
Road to becoming the wealthiest: Starting From Treasure Hunting in the Cabinets

What was in the container that nobody wanted? What could be found in an abandoned warehouse? You thought there was only junk? No, no, no! Antique jewelry, limited edition racing cars, aerospace instruments, helicopters, cattle'... be creative so that you'd come up with a lot more! With the ability to turn waste into treasure, Zhu Yu, who had awakened the heavenly eyes, collected unlimited wealth from the unclaimed containers, and walked step by step on the road to success!

Street And Breeze · Urban
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962 Chs

Chapter Seventeen: The Misunderstanding Deepens

Translator: 549690339

Seeing where Monica Brown was focusing, Sean Knight's face blushed slightly, and he explained:

"Would you believe me if I told you that all this stuff here was just gathered from a suitcase today?"

"We believe you." Emily Taylor gestured with her hand and said:

"We came for the suitcase. Do you still have it?"

"Who is this..." Sean Knight was somewhat familiar with this short-haired girl, Emily Taylor. He must have seen her in a photo album.

"I am Monica Brown's classmate, Emily Taylor." Emily Taylor remained on guard around Sean Knight, "We don't know each other well. There's no need for too much small talk."

Sean Knight could tell Emily Taylor was rather guarded around him.

Sean was a bit frustrated, her attitude was off.

Monica Brown also felt Emily's tone was off. It was too hostile. She wanted to say something defensively, but Emily Taylor stopped her, signaling Monica not to speak.

Feeling an intentional distance being established, Sean Knight didn't feel the need to keep talking. He went inside the container, fetched the suitcase, and placed it in front of Monica Brown:

"See if it's yours."

Monica Brown took one look at the suitcase and immediately got excited:

"Yes, yes, this is my suitcase."

But Emily Taylor interrupted her:

"Open it and check if anything is missing..."

"Sure, check if anything is missing." Sean Knight said casually.

At this point, he figured it out. Monica was okay, but Emily probably saw him as a man who was trying to strike up a conversation under the pretext of returning her suitcase.

Feeling a little embarrassed, Monica Brown gave an awkward smile to Sean Knight, then squatted down to check the suitcase. After a single glance, she spoke:

"Everything is here, thank you!"

Emily Taylor grew anxious:

"Monica, aren't you going to check thoroughly? This suitcase is full of things. What if something is missing..."

"Emily!" Monica Brown interrupted Emily, "Nothing is missing, I checked everything!"

She stood up and sincerely thanked Sean Knight:

"Thank you, really, thank you very much! This suitcase holds cherished memories for me. If I had lost it, I would have regretted it for a lifetime!"

Then, she pulled out her purse, took out a pile of money, and handed it to Sean Knight:

"I don't know how to thank you. Please accept these one thousand dollars..."

"A hundred dollars, that's my cost. I bought it for a hundred dollars." Sean Knight's expression gradually faded, "Consider it a favor for a fellow countryman."

Monica Brown wanted to say something, but the sound of a car interrupted her. When they turned around, they saw a police car parked outside.

Emily quickly said to Monica:

"Monica, let's go quickly! We don't want any trouble..."

She shot a glance at Sean, feeling that the police were probably there to give Sean trouble.

If the police mistakenly thought they were with Sean, that would be bad!

But Monica Brown shook her head and did not respond.

Sean's attitude earlier made her realize that with her tacit approval of Emily, they had offended a fellow countryman.

If they left now, they would be safe, but it may cause trouble for Sean.

Monica also studied Law in university. She hoped she could help him.

Emily screwed up her mouth but eventually said nothing.

Paul Walker got out of the car, seeing Monica and Emily, his eyes brightened as he laughed and asked Sean:

"Sean, your friends are really beautiful!"

Sean turned the corners of his mouth down. No one here considered him as their friend.

"What are you doing here?" Sean Knight asked.

"John told me your money has come through, but since you didn't pick it up, he asked me to bring it to you." After Paul finished speaking, he took a plastic bag out of the car. It was filled with a thick wad of money.

The amount was quite substantial!

Sean took the money and casually put it on the table inside the container.

"Are you cooking?" Paul didn't immediately leave, his eyes lingered on the two girls before noticing the pot on the gas stove. Smelling the aroma, he happily said:

"Looks like I'm in for a treat!"

Sean gave him a look: "I didn't cook any for you!"

"I won't eat much!" Paul Walker decided to stick around.

Paul had tasted Sean's cooking before when he had brought things over, and although the taste was unfamiliar, it was quite fragrant.

So Paul was rather fond of Sean's culinary skills.

Seeing that Paul wasn't here to arrest Sean, Monica Brown breathed a sigh of relief.

Sean noticed her expression and actions, his impression of her improved slightly.

Paul was evidently not just here for the food, he laughed and greeted the two girls:

"Are you Sean's friends? I'm Paul, I have a good relationship with Sean. You can call me Paul."

"No." Seeing that Monica looked a little awkward, Sean intervened:

"I was treasure hunting at the airport today. This suitcase was hers, so I called her to return it."

"Oh, I see!" Paul exclaimed, as if he had a sudden realization. "You were doing a good deed! I remember there was someone from your country who did a lot of good deeds, what was his name... Feng?"

The three of them looked surprised. How did Paul know all that?

Monica Brown, seeing that Sean wasn't in trouble, said to Sean:

"Thank you, we have to go now."

Sean didn't insist on them staying.

Paul Walker sadly watched the departing girls, asking hopefully: "Sean, are they really not your friends?"


Who says foreigners only like almond-eyed and unattractive people? Sean had noticed that young men like Paul were also fond of standard Chinese beauty.

As for the so-called international standard? It was really just a hidden agenda!

On the way back, Emily suddenly said:

"Monica, don't be fooled! I thought Paul's arrival was too coincidental! Could it be Sean's arrangement - an intentional setup to have a foreigner deliver money to show off his wealth!"

"Really?" Monica still hesitated to accept Emily's speculation about Sean.

"Why not? If he's really making money that easily, then why is he living in such a run-down place?"

Emily turned to look at Monica and said seriously:

"Monica, I think he saw your photo, knew you were pretty, and purposely staged all this to show off his wealth."

At this point, Emily's expression revealed her disdain:

"Humph! Men! I've seen too many like him! You have to be careful and not get fooled!"

"Sean doesn't seem to be that kind of person, does he?" Monica did not agree with Emily's opinion.

"Why not?" Emily asserted confidently: "Trust my judgment! If I hadn't come with you this time, you might have been tricked! And as a treasure hunter! Hmph!".

With a contemptuous tone, Emily showed her attitude towards Sean clear as day.

Monica Brown didn't continue to argue, she trusted her own judgment as well. However, Monica did agree that people like Sean should have regular jobs. In this regard, she was able to help him out with that.

It was settled then!

Unbeknown to Sean Knight, Monica Brown and Emily Taylor had their own views on him. For now, he was watching Paul, who was wolfishly devouring his meal. Sean quickened his own eating speed. Otherwise, the potato beef stew would be gone in an instant!