
Road to becoming the wealthiest: Starting From Treasure Hunting in the Cabinets

What was in the container that nobody wanted? What could be found in an abandoned warehouse? You thought there was only junk? No, no, no! Antique jewelry, limited edition racing cars, aerospace instruments, helicopters, cattle'... be creative so that you'd come up with a lot more! With the ability to turn waste into treasure, Zhu Yu, who had awakened the heavenly eyes, collected unlimited wealth from the unclaimed containers, and walked step by step on the road to success!

Street And Breeze · Urban
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891 Chs

Chapter Eleven: The Advantages of Being Knowledgeable!

Translator: 549690339

The second container was opened, and those who wanted to bid went up to take a closer look. Charles' assistant quickly stepped forward to maintain order.

Of course, in Sean Knight's view, the biggest intention of those people was to prevent anyone from crossing the edge of the container.

Otherwise, why would it be called container gambling?

If you see everything clearly, wouldn't that remove the point of gambling?

What surprised Sean Knight was that there was a guy using an octuple monocular telescope to take a look inside!

What a well-equipped guy!

"What is this?"

"A junk collection room?"

"Why is everything old?"

"Could the previous owner of the container be a veteran?"

All of them were open about their speculations.

Someone came up with a plausible guess:

"Could they be props?"

"Possible!" someone exclaimed with sudden realization, "For movies?"

The auctioneer, seeing that everyone had taken their look, immediately began the auction:

"Starting price of 500 dollars, each bid no less than a hundred dollars. The auction starts now. Mr. Madden bid one thousand dollars, one thousand dollars, one thousand two hundred dollars..."

This is not because the author deliberately omitted punctuation marks.

The auctioneer, in fact, had an amazing lung capacity. From beginning to end his pace nor pitch changed only once!

Sean Knight admired him once again!

The price skyrocketed to 5,000 dollars within a minute!

Sean Knight couldn't resist and decided to bid.

The auctioneer was a little surprised, pointed at him and said:

"Good, the young man from China bid five thousand one hundred dollars, five thousand one hundred dollars, five thousand one hundred dollars …"

Quite a few people immediately turned around to look at Sean Knight.

This resulted in a moments interruption of the auction price.

Helen Brown then raised her hand again: "Five thousand five hundred dollars!"

The auctioneer changed his call again: "Five thousand five hundred dollars, five thousand five hundred dollars…"

Several people in the crowd were asking around about Sean Knight.

Every newcomer would get this kind of scrutiny.

Since Sean Knight had participated in auctions before, he was already used to this.

Quickly, everyone's attention returned to the container, and the price rose to 8,200 US Dollars.

At this point, there were only three people left participating.

Mr. Madden did not back down, Helen Brown was still persevering, and then there was a bald black man Sean Knight hadn't seen much of before who was called Thomas Ekins.

Sean Knight did not place another bid after his previous one, however he felt that this container was worth a gamble.

"Eight thousand and five hundred dollars!" Sean Knight raised his hand again.

Then many who had originally given up once again focused their gaze on him.

"This Chinese boy is really daring! He dares to compete with Thomas Ekins for a container!"

"Maybe he's unbearably ignorant!" someone snickered.

Sean Knight was not moved at all.

Such provocations could not affect him at all.

Helen Brown gave up.

Mr. Madden bid again, reaching 9,000 dollars.

To scare the other two off, Thomas Ekins bid 10,000 dollars straight away!

After making his bid, he provocatively glanced at Sean Knight.

Mr. Madden hesitated.

Sean Knight thought about it and bid again:

"Eleven thousand dollars!"

If the price goes any higher than this, he would not bid anymore.

He needed to save some money for the containers coming next.

"Oh boy! Someone actually outbidded Thomas Ekins!" someone in the crowd jeered.

Thomas Ekins originally wanted to give up but hearing those words, he instantly grew agitated and loudly said:

"No one makes Thomas Ekins admit defeat in such an occasion! Twelve thousand dollars!"

Madden shook his head to indicate withdrawal.

Sean Knight again used the Sky Eye, to inspect the props inside.

They were of high quality, even their internal structure was meticulously reproduced.

He hesitated for a moment, reversing his previous decision and raised the bid again!

"Twelve thousand five hundred dollars!"

If these props were to be sold, the price might reach twenty thousand dollars. As long as it is not more than fifteen thousand dollars, he could bid for it.

Upon his raise of the bid, Thomas hesitated.

The man who spoke earlier started again:

"What's wrong? Thomas, feeling timid? If you don't have money, I can lend you some! Don't let the Chinese dominate our auction! We support you!"

Sean Knight really disliked this guy!

He turned to look. It was a short Latino American youth, probably in his mid-twenties.

The youth saw Sean looking over, spat on the ground, and said provocatively,

"What's wrong? Chinese boy? Are you unhappy? Do you want to have a go?"

Then he turned to Thomas and said out loud,

"Thomas, raise the bid, or I'll look down upon you!"

However, Thomas spat at him,

"Tod, don't try to provoke me with such an ineffective strategy! If you have issues with the Chinese boy, why don't you bid?

Let me tell you, I won't buy it! If you want to bid, then do it yourself. I don't want this container!"

After saying this, he went to the entrance of Container No.3.

Tod was stunned.

His provocation was unsuccessful, and he was mocked by others instead.

People nearby started to stir up trouble immediately:

"Tod, aren't you very disdainful of the Chinese boy? Why aren't you bidding?"

Tod turned beet red, as the auctioneer changed the call:

"Twelve thousand five hundred dollars! Tod, will you raise or won't you..."

Tod shouted loudly, "No!"

He turned around and left.

Sean knight successfully got the container as he wished.

At his leisure, he felt it necessary to teach Tod a lesson!

Because of his one sentence, Sean's expense increased by 1,500 dollars!

This is equivalent to 10,000 RMB!

That could buy a second-hand Huawei Porsche mobile phone!

However, Sean didn't immediately go into the container. He still had over 2,000 dollars on hand, so he figured he'd see if he could pick up a real bargain from the remaining containers.

Although people vie fiercely during the auction, everyone abides the rules afterward, leaving Sean's container alone.

He had almost half a day to clear out this container.

He had previously seen that the nearby container contained some toys, and they were quite big.

Once the doors were opened, those who knew their stuff immediately started bidding.

Sean had checked the fourth and fifth containers, both containing workwear and carpets. He made his way to the edge of the crowd and started using his Sky Eye to inspect the sixth, seventh and eighth containers when no one was paying attention.

The sixth one contained a few opened boxes with clothes, records and other miscellaneous items. At the back of the container were steel pipes, an oven, and a few boxes of books. The only valuable item was the oven.

It seemed like some people also used the containers as a storage room in the freight yard.

The seventh container actually contained a sedan!

Despite the allure, Sean bypassed it.

The eighth container was stocked with neatly arranged wood carvings.

The intense African style was quite evident.

These items were not cheap, but Sean deemed that he might not be able to win the bid.

After all, he didn't have much money left.

Helen won the bid for the workwear at four thousand dollars, explaining that these were from a mid-range brand.

Surprisingly, Tod, the Latino, obtained the container with the oven for just five hundred dollars.

Madden won the bid for the car at thirty thousand dollars, suggesting it could be a vintage collectible car.

Last of all, another African American man won the bid for the wood carvings at an impressive eighteen thousand dollars.

Consequently, within one hour, all containers were bid out!

Now, Sean Knight started inspecting the props.