
Road Survival: I Have a Hint System!

Waking up with a hangover, Zhang Tuohai found he had entered a game called Road Survival. One person, one car, searching for supplies on the road with no end in sight, struggling to survive. In this game, crises were aplenty and many people had perished because of the search for supplies. Zhang Tuohai found that he had bound to the hint system. [There are resources in this supply box on the left, don’t try to open the one on the right, there are crocodiles inside.] [Turn right! a road collapse will happen on the left.] Stop! There is a level 4 material box hanging from the treetops on the side of the road with an RV upgrade blueprint inside.] While everyone was still careful and had difficulty surviving, Zhang Tuohai could already drive his RV and eat hot pot. [Contains 1000-1500+ Words In Each Chapter]

ArchMage · Fantasy
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68 Chs

Chapter 66

According to the method provided by Vladimir, Zhang Tuohai put bear paws into the oven for barbecue.

When he turned on the oven, he found that there was a hen in it that he had almost forgotten.

At this time, the hen has laid two eggs, is watching her.

"Oh, it's good. I know how to lay eggs. It's a good job. It's a reward for you." Zhang Tuohai rewarded the hen with a handful of rice.

"Well, I'm going to requisition the oven now. Please move."

Zhang Tuohai catches the hen.

"Where is it?"

Zhang Tuohai looked around in the car and thought the big iron pot was pretty good.

Zhang Tuohai turned over the iron pot and put the hen in the pot.


"Be honest and wait until the house is warm before you come back." Zhang Tuohai knocked on the bottom of the pot and began to stuff wood into the oven.

The hen shivered and did not dare to make a sound.

"Does the master dislike me and want to roast me? Shall I lay more eggs? Maybe it will please my master and leave me a chicken's life? "

The hens tremble with wishful thinking, while Zhang Tuohai takes care of the bear's paw and hangs it in the oven to smoke it slowly.

According to the method given by Vladimir, the bear's paw would have to be smoked for four hours, and it would have to be ready by almost dinner time.

The dream of eating bear's paw stewed rice at noon has come to nothing.

In desperation, Zhang Tuohai had to go back to his old business. He added some dehydrated vegetables to the remaining stewed meat, picked some fast-growing mushrooms, made a pot of stewed meat rice, and ate three big bowls with tears in his eyes.

Now, Zhang Tuohai has eaten up all his fresh meat and dehydrated vegetables. The only food left is sausage, rice, white flour and some canned food such as canned food.

Hungry is not hungry, but the problem is that the proportion of food is not balanced.

"It can't go on like this. It's easy to get angry if you just eat meat. You have to find a chance to get more fresh vegetables. Although there are leeks and mushrooms, but only these two words, or too monotonous. It's OK to be in an emergency. If you eat every day, the nutrition should be unbalanced. "

"In addition, fruit has to be put on the agenda. I haven't eaten any fruit for nearly a week, and my nails have no luster. It's better to get a long-term and stable access channel, and sell the leftovers as luxury goods, killing two birds with one stone. "

Zhang Tuohai thought while eating bananas.

"So it seems that I haven't even reached the standard of eating well. There's a lot to work on. "

Zhang Tuohai is planning for the future.

The road of the race is endless, and the scenery outside the car window is monotonous.

Both sides of the road are always rolling sand dunes, stretching to the sky.

Looking at the unchanging scenery outside the window, Zhang Tuohai was a little sleepy.

Usually driving all the time may not feel anything, when even driving is done by Xiao AI, Zhang Tuohai feels that this kind of life is actually quite boring.

Turn on the regional channel and watch it. Everyone is concentrating on driving. There is no one to blow water. There is no one to chat with.

Just when Zhang Tuohai is bored and ready to carve a pair of mahjong by himself, two branches suddenly appear in front of him.

Different from the previous forks, there are signs on this forked road.

The sign on the left says: this road goes straight to the end, but there are no supplies or supplies on the road.

The road sign on the right says: there are some valuable goods on this road. If you want to get them, you have to pass the test.

"The system has been humanized, it has been chosen." Zhang Tuohai looked at the left and right signs and pointed to the right: "little love, this way."

For Zhang Tuohai, it's not a problem to be the first to reach the finish line. After all, his ultimate speed is three times faster than that of other competitors, and he doesn't need to worry about the consumption of gasoline, just run like a dog.

However, it is not acceptable for him to gain only such a little.

The rich harvest in the rally not only greatly improved Zhang Tuohai's living conditions, but also raised his appetite.

If you put it on the first or the second day, Zhang Tuohai might be very satisfied to get a refrigerator.

But now, Zhang Tuohai still thinks it is not enough.

At least fill up the fridge.

As for the test of what, Zhang Tuohai has not yet put in mind.

With a prompt system, even if he can't pass the test, he can at least retreat.

To say the least, if even he can't pass the test, then no one in the region can pass the test.

Xiao AI follows Zhang Tuohai's instructions and drives to the right road.

Driving 10 kilometers, the original wide four lane road suddenly broke half, leaving only two lanes.

The missing part of the road was covered with mud.

There is a road sign on the pile of soil: "if you go on the road, you will get nothing. Deep in the swamp, there are several purple boxes. Friendly tips, the deeper you go into the swamp, the more difficulties you will encounter. "

Zhang Tuohai looked along the arrow on the road sign and found that there were several purple material boxes in the depth of the swamp.

These material boxes extend from near to far, to the depth of the swamp. The nearest distance is about 20 meters from Zhang Tuohai, and the farthest distance is at least 800 meters.

"There's a purple material box? Good luck Seeing the shiny purple material boxes, Zhang Tuohai was inspired. He jumped out of the car, put on his special boots and uniform, put on his motorcycle helmet, and came to the swamp with his shotgun.

Go straight for 10 steps and you'll come across a puddle hidden under the grass. There are a group of leeches in the puddle. If you don't want to get infected with parasites, avoid the puddle

One meter ahead, there is a quagmire. If you are not five meters tall, it is suggested to avoid it from 10 o'clock

Don't go any further. There's an old mine buried in the swamp in front of you. Although it's rusty, I'm sure it will blow you up as long as you step on it

Zhang Tuohai listened to the voice of the prompt system, and could not help sweating.

The designer of this checkpoint is also too unscrupulous. The swamp alone is hard enough to deal with. Actually, there are mines hidden. Is that what people do?

If an ordinary player arrives here, nine times out of ten he will die.

However, with the prompt system, Zhang Tuohai safely passed the distance of 20 meters and came to the first purple material box.

Zhang Tuohai directly opened the material box with a crowbar.

A flash of light, a beautiful card fell out.

"What is this?"

Zhang Tuohai curiously picked up the card.

Supply card: you can use it to buy corresponding materials at the supply station. This card has a face value of 20 points