
Chapter 1

Waking up in a strange place and a weirdly gigantic bed would be horrifying for most individuals.

I was not most individuals.

But it really wasn't something to worry about, I probably just went to a random hotel with some random man from the bar for a quick one-night stand to bleed away some of the more, stressful memories from the workplace.

Not the best way to destress, but it was the easiest.

I eyed my surroundings, where there were flowers carved into the wall around a red spiral. Where had I seen that before? It tickled at my brain as I sat up and threw the covers off in one smooth movement only to realize that I was quite a bit smaller and very different than when I went to sleep.

Running into the bathroom adjacent to my room I stepped on a stool so that I could see myself in the mirror. I grasped the sink as tight as possible as I stared at myself. Brown eyes, pale skin and blonde hair that stuck up in weird places.

I was a child. What the fuck. Who did this to me?!

I'll kill them!

You can try. It might be amusing if nothing else. At least when you're strong enough to pull it off without dying.

The deep scratchy voice elected something primal in me that wanted to run. My heart felt like it was beating out of my chest and I could feel sweat erupting onto my head.

Oh, my bad. Hehe. Forgot the effect my voice can have on cattle..

It sounded less scratchy and more chipper. It was a vast improvement on the voice that had sent me into shivers a few minutes beforehand. The sink where I had just turned on the water seemed to freeze. I could see the droplets frozen in the air.

Anyway, You are to be my entertainment. A reality show so to speak. Think Status.

"You've gotta be kiddin' me, a random wannabe god shows up to my doorstep for some reality tv show fun! How original"

Let's get this over with, you sad excuse for a beyonder.


Level:1 (0/25,000xp)

Name: Tsunade Senju

Class: Ninja +10 STR END DEX per level.

Title: Heiress of the Senju Clan.


HP:429 (HP 10min = 42.9)

CP:643.5 (CP 10min= 64.35)

Power Level: 1.65







HP = ENDx10


CP Recovery = WIS.


[Gamer's Mind] – Perk

Immunity to most high-level mental attacks, such as mind control and mind-reading, and makes the user calm in heated situations.

[Gamer's Body] – Perk

Your body will act as that of a video game character but slightly grounded into reality. You'll still need to eat, drink, and sleep, but sleeping in comfort will fully restore HP, CP while sleeping on the hard floor will only restore a quarter of that.

You are able to regenerate severed limbs excluding your head – Certain races will ignore that weakness – but if the wound is cauterized, you won't be able to do as such.

(Chakra: Human. You are descended from humans who had their chakra awakened by the Sage of Six Paths. Your chakra network permeates every inch of your body from your muscles and bones to your very cells themselves. Natural human stat limit removed. +5 to all stats. +20% to chakra pool. +20% to the health pool. +20% to your HP and chakra regeneration ability.)

(Senju Heritage: You are descended from the mighty Senju clan. +50% to chakra pool. +5 to all stats per level up. Descended from Hashirama. +25% to Chakra pool. +25% to HP pool. +25% to Chakra and HP Regenerative ability.)

(Uzumaki Lineage: Those of the Uzumaki lived long lives and were known for their vast reserves of chakra. +50% to your chakra and HP pool. +50% to your chakra and health regeneration ability. +5 to all stats per level up.)


(Novice Chakra Control.)

Novice chakra control. You can feel your chakra and you are capable of moulding it with hand seals but you are still wasteful while using it. All jutsu will cost 75% more. As you have found your chakra it will begin passively enhancing your body.

Novice Chakra enhancement unlocked. If you have less than 10% of your chakra remaining this passive enhancement will cease to be.

Passively enhances all stats by 10%

I was right that The Gamer has a broken ability. And it looked like I was in the Naruto world some time before canon. 50 years or so before the start of canon.. What did I know about this time? Next to nothing apart from the fact the Sannin had been taken on by Hiruzen who may or may not have been Hokage.

Shit I was going to have to fight in a bunch of wars wasn't I well at the very least I had... A quick glance at my status and it wasn't there. The root of most of the gamers absurd levelling powers. Not just levelling the ability to run if an opponent was beyond me. To come back later when I was sure I would be able to win. There was no ID Create to be found.

Fuck. How am I going to run if I'm outmatched?

It wouldn't be entertaining if you could just run at the first sign of danger. No if you want to be able to create I'D Create you are going to need dimensional magic and that is just the beginning. Did I mention that you are going to be incapable of wielding magic until you get a certain perk.

I stared at the ground. How was I to level up and be able to pwn all the people who were going to fight me if I didn't have ID Create.

The same way most video game protagonists do quests. Here are the daily quests, best make the most of them while you can. When you become a ninja of the Leaf the quests will end.

(Quest Gained)

Physical Training

You have realized you need strength. If you are to be a ninja and survive you will need to train.

Objective's: 100 sit ups. 100 push ups. 100 squats.

Rewards: +2 stat points to distribute or save up as you wish. 1000 exp.

I stared. It seemed simple enough. So when was I going to be able to get that perk Mister Disembodied Voice?

I'm a girl. But here you go.

(Quest Gained.)

Rise of a Goddess Part 1.

Objectives: Reach a Base Power level of 15,000

Grants: 1 million exp. The Super Perk. Title: Goddess of Shinobi. Second World unlocked.

