
chapter 7 Ideal for the future

Cai Lin woken up to the loud excited conversation her two siblings were having with her mysterious saviour.

She remembered that she slept on his chest and looked around to see he haven't touched her wrongly. It was night already and they were seated by a bonfire of wood in the middle of a forest.

By the bonfire was a steak of meat ( a boar meat) from it's size. Its scent was spreading around which can attract the wildlife.

This made her become frantic. It was foolish to act like that in a forest where anything and everything is out to kill you.

Without second thoughts, she was angry and shouted at her saviour,"You idiot, just because you wish to enjoy the night in a forest and eat something delicious while putting us in danger.

Are you mad?" Normally Tian would have said something to her but her angry face and the twin which heaved up and down heavily put him mum.

" Answer me you idiot" she thunders once again while her twins hugged each other afraid of their elder sibling.

" You are beautiful." He said absentmindedly.

This made her blush frantically. He spoke as if he told the absolute truth and this made her blush even more.

" Wow" the twins uttered in shock when they saw their sister's anger melt away with just a word. They never thought something like this was possible but upon seeing their new idol do it so easily they were even more idolise him.

After their parents death a few months ago and the death of their relatives, it is situation like these which make them happy and forget about their past.

She reigned her anger upon hearing him compliment her and said as calmly as she could, "We can be attacked by soul beasts. Not only the light from bonfire but also the steak can attract many soul beasts too. " she used her educative tone and started to name many different soul beast and insects which can come out and attack them, and even the herbs and other poisonous things which can harm them when one isn't careful.

Through her words, Tian understood that she was a scholar along with being a Spirit Ancestor. She was a Level 48 Soul ancestor with her siblings Cai Li and Cai Tan being Level 17 and 18 respectively.

Although not being an absolute genius, they have a strong heart. If given proper guidance and time to grow they will surely become a Title Douluo in the next half century.

Above all else, Tian felt he not only got himself two new students before the academy officially starts but also a good theory teacher which is difficult to find nowadays with very few putting stress on it.

Everyone believe that with pure strength they can win easily but often times they forget that it is absolute strength which can do it, not the measely strength they possess.

It is the smart and knowledge which humans possess which made them the overlord in the Douluo Continent. After all the beasts are much stronger than humans physically.

When she finished speaking, Tian immediately offered her, " I want to hire you."

His question startled her and only thing which run through her head was ," What?"

Seeing her confused gaze he elaborated what he meant and explained everything, "I wish to open an academy real soon. It will be from intermediate level to higher education where the students can graduate when they are at least a spirit king.

Of course they can stay in the academy to help teach new generation while enjoying the facilities of the academy. There aren't many spirit master who pay attention to the theory like you do. So I wish to hire you as the chief theory professor of my new academy."

Cai Lin was shocked by his offer and she calmed herself down. If it was just herself, she would have agreed immediately because he saved her life but she has two brothers who need protection as well as proper place and guidance so they can grow strong.

She cannot think a newly opened academy can provide those conditions no matter how big the dream of this saviour of hers is.

" I need some time to think about it."

Tian noticed the hesistant look she gave him meanwhile the look of longing to her siblings. He understood why she was like this.

He decided to tell her some things about the new academy he wished to build.

" The new academy will enlist every student who has become a spirit master before he is 15 years of age. He needs to be level 20 before that one is 18 if he missed the chance.

Of course, some students will be exception if they possess certain qualities such as strong will, determination, firm heart, willing to face anything and above all else willing to work harder than other."

His words although attractive doesn't seem to do much good for him as a whole. If they did raise an academy like that then they will be one of the many academy in the continent and not something which is among the top academies of the world.

He saw the doubt in her mind. He continued, " I don't wish to train geniuses. I wish to train mediocre and weak into spirit masters who can challenge those geniuses. Even if we cannot raise a title Douluo but I am confident that if students listen to me they will not be any weaker than a spirit Saint in their prime.

Hell I can assure you I can at least make your brothers a Douluo by the time they are fifty years old. " He said confidently. While he thought internally, ' I can make them a title Douluo in three decades if they follow me and with the things from the System I can even do it much faster, but if I say that then you will not believe me even once.'

His words were shocking. To know that there are less than a couple hundred Spirit Emperor. None of the academy dare to promise such things unless someone has a full spirit upon awakening.

" are you sure you can do it?" She asked influenced by his charisma, charm and confidence.

He wished to say that they will have two Title Douluo behind them but he didn't wish to mingle the relation between the Balak Kingdom and The new academy unless absolutely necessary.

The two will be completely separate with only the elite council of the academy having a certain number of seats for the Royal family making sure that they are tied together.

Other than that, the royal family is only the funder nothing else. The Royal family won't involve itself in the affair of the Academy and vice versa

"Fine. I will join you. But, I will only let them get admitted after I confirm it is good for them." She said while giving her siblings an icy glare which stopped them from protesting against her decision.

She asked him the one question he never said about the academy, "So what is the name of this academy you wished to open?"

" The Rising Sun academy. A place which will be the rising sun for the future of countless spirit masters who wish to grow. A place where one can study irrespective of their lack of wealth, poor soul spirit or even low spirit. As long one can be a Soul master before his 15 birthday, he is admitted.

The one thing which will be Paramount will be the will to never give up and continue walking forward without being affected by the failure they suffer.

A place from where even common civilian rise with the so called weak soul spirit and become some strong to whom others look up to."

All three of them looked at him with reverence.

Unaware to them, these words will be etched on the Academy as the view the founder and principal have for it's students.

His views and ideal will also help the future students of the Rising Sun academy to become the rival and competitor of the Behemoth Shrek Academy in the future, and will be their rivals for years after that too.