

Paul lives in a World full of People with Special Powers. He and his Clan don't have these kinds of Powers granted by the Gods. The consequences are, that his Clan has to suffer under the oppression of the other. But someday Paul decided to break free. To break free of the rules and oppression this world forced unto him! Will he be able to prove himself? Twitter: https://twitter.com/Ristics_Novel

Lepau · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 017 | new faces

I can hardly believe it. The RO recruitment begins today. The event I've been training for all these days. I could barely sleep yesterday because I was so excited. I'm not participating until tomorrow according to the plan, but I won't miss the chance to watch the other recruits fight in the first rounds.

In the next moment, my mentor Graham appeared at the door.

"Are you ready, Paul? Today we take a look at some of your opponents. Even I only know a few of them ''

When we went to the market square, it was totally overcrowded like the first time. Graham pushed me through the crowd. I apologized every time Graham pushed someone aside.

On the way, Graham told me that The Recruiting was a big tourist event. People from all over the country come to watch the recruits. Fortunately for the RO, they have a lot of special ristics that allow them to move so many people without the top council knowing.

Graham stopped when we came to a small door. In front of this door stood Amy's mentor, the dog girl whom we also met at the blacksmithing.

Graham didn't seem open to talking to him. His very direct and open manner probably bothers him. Before the man could even say anything, Graham pushed me through the door.

We were in a short but dark corridor.

,, Here is the changing room for the recruits ..... Bye ''

The next moment, the tall man turned around and walked away again.

Now I'm on my own. I could hear some noise at the end of the hallway. As it sounded, several recruits were already in the locker rooms, preparing for the tournament.

I hesitated at first, but then I opened the door .....


It didn't even notice that I was entering the room.

Because in the middle of the room, Caspar, this toxic boy whom I met once at the fountain, seemed to be arguing with someone else.

In the next moment I heard another voice from the side that turned my fixation off Caspar.

,, HEY PAUL! Come here''

I could recognize this voice anywhere. It was Varro. The changeable boy, sometimes direct and loud, sometimes polite and quiet.

I sat down to him.

Caspar could also be heard screaming again.

"Should I tear you to pieces right here and now?"

The boy whom Caspar yelled at was indeed of a strange stature. He was completely wrapped in bandages. There was only one slit left for his eyes. Otherwise everything was covered up and wrapped up.

"Just do that", the mummy replied to him, "if you want to be kicked out before the tournament, you can beat me with pleasure"

This boy is really brave. I wonder what his name is.

"Varro, do you know what the boy's name is in the associations?"

,, YES PAUL! The boy's name is Malte and the bandages he wears on his body are his type 2 production style. BUT I DON'T KNOW MORE ''

ouch ....

I have to remember that when Varro speaks, I should always keep a meter or two away. Otherwise, I will become deaf because of his outbursts.

Caspar seemed furious with Malte the mummy.

Malte told him in a rather cold manner: "If you attack me here and now, you will be disqualified"

Caspar ,, You're lucky, you bastard! But be careful. When we get into the ring, I'll show you my fist! ''

Besides the two quarreling boys and Varro, I only know the dog girl Amy in this room. I've never seen anyone else before. But they all look strange in their own way.

Without being able to interrogate Varro with the other recruits, a door in the locker room opened. A man came in and said:

"Varro? Please get ready. You're about to go. Everyone else can go up to the VIP viewing area ''


I'm back and really sorry, for a long time without posting, I still had a ton of school and didn't have the time to continue writing. But now the Summer Break is almost starting and I'm trying to dedicate most of my time to writing for you!

; )

So I am hoping, that you are hyped for the tournament!

If you wanna see the newest information, or give me tips on improving my Novel, please contact me on Twitter under the username ,,Ristics''

Hope you all have a great Day, bye!

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