Failure: Death.

So I guess I'm going to be in this for the long haul. How many worlds do you intend to send me too?

As many as I can to keep the show running. I'm planning five seasons. It will stop when you reach the rank of Godhood but till then your mine. Ohohohoho.

Was that an ojou-sama laugh I just heard? Great, I've been picked up by a spoiled brat. Something seemed to loom over me.

I could always pick another person.

No I'm good as annoyed as I am about having no say there are benefits to this. Anyway, will you always be watching?

Not always. Sometimes I'll have a recorder set up while I go do other stuff. Just enough to string together a bunch of episodes that can be shown to an audience. They should love it. Just think of me as a silent observer. Anyway, enjoy. I'll talk to you before the start of the second season.

I covered my face with my hands before letting out a frustrated scream that seemed to echo around the room.

Alright. So what if I'm entertainment for the masses of impossibly powerful gods. I'll have a chance to get stronger than I ever thought possible. No use bellyaching about it when I can't really do anything to control it. Or get them to stop. Best to just plan for the future ahead. Time to get strong.

(Okaro Senju)

A tall man with brown eyes and a tan made his way through the house. The vases which were elaborately decorated as was his wife's hobby were placed throughout the house. Flowers from roses to daffodils added a well needed fragrance to the house that tickled his nose as he walked.

He paused before the door decorated with a red spiral. He knocked, just once, before striding into the room. He paused as he eyed his cute little daughter Tsunade. She was actually out of bed and doing exercises.

It was shocking but it also made him happy. She had a lot to live up to being his daughter. A lot of people would want her dead if she showed even a sign that she had inherited the Mokuton ability that he and his father wielded.

So far it hadn't shown itself but there was always a chance she had it so she needed to be strong enough to weather the attention she would receive.

Tsunade turned her head to look at him even as she continued her sit ups. "Yes, did you need something Otou-san."

"I came to take you for your daily exercise, but I see you're doing just fine by yourself. Good job." He folded his arms across his chest and leaned back.

"Well yeah if I want to be stronger than you or grandfather I'm going to have to work for it."

He cracked a grin. It was good to have big dreams. "Nice dream big squirt. Better than lounging in mediocrity. Your mother's cooking breakfast, make sure to be at the table in 10 minutes."

Tsunade nodded. "Sure."

Nodding, he walked out, humming to himself. Today was a good day.

(Tsunade Senju)

(Completed Daily Quest Physical Training)

+1000 exp. +2 stat points.

I nodded. I'd be saving those stat points for a rainy day. I didn't appear to get stats for doing exercise so I assumed that I would only get them from levelling up, my classes, and the stat points I gained from quests.

I rubbed the sweat on the back of my neck wishing that I had the foresight to bring both a towel and some water. I strolled back into the bathroom stepping on the stool and set to washing my face.

I started by wetting a towel and using it to wipe my face. Staring in the mirror, I lathered my face with soap. Wetting the towel once more I wiped my face and stepped back. I'd brush my teeth and have a shower after breakfast as far as I knew I wasn't going anywhere just yet.

Based on Tsunade's memory's today was Sunday. The academy will start tomorrow. I strolled out of the bathroom marching through my rather empty room until I got to the door. Pushing it open I took the time to take a whiff of the plant-like aroma that decorated the house.

Marching past multiple doors that led to different rooms, I strolled into the dining room. It contained a massive wooden table that looked like it could seat more than ten people. Carvings of giant wooden dragons were inscribed on the walls.

A tall, fair skinned woman with green eyes and red hair was carrying a bowl of something that smelled absolutely scrumptious. Her father was helping to set the table. I hit my mother with a quick observation.

Name: Uzaki Uzumaki



Power Level:?








Bio: Mother of Tsunade. Wife of Okaro Senju.

I stared at the stat sheet for a moment. But it was kind of expected. Considering I'd hit my father with the same thing and was unable to tell anything but the fact they were above level 102+. Observe was handy in that even when it was supposed to tell me nothing it told me something. It also told me that whoever I couldn't read was at a minimum 101 levels above me. I could read the stats of anybody within 100 levels of me. That was just how it worked.

I sat down at the table watching as my mother dished up the food. A bubbling pot was on the side. Some form of rice buns were being placed on the table. While that mystery meat looked like a steak of some sort.

It was a strange dinner. Rice buns. Ramen which had been in the bowl and steaks which my father seemed to truly enjoy going by the way he ate. I ate the ramen first. I had never had it in my last life. And I'm not going to lie, if I had the chance to go to Japan I would purely for the food. Sadly I had died before it had occurred.

Still waste not want not there was a whole world to explore out there. And when I got strong enough nothing was going to stop me. All those different foods and drinks were going to be mine.

Till then I ate a satisfying quiet dinner with my family.

AN Power Levels

Power Level is made by taking the average of the physical and mental stats. So because Tsunade has 11 in her physical stats while she has 22 in her mental stats her average is 16.5 to get the power level we take 16.5 and work out 10% of it which means her power level is 1.65.

Elite Jounin. 1500

S-Class. 4000+

SS-Class. 8000+

God of shinobi Tier. 15,000+

AN: I have updated some things. Got a couple of beta's to help me out. Hope you like the contribution they made. I feel they made it better.

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