl and a dog.

'They're running from something. Don't tell me there are zombies that are very active at night.'

Yoru immediately took the bow he had placed beside the door and readied an arrow.

[I suggest you use symbols to change your vision so you can see at night]

'You mean night vision?'

[Yes. Coupled with farsight so you can see further. But only use it on your left eye]

Yoru then makes night vision and farsight symbols on his left eye.

'Having two different visions is a little uncomfortable.'

[You have to get used to it. With this way. You save 20 mana]

'Ahh... so per eye per symbol.'


Yoru then focused his left eye to look for the man earlier. After using night vision, Yoru could clearly see the man and the creature chasing him.

'The zombie has broad shouldered and slightly taller than the average zombie. Is this zombie an exhibitionist? Why he on full nude? At least give a woman nude please. Don't give me that kind of damnation! And look at that exposed bone and muscle and a mandible jaw. If zombie only appear yesterday, why he already in that state? And I think, he has a little intelligence and night vision too. He can navigate through the dark at ease, and he matching the man speed perfectly. Is he playing that man?'

[Will you help that man]

'I think, now that I have seen it. And System. Isn't it better I use the symbol on my right eye? I can use the Eye of Truth at the same time.'

[Not recommend it. Using Eye of Truth already put a burden to your eye]

'Ah. You mean the mana that flows to my eye.'


'So, I think I really need to modify my eyes as fast as possible.'

[Yes. Good thinking]

'And for helping that man.'

Yoru than jump at the wall fence. Ready his bow, aim at the zombie. Then release the arrow.

The arrow that Yoru releases fly fast toward the zombie and stab at his hand.

'His reflexes is good as a zombie. I aim at his head but he defend it using his hand'

Yoru release another arrow. But now that the zombie knows someone attacking him. He chooses to dodge the arrow.

'I will waste more arrows after this. Better use 2 swords.'

[You still have 40 mana]

'In that case. 20 in the sword, and 20 in Agi.'

The middle-aged man finally arrived near the barrel. Yoru jumped down from the wall. The man was surprised to see Yoru who suddenly appeared.

"You don't have to be afraid. I was the one who fired the arrow earlier." Yoru said before the man could say anything.

"You better get on the wall before the zombies get here." Yoru said a little coldly.

"Don't even think about helping. You're only going to trouble me." Yoru added which made the man a little annoyed.

But what can he do. He couldn't do anything. He could only bite his mouth and regret his weakness.

"Sorry and thank you." Said the man after he managed to get on top of the wall with the little girl who was with him.

Not long, the zombie arrived near the barrel.

"Yo, zombie. Are you playing right now? Can I join?" Yoru smiled eerily.

"Ah... I forgot, you can't possibly answer. So, there's no need to say much."

Yoru then immediately ran to the zombie earlier to attack him.