
Road to becoming the wealthiest: Starting From Treasure Hunting in the Cabinets

What was in the container that nobody wanted? What could be found in an abandoned warehouse? You thought there was only junk? No, no, no! Antique jewelry, limited edition racing cars, aerospace instruments, helicopters, cattle'... be creative so that you'd come up with a lot more! With the ability to turn waste into treasure, Zhu Yu, who had awakened the heavenly eyes, collected unlimited wealth from the unclaimed containers, and walked step by step on the road to success!

Street And Breeze · Urban
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911 Chs

Chapter 292: This Is a Sad Story

Translator: 549690339

Sean Knight immediately decided to transfer to Southeast Asia.

Yes, Southeast Asia.

According to the message sent by Oliver Brooks, Sean Knight and Elijah Hastings came to Indonesia and found Oliver Brooks.

He thought of inviting Joanna Davis to come along. As for school, she could completely ask for leave in advance.

However, Joanna was unwilling, as she was very committed to her school credits – being in New York, occasionally leaving school early or postponing classes, and skipping one or two unimportant lessons would be fine.

But once it came to leaving for a long time, she was reluctant.

Sean could only wait for a while more.

In fact, it was when he saw the scenery on the Internet, especially the clear seawater, the clean white sandy beach, and the various shapes of the small islands. He wanted to appreciate the scenery here with Joanna and have a good time exploring together.

As for treasure hunting, it could be a secondary mission.