
Road to God

Look If you had One shot Or one opportunity To seize everything you ever wanted In one moment Would you capture it Or just let it slip?

Frogkun · Anime & Comics
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119 Chs

Chapter 16

[This world is undergoing evolution. Like a pokemon. If your monsters are at a certain lvl, then by using certain items, they evolve aren't they]

"An easy-to-understand example. So what do you think really happened?"

[Everything. I think everything happened at the same time. With a group trying to mutate human genetics. There must be other groups trying to make something more better right and some small money right. But with the greed that humans have, zombies appear. And at the same time, the world is already on the verge of evolution. So the world took advantage of what happened and spread the zombies virus even more so. But the virus alone didn't enough. Like pokemon, evolution requires several items. Because zombies alone are not enough. Then came Messenger Of Dead, and by this thing doing all living things would disappear. To overcome that. Humans like you were summoned here. Or perhaps got sent here]

"Arg... I don't like all of this. But, there's no way the world just sent me right? There's no way I can handle everything in the world alone."

[Right. You shouldn't be the only one sent here. Maybe they're from another world and a different era from yours. But I didn't have any way to know about that]

"Ohhh... I really want to meet them. But if it's an idiot who was sent here. This will be troublesome."

[The abilities of the people who got sent will differ from one another. Not everyone gets a System like you. What else is a System that has their own intelligence like me. So, you can be more proud. Because what you have is unique]

"Hahahaha... Just getting sent here is already unique. So I don't expect anything else. The important thing is that I survived."

[That's right. It's useless for you to be unique if you die]

In the middle of their conversation. Yoru suddenly fell silent as he slashed the stomach from Messenger Of Dead.

Yoru found that the knife couldn't cut any longer. He then tried to put his hand in and found a hard object and took it out of Messenger Of Dead's stomach.

Yoru took out a green ball the size of his fist.

[This quality isn't that great even though he's a messenger]

"Quality? Is there a level in the core too?"

[Of course. The higher the level, the stronger they are]

"So, what level is this?"

[The lowest. So he's the weakest]

Yoru was shocked to hear the words from the System.

"You say this is the weakest? Then what is the strong one?"

[For now, don't think about how strong they are. Strengthen yourself first]

[Emergency mission : Kill the Messenger Of Dead in 1 hour. Complete.

[Remaining Time : 38:07

The remaining time is more than half of the allocated time.

Additional Rewards obtained.

Highest rank reward obtained.]

"Ohhhhh.... I didn't realize this was a mission. So what's the reward?"

[The reward for the mission is a skill ticket and 1000 points. But it looks like you got an extra reward. Look in the inventory to find out the rewards you get]

"I'd better see it later. Let's go back first. They must be waiting."

Yoru walked back to the bus after what he had to do was done. Arriving at the bus. Everyone looks relieved after seeing Yoru is okay.

And for Saeko. She immediately ran and jumped to hug Yoru. For fear that Saeko would get hurt if he dodged. Yoru could only accept the hug from Saeko a little awkwardly.

After some slightly embarrassing thing. They got into the bus. And Yoru then told them what kind of zombies he was fighting.




"I can't believe it, you just warned us to watch out for zombies jumping over walls. And you met one. Are you very lucky or very unlucky?" Kouta got a little goosebumps.

"That's not the only problem. How is it possible that zombies can still move with their necks pierced by a sword." Rei couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"But what clear is. We know that there are slightly different zombies. But, there's no way that zombies like that is a lot, however we must remain vigilant." Yoru reminded.

"Yoru-san, you said that zombies are faster than you, didn't you?" Takashi asked to make sure.

"Right. What's wrong?" Yoru was confused.

"If we meet something like that. How can we escape?" Takashi's words made everyone get goosebumps.

"Hahahaha. You don't need to worry. Zombies like that are probably only 1 in a million. Like I said, there's no way a lot of zombie like that exists. So you could say we were unlucky just now."

Everyone felt a little relieved to hear Yoru's words. However, Saeko looked a little disappointed.

"Shizuka, we can continue our way to your house." Yoru instructed Shizuka.

"Okay." Shizuka immediately started the bus engine and they continued on their way.


After arriving at Saeko's house, it was already late in the afternoon.

"It's finally here. But we still have to be aware of what's inside. Who knows, maybe someone is already inside." Yoru remind others.

