
Rising of new heroes

A super hero fan girl will seek to become a great heroine while dealing with her daily life.

ZettCrab · Fantasy
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104 Chs

Betrayal and tears

Snow was talking to Joe about something, Liz was looking at her cell phone, Jack and Serena were acting strangely and the girl Snow rescued was laughing.

"Could you tell me your name?" asked Roxy.

"You don't need to know" replied the girl getting up from the couch.

"What a strange girl," said Roxy.

After 20 minutes Liz's cell phone starts beeping, Joe wasn't home and Snow decided to keep an eye on people at home.

"Why is your cell phone ringing?" asked Star to his girlfriend.

"I'm sorry" Liz said looking at Star.

Suddenly Serena's parents, Jack's parents and Liz's parents attacked Zoe's house, but the force field blocked the intrusion attempt.

"What's going on, Liz?" asked Roxy.

"It was good while it lasted, but I'm a villain. I won't stop being a villain because of you" said Liz attacking Roxy with a fireball.

"We're friends, why are you doing this?" asked Liberty.

"I'm sorry but this is our choice" Jack said attacking Liberty.

The barrier was resisting, when the unknown girl used lightning powers from inside the barrier to destroy it, however other defense systems were activated and robots went to attack our enemies. Serena went to help her friends' parents, Snow used his ice powers to separate Liz and Jack from the rest of the staff, Star was in shock and couldn't move.

"We have to go" Snow shouted opening the lair.

Steve and Ed carried Star to the lair, Snow and Heart closed the door and froze to make it impossible for enemies to pass. Everyone noticed that the lair was completely destroyed, however there was a strange door in the wall that wasn't there before.

"Let's go inside" Snow said opening the door.

Everyone saw that it was a kind of portal that led to somewhere, everyone ran to the portal and Snow went through then throwing 3 grenades to the other side of the portal. Suddenly the portal closed, everyone noticed that they were somewhere else, Steve looked out the window and saw several buildings.

"Where are we ?" asked Steve.

"In a safe place" replied Joe appearing.

"Roxy are you okay?" asked Heart worried about his girlfriend.

"I am," replied Roxy.

Snow hugged Star who was crying and Roxy hugged Liberty who was still in shock from what had happened. Joe took everyone to the living room of that house, Snow asked them not to call their houses yet as the villains could be listening, Joe turned on the television and sat down.

"So what are we going to do?" asked Susan entering the house.

"We have two options, we can run away, change identities and start our lives over or Snow could hand over his friends and reveal his identity to the world," Joe replied.

Snow was thinking, her house was destroyed, her best friend cheated on her and her sister and her friend were crying. Snow thought of the best way to solve this problem, Steve and Ed were watching TV together with Joe, Susan was in the kitchen preparing something for everyone. Meanwhile at Zoe's house, Jack and Liz were helping their parents, when they finished with all the robots they went straight to the door of the lair, Jack went through the wall along with Liz's father and her father, but there was no one.

"They must be underground," Jack said.

"You two look there," Liz's father said as he smashed through the lair door.

"Where are they ?" asked the unknown girl.

"I don't know Pearl, why don't you look upstairs" Liz replied angrily.

"I couldn't find it anywhere," Serena said.

"I didn't find anyone either," Pearl said.

"We couldn't have let them get away, we have to get in touch with Zoe's father. We have to stop any information about our identities from leaking out," Serena's father said.

"First I think we'd better wiretap Zoe's friends' homes so we can track them when they call their homes," Liz's mother said.

"Good idea," said Jack's father.

In Zoe's other house, Snow sat at the kitchen table to talk to everyone, Roxy who was comforting her sister decided to pay attention to Snow and Zoe's mother decided to serve the food she made.

"I've been thinking about the situation and I've decided to reveal my identity," Snow said.

"Are you sure ?" asked Roxy.

"I've decided not to run away from it, I'm going to give the police all the evidence about their identity as villains," Snow said.

"Actually, I've already done that," Joe said, pointing to his cell phone.

"When did you do this?" asked Ed.

"After you all went through the portal," Joe replied.

"Then I just need to reveal my identity," Snow said.

"How are you going to do that ?" asked Roxy.

"I don't know yet, I'll solve some crime and reveal my identity when journalists come to ask about what happened or maybe I'll make a video explaining it," Snow replied.

"I think the first option is the best," Steve said.

"When can we go home?" asked Ed.

"I can send you all home, but Snow, Heart, Star, Susan and I won't be back until we've sorted this whole mess out," Joe said.