
Road to a boundless god

My name is Akihito Kisaragi. I was always what people called the nonchalant type or introverted. My life was fine as a collage student,but I suddenly died in the dumbest way possible while I was walking to a corner store. I then meant a goddess and got sent to another world. Read the whole synopsis I might do a romance, but I don’t know. I’m mainly doing this to satisfy my imagination, so any useless annoying bullshiters can just not read. I also don’t want to know if you leave so don’t even comment “I’m dropping” or anything just go. This is also my first FF so I’m just finding my style, before anything serious. I absolutely hate harem with a passion so don’t expect it. I’m just coming up with stuff as I write and watch the anime. All you LN readers might find a lot of stuff that’s messed up, but...so what. This will have concepts from different anime, movies, and other verses. My schedule is going to be messed up a bit, but I’ll post most days of the week, but the weekend is my off days I don’t own anything and I just saw the cover image on Pinterest. If you like the story then...thank you I guess. I don’t really know how to respond to those “thanks for the chapter” responses so yeah. Anyway enjoy the story or don’t.

God_Of_Hate · Anime & Comics
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81 Chs

Getting stronger

<Third POV>

In a dense forest filled with greenery and wild animals was a little kid. This kid was sleep against a boulder with some sunlight hitting his face. The kid had a chubby face with peach colored skin and blackish-purple hair.

He had a small beauty mark under his left. His eyes started twitching slightly and then they fluttered open showing big purple eyes. Anyone would call him cute if he was around people.

Akihito had just woke up in this new world. He already knew that he wasn't going to do much in this world since he was just using it for a foundation for his strength.

Akihito stood up and looked at his clothes. He wore black shorts and a black T-shirt. He also had on some black shoes and socks. Nodding started stretching.

"Since the manga didn't really state any specific time period or anything, I don't know when the demon king will attack. Hopefully I'm at least a few years away from the first attack." His childish voice spoke.

He was actually seven years away from the "first" attack. On the eighth year the demons will attack and two years later that's when the real protagonist will get here.

He didn't actually want to meet them or anything, but he did want to have a solid foundation. He decided that he'll stay here throughout both of the wars. Once he's sure he's strong enough then he'll leave.

After doing stretches the best he could with his current body he decided that he'd let the sun strengthen his body in the morning while working on his control over the elements.

Then at night he'd do physical training. Since the yellow sun is supposed to give them power and strengthen them, it should also heal them right. Plus their natural regenerative abilities.

With a Kryptonians physique his cellular structure is much more dense, resilient, and biological more effective than a humans. Kryptonians don't have super strength even though they are cellularly enhanced.

They need the yellow or red sun to charge their cells and that's how they are able to have superhuman abilities and physical enhancements.

The way the charging works is that the sun rays are absorbed directly into the cells then distributed throughout the body. There is a theory behind how they can hold the energy and use it as a back up charger, but that's for later.

Akihito sat down in a lotus position with his eyes closed. He was trying to feel the energy in his body. Weather it was from the solar energy or mana from this world he was just trying to feel it throughout his body.

Akihito actually made his first wish very vaguely so that it leaves him open for three options. The first one is that he can only control the four main elements, which are water, fire, earth, and air/wind.

The second option is that he can control all elements. Like the main four and lightning, darkness, light, ice and nature.

The third and last option is that he can control the twelve elements of nature. They are Earth, Water, Air, Fire, Thunder, Ice, Force, Time, Flower, Shadow, Light, and Moon.

Those twelve forces was something he read about during his time in highschool. They were basically the elements of the world or nature itself. Akihito honestly would be fine with either, but to be honest he was at least hoping for the second option.

He didn't know about those options yet though.

After one minute of meditating he started feeling a surge of warm energy flow directly from his heart and spread through his body. He was already feeling energized thanks to the sun strengthening him, but this felt different.

'Definitely mana.' He thought and opened his eyes. Even though he felt the mana flow through his body it started flowing to one place and it was feeling up like pouring water in a cup.

The mana started with his lower body and it was slowly filling his veins. Initially he thought once he unlocked it he would just have a full tank, but no.

