
Road to God

Look If you had One shot Or one opportunity To seize everything you ever wanted In one moment Would you capture it Or just let it slip?

Frogkun · Anime & Comics
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119 Chs

Chapter 18

When it's 6 pm. Yoru climbed over the fence and threw the molotov he made into all the barrel and burned all the wood that was inside.

With the house surrounded by burning barrels. The surroundings feel a little warm and zombie start to go away.

It's true what Saya said. Zombies stay away from around the house. But there are some zombies who even approach the barrel and stand near the barrel without doing anything. Yoru then start to snipe them in the head one by one.

"For now, this is all enough." Said Yoru a little relieved.

"Hopefully no zombies are too vicious and attack this place." Saya said with a fear visible in her face.

"For now, we better calm down. You guys take a shower first. Especially you ladies. I'm sure you guys aren't comfortable with your bodies aren't you?" Yoru told everyone to rest.

"Tomorrow we might be a little busy. So please rest as much as possible." Yoru reminded everyone.

The women left the balcony and only the men were there.

"Yoru-san, why are we busy tomorrow?" Kouta asked.

"Tomorrow we have to reach Saya's house before noon." Yoru answered a little lazily.

"So we're free for now?" Takashi asked.

"Yeah. There's nothing we can do now. You're free to do whatever you like now."

Yoru then took the wood and threw it into the barrel so that the fire inside wouldn't go out.

Because they have nothing to do. The men finally went to their rooms to rest. And left Yoru alone on the balcony.

[Now might be the time you can try modifying your organs]

'Yeah, I thought the same thing. I'm bored of waiting like this. Besides, I can practice multitasking too.'

After that, Yoru opened the Body Modification panel and read the FAQ. After he understood enough what he had to do. He immediately tried it.

[First, you must gather mana and absorb it like when you are trying to recover mana.]

'I can do it.'

[Secondly, after which mana is accumulated and successfully absorbed. You have to control that mana and channel it to the organ you want to modify.]

'It's like when I poured mana into the symbol. The difference is this is done in the body.'

[Third, repeating the second step until the used mana runs out. Your body has been modified so that your organs absorb the excess mana you have.]

'So I just need to drain my mana.'

[Fourth, if the third step is finished. Repeat from the first step. Repeat until the organ is successfully modified]

'It didn't sound difficult. According to the FAQ, I should start with the skin first. Because the skin is the outermost organ, so if a problem occurs, the effect can be observed. '

Yoru then do all the steps that have been instructed by System.

After 2 hours passed, Yoru felt that there was a slight change.

'So this is how it feels if your organs are modified using mana. My whole body feels like needles are pointing.'

[You haven't finished modifying your skin. You only made 3% of the whole process]

'Not bad. I made 3% in 2 hours. So it took me about 4 days to finish the skin.'

[Wrong. This process takes 2 hours because you are not used to it all. And the lvl of where your mana control and gathering is still low]

'So, the higher the level of mana control and gathering. The faster the process?'

[Right. But it also depends on which organ you want to modify. And the risk also depends on the same factor]

'Ahh... the risk of organ damage when the modification process is forcibly stopped or interrupted. Do the heart and brain have the highest risk?'

[Right. Correct deduction. The heart and brain are the most difficult organs to modify. It's easier to make a new organ than to modify an old one]

'You mean by making a new organ?'

[If you have finished modifying all the organs in your body and only the heart and brain are left. I suggest buying or making a new heart and brain and installing it in your body]

'Wait a moment. I'm still a little clueless here. So I'll have 2 hearts and 2 brains then?'

[Right. But after that. I also suggest you keep modifying your old heart and brain]

'This is a conversation that is too far away for us to talk about now. After all I definitely don't have the skills I need to do all that process right?'

[That's right. You can't do all that yet]

'So let's take it slow. When we get there, then we can talk again.'


After that, Yoru continued his modification process. With multitasking, Yoru can make modifications while talking to the System.

However, Yoru was forced to stop the modification process because someone hugged Yoru from behind.

Yoru turned his head and saw Shizuka with a flushed face and eyes and only with a towel covering her breasts.

"Yoruuu..." Shizuka hugged Yoru from behind with a red face.

"Shizuka, what's wrong with you? And your face... Are you drunk?" Yoru asked after seeing Shizuka's state.

Instead of answering, Shizuka did the unexpected. Grasping Yoru's head, Shizuka immediately kissed Yoru's lips.

"Puah... hehehehe... I kissed you..." Shizuka just smiled happily after kissing Yoru.

'I think she's really drunk now. I better take her to the bedroom. Before she sleeps here.'

Yoru then carried Shizuka and walked towards the bedroom. Shizuka smiled even wider at what Yoru did to her.

Arriving in the bedroom, Yoru immediately put Shizuka on the bed. But before Yoru could leave. Shizuka grabbed Yoru's hand and made him fall right on top of her with Yoru's head slumped between Shizuka's breasts.

Shizuka immediately hugged Yoru's head and said. "Yoru, I love y... zzzz" Shizuka let go of her hug after she fell asleep.

Feeling that his head could move again, Yoru immediately stood up and looked at Shizuka who was fast asleep.

"Ahh... You have to get dressed before falling asleep." Yoru facepalm seeing Shizuka's current state.

Yoru then blanketed Shizuka before he came out of the bedroom.

[Why didn't you fuck her]

'I will eventually did it. But not now. I need coffee to make me awake. I also need to modify my skin first.'

[Ohh... I thought you weren't interested in sex]

'Of course I'm interested. What's more with Shizuka's body like that. Of course I interested.'

Yoru left the room and walked towards the kitchen to make coffe.

After arriving in the kitchen, Yoru was so shocked by what he saw. Yoru saw Saeko in the kitchen standing warming from the leftovers food while only wearing an apron.

"Ohh... Yoru-san, do you need anything?" Saeko asked Yoru with a straight face.

Yoru facepalm after he saw Saeko.

"Saeko, why are you dressed like that?" Yoru asked a little confused.

Saeko looked at herself and realized what he mean. But Saeko's answer made Yoru even more confused.

"Ohh... My clothes are dirty and being washed now. Because there are no clothes that fit my size, so I have to dress like this." Saeko replied with a straight face.

"Even if you have to. It doesn't mean you have to be naked and only use an apron to cover your front." Yoru looks a little tired.

"What's more, even if it's like that. I can still see everything." Yoru paid little heed to Saeko and rushed to make coffee.

"Yoru-san, did you?" Saeko looks sad.

"I know what you're thinking. But let me said this first. I'm normal. I just don't have much time to think about it right now." Yoru stroked Saeko's head.

Saeko looked happy to hear Yoru's words and immediately hugged Yoru tightly.

Yoru gave up. He then put down his coffee and he hug Saeko too.

"You better sleep now. We have a lot to do tomorrow." Yoru said while stroking Saeko's head in her arms.

Saeko let go of her embrace and looked at Yoru's face seriously. Then Saeko kissed Yoru deeply.