
Rising of new heroes

A super hero fan girl will seek to become a great heroine while dealing with her daily life.

ZettCrab · Fantasy
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104 Chs

Suspicious interrogation

When I got close to the school I saw two bullies harassing a student in my class. I went there to resolve the situation, when I appeared the bullies simply looked at my face and ran away in fear. I helped the boy up and handed him the backpack on the floor.

"Thanks, my name is Paul. Aren't you friends with those heroines in our class?" asked the boy getting up.

"My name is Zoe" replied Zoe.

"I owe you, any problem can look for me" said Paul running to enter the school.

Zoe runs to not be late, all day my friends didn't say anything about yesterday, at the end of classes I tried to talk to them, but each of them didn't want to talk to me.

"Why didn't you want to go out with us last night?" Ed asked angrily.

"I was busy," Zoe replied.

"You lied to everyone, everyone is mad at you, at least tell us the truth" Ed said angrily.

Paul who was paying attention saw Zoe in trouble and decided to help her.

"Sorry, I think you better calm down," Paul said.

"Who are you ?" asked Ed.

"Paul" said Zoe.

"I can answer your question, I was with Zoe on a date yesterday and we got back late, you better stop yelling at her you're not her mother or boyfriend to demand to know who she's seeing" Paul said walking away.

Zoe's friends are looking at Ed's face, Zoe goes after Paul.

"So Zoe was on a date yesterday," Jack said.

"I can't believe this, who was that boy?" asked Steve.

"It's Paul, he's one of the richest kids in our school," Serena said.

Liz and Roxy were standing without reaction, Ben who was watching laughing decides to intrude.

"Looks like Zoe has a new boyfriend, it's too bad for both of you" Ben said as he walked away.

Zoe, who was following Paul, notices that he was entering a restaurant, decides to give up talking to him and leave. Suddenly realizing that Paul came back and was looking at her, Zoe approaches and starts talking.

"Sorry to bother you, just wanted to say thanks for earlier," Zoe said.

"I was just returning the favor, after all you helped me" said Paul.

Zoe is left talking to Paul, meanwhile the group decides to visit Zoe to learn more about yesterday. Liz and Roxy were quiet, the group worried about the two until Ed owes an idea.

"Look, Zoe is kissing Paul" Ed yelled.

"What ?" shouted Roxy and Liz at the same time.

"It's a lie," Serena said.

"We need to get our Zoe back," Liz says.

"We're going to Zoe's home later," Steve said.

In the afternoon Zoe returns home, when she gets home she notices her friends in the living room.

"Hello," Zoe said.

"First I wanted to apologize for earlier," Ed said.

"We want you to tell us about yesterday, tell me about your date and about Paul," Roxy said interrupting Ed.

"Tell us everything," Liz said.

"I only went out with him once, it wasn't bad, he took me to a movie theater in another city that was showing a movie that was opening yesterday," Zoe said.

"Wait, have you seen the movie Running Between Worlds?" asked Jack.

"Yes," replied Zoe.

Zoe had seen the movie when she'd saved the studio from an arson fire.

"Tell me, did you kiss him?" asked Liz.

"No," replied Zoe.

"Are you guys going out again?" asked Roxy.

"No, it didn't," Zoe replied.

"Is he really rich?" asked Serena.

"I think so," Zoe replied.

"You think ?" asked Serena.

"We went by car to another city, because in the middle of the way there was a band show happening that we both liked, at the cinema he paid the entrance and we were not hungry, because we had eaten in a restaurant that my father was involved with, so it was free," Zoe said.

"Restaurant ?" asked Liberty.

"Yes, there's a restaurant where my dad asked to deliver a package," Zoe replied.

"What package, do you know what was inside?" asked Liberty.

"No," replied Zoe.

"Do you have plans for tomorrow?" asked Steve.

"I have, why?" asked Zoe.

"The day after tomorrow?" asked Ed.

"The day after tomorrow I'm free," Zoe replied.

Rox and Liz approached.

"Do you want to go out on a date with me?" they both asked at the same time.

"What ?" said Zoe.

Liz and Roxy look at each other and then repeat the question at the same time, both start to argue and were ready to fight when Serena and Jack stopped them both.

"I'll go out with her, you've had your turn," Liz said.

"I'm going to go out with her," Roxy said.

"Liz, Roxy, I think you two better decide who's going out with her first before asking her on a date," Steve said.