All nodded their heads.

They walked into Shizuka's house carefully. Yoru walked around the house from outside. Saeko and Rei took the lead and Takashi and Kouta as the rear guard, they entered the house. After half an hour walking around and checking all corners of the house. They found nothing and gathered in the living room.

"All safe?" Yoru asked.

"First floor is safe." Rei replied

"Second floor is safe." Takashi answered.

"Good. We're taking a break now. You're free to do whatever you want. But don't make a fuss."

After that, everyone did what they wanted to do. Takashi and Kouta went around looking for weapons after Shizuka said that she lived with her friend and had a weapon she kept. Saeko, Rei, Saya, and Shizuka prepare a food, while the other students prepared rooms for them.

For Yoru. He opened his Status panel.

'Nothing has changed, only I now have 2 experience. 8 more to get lvl up. What matters is the skill ticket and bonus rewards. I hope the bonus is good.'

Yoru opened the inventory and saw 1 skill ticket and 1 Emergency Mission Bonus Rewards. Yoru immediately opened the bonus prize first.

[Recife 1 Skill ticket]

[Recife 2500 Points]

[Recife 2500 Gild]

'Ohh... I got another skill ticket. Plus points and money. Nice gift.'

[What skill will you buy]

"I don't know, first see what skills there are. Maybe there are other skills that are good."

Yoru then opens the Shop tab to see what he can buy.

'Is it because I have a ticket skill?'

Yoru was confused when he opened the skill shop. Because now there was a lot he could buy in the shop.

[Yes. Skill tickets will give you the opportunity to buy skills for free. Because you have 2 skill tickets, so you can buy 2 skills for free. But the item was only meant for skills. Equipment, Magic, and others have their own items]

"Ohhh... Free skills. Very helpful. Which one should I choose?"

Yoru looked very confused about the skill he was going to buy.

[Suggestion. Buy Multitasking Skills and Energy Efficiency. And save the points you have]

'Ahh...' Yoru remembered what happened when he fought the messenger earlier.

'With multitasking, I can fight and prepare symbols at the same time. And Energy Efficiency is used to reduce energy usage like mana and stamina. Right? But why should I keep my point?'

[Your analysis is correct. For why you should save your points. Actually I was hoping you could buy Vector Control magic. But because Vector Control requires a lot of skills that you must have, especially skills related to brainpower, so you need to save first]

'I don't know Vector Control. But since you said so. Surely this skill is awesome.'

[Right. Vector Control has very high power. With Vector Control allows you to control vectors and influence objects that have vectors.]

'Is it really that strong?'

[Yes. If you can use this skill to the max of it's capabilities. You can call yourself god among human]

Yoru was shocked to hear the words of the System.

[For example 1. You can use it for reversing and redirecting any vector coming towards your body it's also mean that you can't be attack with any kind of way]

[2. Earthquake Generation, by altering the vector of force applied to the ground by your feet, you can causes a little explosion made of earth and rocks to attack your opponents]

[3. Tactile Telekinesis, by touching an object, you can use this ability to change the magnitude of vectors the object you come in contact with. This allows you to change the vectors of objects in such a way that you can turn them into projectiles. An example of the use of this ability is even if you lightly kicked a rock, with this ability you can make it shoot like a bullet]

[4. Aerokinesis make you can re-vector the surrounding winds and force them to congregate at a single point creating an extremely high velocity wind, but it had flaws like when the wind is moving in an abnormal direction or when your vector calculations are disturbed it will be dangerous. But, you can even create plasma by further compressing the wind at high speeds in a single point.]

[5. Acceleration, by controlling the vectors around your body you can achieve inhuman speed]

[6. Mind Hacking, by redirecting the electrical signals of the human body, you can take 'control over them and rewrite the memories and personality of the people. However this type of application is extremely difficult, as the precision of this process requires a lot of brainpower to a point when you doesn't have enough calculating ability for this redirection, it will make you disable]

[7. Kinetic Energy Manipulation. you can takes control of the planet's rotational vectors and transfers an enormous amount of that energy into one attack. This attack used up so much of the planets rotational energy that it can slowed down the earth's rotation. It's will be a lot of consequences when using this though]

[There's a lot more thing you can do using this skill. But like what I said earlier. This skill needs a lot of brainpower for calculation.]