
Chapter 16 Book of Records and Oath

When Xiao Zhan asked his grandson, why he never set up a condition for the academy students to help protect the kingdom in times of crisis or something similar, he smiled mysteriously and said, " Who said there is no such obligation for the students who study here?"

This made the two elderly confused. They haven't heard or seen anything related to this matter.

" What do you mean, Tian? " Luo Tiansen asked his grandson.

He pulled out a book from his space ring and placed it on the table.

The book was pretty ordinary and gave off nothing. The book only has the photo of the rising sun, the symbol of the Academy and its name on the cover. They feel a small spirit fluctuation from the book but they have no idea what it is.

" What is this?" They asked together.

" This is the one thing which makes sure that they will always be connected to the Rising Sun Academy," he said cryptically.

' What does he mean by that?' This thought runs through their mind and their face was etched with confusion.

Tian looks at their expression and understands what is going through their head.

He explains it to them, " This is the Book of Records of the Rising Sun Academy. It is something which I created using my spirit energy.

This book is linked with the Academy itself. Both the Book and the Academy has a soul now. Currently, they are still very young. After some time, they will mature and become a guardian for this place.

They will always be stationed here until the Academy stands. "

" But what it is exactly? What does it do?" Xiao Zhan asked his grandson bluntly.

Tian replies to his grandfather while opening the book. At a certain page, there were some names with their Strength and Soul Spirit listed below.


Cai Lin

• Spirit Ancestor Level 45

• Heaven Swallowing Python

Qin Feng

•Spirit Saint level 74

•Titan Gorilla

Qin Yin

•Spirit Ancestor level 43

•Food spirit

Yao Li

•Spirit Emperor Level 68

•Red Sword


Qin Lua

•Spirit Master Level 18

•Titan Gorilla

Cai Li

•Spirit Master Level 15

•Stone Body

Cai Tan

•Infinity Spear

•Spirit Master Level 17


•Spirit Master Level 12


Xiao Duan

•Spirit Master Level 17

•Flame Chameleon

Xiao Tan

•Spirit Grandmaster Level 22

•Fire Giants

Similarly, about thirty students have been listed.

Tian explained it to them, " This is the book which makes sure that the students who graduate will always be connected to us."

His expression then turned serious and he said with a serious note, "This book will be a secret known only to the king in the future. This book will connect the mind of the spiritual masters.

From the moment they became the student of this Academy, they will protect the Balak Kingdom even at the cost of their death.

This book is similar to an oath to protect the kingdom from external threats. As long as the kingdom is in danger, they will have to come or they will lose their spirit.

When they lose all their spirit, they will start aging and die. They can never break away from the academy and the kingdom."

" Isn't it a bit too harsh? If the King is soft and he revealed this secret to anyone then the kingdom may be in trouble. " Luo Tiansen asked worried about future events.

He placed a copy of the book but it showed only their name and soul spirits in them.

"This will never be a secret. This copy will remain in the Academy ground by the name of taking the automatic record as well as a sign of oath that the academy took to the kingdom and protecting it from external threats.

But, originally all of them are tied.

As for the core students, they will be given an option of taking an oath of absolute protection. They will come to protect the Academy should it ever encounter a problem when it's existence is in danger. "

" So the moment they joined the academy their fate is linked with both the Academy and the Balak Kingdom together." Xiao Zhan summarized all the things that Tian has explained to them.

" Then we don't gave to worry about the future of the kingdom as long as we survived the current ordeal. " Luo Tiansen sighed in relief after saying this.

Luo Tiansen eyes run through the list in front of him and he saw a couple of names along with their spirit soul which shocked him to the core for their appearance in a newly opened academy like them.

" But you are quite lucky, Tian'er. To think that two people from the heavenly clans are actually attending this Academy when it is just created is shocking. How did this happen?"

After recovering from the shock he said with suspicion on his face, " Did they come to spy on us and see if how involved the royal family is to this Academy?"

Tian smiles and said to his grandfather, " If it is anyone else, it might be the case but they are not.

That boy is Ning Ren from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan. He is the eldest son of the current clan head of the clan, Ning Fengzhi.

The other boy is Tang Long, the adopted son of Tang Xiao, the eldest son of Clan head of Clear Sky Clan.

Do you think these kids are someone who their clans will dare to send off to as a spy especially on a newly opened Academy like us. " He said with a hint of ridicule.

" But isn't their appearance a bit too suspicious?" Xiao Zhan said having similar suspicion as his old friend.

After all a clan as powerful as them won't send someone who can become their future clan head to place like this without any sinister ulterior motive.

" I met Tang Hao, the younger brother of Tang Xiao. His adopted son is here to show the support of Clear Sky Clan to our academy.

As for Ning Ren. I saved his life when he was out in the Sunset forest to get his second ring. So, Ning Fengzhi may have felt it will be good for his son. "