The same way you have to wait for mana or stamina to refill you have to let the mana fill your body before using it to its best. Kryptonians have lots of extra organs, so he would naturally have more mana than any normal kid should have.

Plus the fact that he can store some mana means he can run out of mana from his body then release the mana that he keeps stored.

Soon his body was filled to the brim with mana, but halfway through the process he had a thought.

'If I wished for control over the elements, would I even still need mana?' The only reason he didn't stop was because if he did need mana then he would already have enough to train for the day.

With this question plaguing his mind he came up with a simple test. First he would try to make a fireball without mana and his pure will. If it worked then he wouldn't need to test it with mana.

Akihito put his palm out while still sitting down. He closed his eyes to picture a fireball and he had a clear picture of how he wanted it.

Floating above his palm was a perfectly ball shaped fireball. Akihito threw it at a tree, but all he got was the fire burning it only slightly.

'So I can use it, but I need to train to have a better potency.' He thought as he sighed.

Even though he can use it without mana he wanted to see if theirs a difference and he needed to know how it should be.

He put his hand out again and focused on his mana pushing it to his hand. He also had to picture the fire ball. In his hand was the same fireball as before. He threw it to the tree and this time the fireball combusted and set the whole tree on fire.

Akihito had used five percent of his total mana, but it was still potent enough. Now that he had the feeling down he just needed practice.


His stomach started rumbling as soon as he closed his eyes again. Even though he just got here the first thing he did was start training. Obviously with his new physique and training he'll need lots of food. Luckily he's in a forest, sadly he doesn't know what forest, so he could only hope that he finds something that can be dealt with easily.

With that thought he got up and walked past the boulder, before stopping and looking at it. He then turned around and balled up his chubby fist before punching the boulder.

It instantly started cracking and broke down into a little rock pile. He nodded and continued walking through the forest. If he can't even break a small boulder then how can he fight wild animals?


<An hour later>

Akihito came back to his little place in the forest with a bunch of nuts, berries, and fruits. The thing is, Akihito actually did kill a few bigger than normal monkeys, but he doesn't know how to dissect things properly.

All he could do for now is practice till he gets it right. With his nuts, berries, and fruits he began eating while trying to produce the same type of fireball without mana.

The mana itself acted just like solar energy, but on a slightly lower scale. Which means he would get two days worth of strength in one day everyday. If that makes since.

In his left hand is a constantly rotating fireball. The way he decided to train was by getting his focus to be better. When he used mana he had to focus on a picture and the flow of mana in his body

If that was the cause of the difference in potency then he just needed to practice more while multitasking. As a Kryptonian his processing speed was enhanced, so he actually needed to be doing three things at once.

First he was imagining the fireball, then he was picturing the rotating, and lastly he was singing a song from his old world.

With his brain he perfectly remember exactly how the songs went. He spent the entire morning doing that till it was nighttime. He gave himself a slight migraine from that, but it was easily gone when he took a break.


As Akihito got up he decided that for today he'd just workout like they did in other fanfics.

He doesn't know his limits as of now so all he can do is run and do regular workouts till he drop and when he does he'll just have to wait for his body to heal, then he's all good again.

He got up and started stretching again, soon after he dropped to the ground and started with push-ups. Since he didn't know his limits, he would do the same workouts as Saitama, but they would be way worse, he would also add his own spin in the routine.

So he would be doing push-ups, sit-ups, squats, Russian twists, jumping jacks, chin ups, sprints, jogs, and then progressive running.

He would do that for the whole night as long as he could. He still needs to take into account the amount of time it takes for him to heal. If he can't do it all in one night he would get most of it done.


Akihito was already on his 200th push-up in a matter of three minutes. His arms felt like jelly and his abdomen was burning. He dropped to the ground all sweaty from the intense workout.

Soon he felt a cooling sensation run through his body and his arms gained feeling while his stomach stopped burning. He hopped off the ground and onto his feet. Just to lay back down on his back.

'I should have worked out more in my old world.' Akihito thought with a sigh. It was crazy physically, but worse mentally. He never worked out so the pain was crazy, but he was determined and knew what he got himself into so he pushed through and continued to work out.