Perk Suggestions Requested

Author here!

I would like to request ideas for what new perks can be added to the system. Anything is welcome, but I can't guarantee that it will be used.

I also need perks for when a Special stat or skill is maxed at 10 or 100 respectively.


10 Strength

10 Perception

10 Endurance

10 Charisma

10 Intelligence

10 Agility

10 Luck


100 Barter

100 Energy Weapons

100 Explosions

100 Guns

100 Lockpick

100 Medicine

100 Melee

100 Repair

100 Science

100 Sneak

100 Speech

100 Survival

100 Unarmed

And perks that can be attained via leveling up. Don't forget requirements as well such as level, special, and skill requirements. They can be good or bad, passive or active, serious or silly. Any and all are appreciated.

Whenever I try to think of one I can't and end up getting distracted.

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