
Rising of new heroes

A super hero fan girl will seek to become a great heroine while dealing with her daily life.

ZettCrab · Fantasy
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104 Chs

Change of plans

As we were about to put our plan into action Serena stopped everyone, we noticed that a car was approaching. It was a strange situation, there weren't supposed to be cars on the street because of the blizzard, the car stopped in front of the house we were going to attack and a person got out of the car, Jack and Serena panicked.

"Who is that woman ?" asked Snow.

"She IS my mother," replied Serena.

"Sometimes I forget she's from a family of villains," Liberty said.

"What is your mother doing here?" Jack asked Serena.

"I don't know," replied Serena.

"Let's find out," Snow said, taking control of the drone.

At the house, Serena's mother and the villains were talking, it looked like Serena's mother wanted to buy the stolen equipment, unfortunately when Raridade asked why she wanted the equipment, Serena's mother replied that she wanted to destroy the machine, everyone in the car stayed angry because the machine could maybe help end the storm that was affecting everyone's lives and Serena's mother wanted to destroy it.

"We have to act quickly, Jack you take the machine when they bring it to the top of the house, Liberty you take the rope that Jack will take and pull bringing the 2 to the car and Serena calls her mother and keeps distracting her" said Snow.

"Right" said the people in the car.

Serena called her mother talking about something, enjoying the distraction of the villains who were paying attention to Serena's mother, Jack jumped out of the car with a rope around his waist, walked through the wall, grabbed the equipment and pressed a button on his watch, Liberty who was in the car uses her super strength to bring Jack and the equipment to the car.

"Let's go before they notice the equipment is gone," Jack said as he grabbed the equipment inside the car.

"Mom I have to go, I have a date, goodbye" Serena said hanging up her cell phone.

"We did it," Liberty said.

"Jack didn't need to scream, I hope my mom didn't notice," Serena said.

"A date ?" asked Liberty.

"What there was ?" asked Serena.

"Because you said you were going on a date, in this storm no one would really believe that," Liberty said.

"It's true, your mother must have noticed that you lied," Jack said.

"I'll work it out in the future," Serena said.

"After all, your mother is a known villain, I saw that you two were in a panic and I think she is someone dangerous?" Liberty asked Jack and Serena.

"My mother is very dangerous, her power is electricity, she is super fast and very skilled, all villains and heroes know her as Death Thunder" replied Serena.

"I can't believe this, you're telling me that her mother is the villain that scared the hell out of several groups of heroes and faced 2 of the greatest heroes of all time!" Snow yelled.

At the house, Serena's mother turned off her cell phone and Rarity and the thugs were trying to negotiate the price of the weather-changing equipment. But everyone noticed that the equipment was no longer there, Raridade was confused, Raridade called one of his bandits and asked where they put the equipment. Nobody said anything, nobody knew where the equipment was, Rarity accused Serena's mother of stealing the equipment, Serena's mother got angry and started to argue with the villain. Everyone in the car heard an explosion coming from the place where they left, Snow turned on the drone she left near the house to find out what was going on and when she called she saw that Serena's mother was fighting Rarity.

"What could have happened?" asked Serena.

"I don't know, but it looks like your mother is beating up Rarity ," Jack said.

"Your mother is sinister," Liberty said.

The battle between Serena's mother and Rarity was quickly over, Serena's mother was on top of a pile of rock while Rarity and the bandits were unconscious on the ground. Everyone in the car arrived at the building where the weather equipment was stolen, they returned the stolen equipment to the building staff and asked questions to know if the equipment can help improve the weather, but the scientists were not very optimistic and said that they still it's a prototype. Snow decided it was best to leave, everyone agrees and Snow took everyone on a tour of the cities, until one more problem arose. While visiting a town they saw bandits robbing a bank in the middle of the cold, Serena laughed seeing the thieves who were having difficulty moving because of their clothes for the cold.

"Can I arrest them?" asked Serena laughing.

"I want to go alone, there are only 7 of them out there" said Jack.

"How about a competition, I can arrest more thieves than you," Liberty said.

Liberty, Jack and Serena went to face the thieves, but they didn't have warm clothes and their costumes didn't warm up much, after 25 minutes they were very cold and Snow had to help. The 3 realized that the cold didn't bother Snow, Snow asked the three to get back to the car, the 3 were interested in fighting the thieves, Snow easily defeated the thieves and put them all in the car, handed the thieves to the police and seeing that their friends were tired, they went home. At home everyone wanted to know where the 3 went, Liberty and Serena told them about their adventure, while Jack went to the bathroom to take a shower.

"Next time I want to go," Liz said.

"Actually I wanted to know who made Snow's uniform, I realized it was very interesting, Snow didn't feel cold, she was super strong and fast even with all the snow on the street" said Serena.

"Joe did it," Star said.

"Could he create one for me?" asked Serena.

"I don't know, he left the house to go somewhere," Star replied.