
Rising of new heroes

A super hero fan girl will seek to become a great heroine while dealing with her daily life.

ZettCrab · Fantasy
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104 Chs

Roxy's return

I woke up very early, decided to train a little before going to school. At school my friends and I looked for Liberty to find out about Roxy, but we couldn't find her.

"I think we better call after school," Liz said.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine," Ed said.

"Guys I called Liberty in the morning, she won't show up for a week. She's in another city with her family, Roxy is fine but she's in a secret superhero hospital" Jack said arriving late.

"Let's get together after school, there's a game store that opened near my house," Ed said.

"Weren't you going to go out with your girlfriend?" asked Zoe.

"She's busy with piano class," Ed replied.

"It's decided, after school we're going to my house," Steve said.

After school, we bought new games and went to Steve's house to play. I returned home later, while I was sleeping I heard a noise coming from the living room, I went to see it with my mother and with the fright I almost froze the bathroom. We saw that the lair was open, Joe runs out and goes to the kitchen, grabs a pot of water and runs back.

"I think I'd better go back to sleep" said my mother going back to her room.

Zoe goes back to her room and goes back to sleep, in the morning after breakfast she goes to the lair.

"Joe what a mess was that last night?" asked Zoe.

"I prepared a surprise for you, look at the table" replied Joe pointing to the table.

I saw two suitcases, when I opened it I had 2 uniforms.

"Who are these 2 uniforms for?" asked Zoe.

"There are 2 uniforms for you, each of them has a special feature" replied Joe.

"What features?" asked Zoe, looking at the uniforms.

"I kept the same stamina as your uniform on the others, the uniform with red stripes and red gloves increases your strength. The purple uniform with red boots increases your speed, in addition I updated your uniform a little" replied Joe.

"I'll test them," Zoe said.

"Just don't destroy my lair, I'm going to sleep" said Joe leaving the lair.

After training a little with the new uniforms I got ready to go to school. After school, Joe took me out on patrol in his new vehicle, it looked like a huge trailer. We flew and we helped a lot of people until the night, suddenly 2 young heroes appeared.

"I know you two, it's Positive Girl and Metal Hawk," Zoe said.

"Hi, how are you, can we talk?" asked Metal Hawk.

"Yes, you could give me your autographs later," Zoe replied.

"What was your name again?" asked Positive Girl picking up a pen and paper.

"I'm Ice Ray," Zoe replied.

"So I'm putting together a team and we've seen their actions on the internet and television," said Metal Hawk.

"We want to invite you to be part of our team, how about ?" asked Positive Girl interrupting Metal Hawk.

"Sorry, but I'm still pretty new at this. I was just going to get in your way," Zoe replied.

"Don't worry, if you change your mind you can contact any of us. Want a ride somewhere?" asked the Positive Girl.

"I have my own vehicle, but thanks," Zoe replied.

Joe descends with his vehicle and Zoe leaves. The two heroes start talking.

"At least we have 2 heroes accepted our proposal" said Positive Girl.

"But they weren't her," said Metal Hawk.

"What's so special about her?" asked the Positive Girl.

"This new heroine has performed many rescues with no collateral damage, no injuries and I have information that she has technology that could be useful to us. Did you see that a thief tried to stab her and failed to damage her uniform, she has a strange vehicle that managed to stop a hurricane and can probably become a big hero in the future" replied Metal Hawk stepping out of the street.

More than a week had passed, Liberty returned with Roxy to school.

"Hi, how are you?" asked Liz.

"We're fine, we miss you," Liberty replied.

"Where's Zoe?" asked Steve.

"She's late, but she'll show up soon" replied Liz.

I arrived at school, and saw that everyone was talking. I saw that Roxy was watching everyone without saying anything, when I tried to talk to her the bell rang and everyone went to the classroom. When I entered the classroom I realized that I had 2 students watching me, by the end of the class these 2 people kept looking at me, that was weird and my friends approached me to find out what happened.